Gratitude Wraps Are Coming Back!

by Cristina

Word on the street (this just in group) is that the Gratitude Wraps are on store line plans due to come out in October. I’d initially heard the rumour from an educator back in the Spring that they were coming back but then they just never made an appearance. 

The Gratitude Wrap is kind of the oddest item of all lulu items but not because of it’s design. The oddness of the Gratitude Wrap is in it’s cult following and how much they are going for on the resale market. There are a couple of groups on facebook just dedicated (Gratitude Wrap Lovers, Bring Lululemon’s Gratitude Wrap PLEASE!!) to this wrap and they have sold on ebay for up to $400 for much coveted colors (Fox Brown, Stitch Blue, Heathered Mudd and Raspberry). The Gratitude  Wrap has been such a conduit for negativity in many discussions that the Lululemon Exchange Group has had to create a separate sales page where people can offer their wraps for sale for whatever price they like. The idea of the main exchange page being that no bidding wars are to be started.  The This Just In Group keeps a close eye on discussions that can quickly get out of hand and take a turn for the sour.  

I really hope that with the re release of the Gratitude Wrap that it tempers the feveverishness in which they are bought, sold and traded and even discussed. I doubt highly that the old colors will be re-released, and right now the rumour is that it is only black that will be released in October. As much as I love the Gratitude Wrap, I’ve sort of hated the effects it’s had on the groups and on people so I hope lululemon saturates the market with lots of color choices equally as pretty as the old variety. I suspect though that the old unicorns (or ‘my pretty Precious’ if your a LOTR Fan) will always be unicorns. I hope lululemon doesn’t choose to increase the prices greatly on these wraps based on the popularity. They initially sold for $125 and went quickly to markdown for $84 because so many colorways where released at one time. 

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AlScales October 1, 2011 - 4:11 pm

I'm so excited….I think you may have just made my day :0)

Anonymous October 1, 2011 - 4:28 pm

Just black? Blegh. I hope they come out with some good colours. BLack is fine I guess if you don't have any wraps (particularly any GWs) but that'll get pretty boring fast. I would only buy another one if it came in an awesome colour.

I doubt the price increases will be that much. They can't charge $228 for a winter jacket and the same for a wrap.

Also, nobody in LOTR ever calls anything "my pretty". Just FYI, check your facts ;).

Mémé October 1, 2011 - 4:28 pm

I don't see anything special on the Gratitude wrap…. Why do you like this so much??????

Anonymous October 1, 2011 - 4:42 pm


ilovefetacheese October 1, 2011 - 8:59 pm

im pretty sure this will make me look like a potato. yet i'm going to get one…?

Anonymous October 1, 2011 - 10:11 pm

I think my biggest Lululemon regret (even more than not buying a static plum dash tank) is not buying a few of these on markdown in the various pink shades and selling them for a profit … I'm not even an eBayer who does stuff like taht but it just kills me seeing how many other Lulu items I could have paid for by doing that.

Lulumum October 1, 2011 - 4:33 pm

Thanks Anon, I just checked my facts and I was incorrect. The correct phrase is 'precious', not 'pretty'. Glad I got that fixed, I don't want to offend any LOTR fans.

Lulumum October 1, 2011 - 4:36 pm

Meme, the Savasana wrap never fit me well around the hips but the Gratitude Wrap sized down fit me well. In certain colors it can look sort of like a jacket. I really only like it in the Mudd, Fox, and Ivory colorways since they look more jacket like in those colors. I do agree that on certain shapes the wrap can look sack-like.

Anonymous October 2, 2011 - 12:43 am

The most expensive GW sold on eBay was 397 and it was black.

Anonymous October 2, 2011 - 1:09 am

This TOTALLY made my day! I really hope it's true! I've been waiting for it to come back for a year & a half, as I only discovered it too late! Will definitely be getting one!

Janet in TO October 2, 2011 - 1:40 am

@ ilovefetacheese: potato is about right!

I have the Awareness Wrap in the Plum Seaspray Black Roses Print, and I love it, but I wouldn't have paid $400 for it — and I think it looks like a more flattering fit than the GW, but that's just judging from the pictures of the GW, I haven't actually tried one on. There must be something about it though if it has generated this kind of frenzy. I'm intrigued…

I went in the Eaton Centre lulu today and they had most of the same stuff as the web WMTM/loot section. The marked down striped scubas were out on the scuba table mixed in with other scubas. I wonder if they will be able to shift them better than the web. I didn't buy anything though — waiting for the Black Swan herringbone, and some other new colours.

Anonymous October 2, 2011 - 2:05 am

If it was the buy it now fox, that sold for significantly less than asking price, as most of the buy it now ones do.

Lulumum October 2, 2011 - 12:55 am

There was a fox brown that sold on ebay for over $400 + shipping and a few others since then. I know a few H/Mudds where sold in that price range which was making me seriously consider selling mine at the time.

Anonymous October 2, 2011 - 12:33 pm

I'm so excited! I get so many compliments on my GW,s. I have one in black, but I'm getting another one anyway. It's my favorite. I hope they release one in red and black swan. I can't imagine they would just release it in black.

I think the reason why so many people love it is because it's a wrap. It has a shawl collar top that can be snapped a few different ways. It's insanely comfortable and can be worn as a top or a jacket. It's the most flattering wrap, even on me, with my Texas size hips. Definitely size down. It looks way better that way. I can wear a size 4/6 and I normally wear an 8/10.

Hope this helps!

Anonymous October 2, 2011 - 2:38 pm

Wow, I don't get it at all…this thing looks so unflattering in the photos. Maybe better in real life? Would love to see some photos on women…I'm thinking women with broader shoulders would suit this better, since the photos seem to give the model pop-bottle shoulders? Either way, if I had one – I'd have to add a big wide belt in the centre of it to sass it up!


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