New Color! Heathered Deep Camo

by Cristina

This product alert showing Heathered Deep Camo Cool Racerback Tank is from Australia but I believe some show rooms in the US are starting to receive items in this color. It’s so gorgeous, especially the contrast seam detail. 

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Anonymous September 30, 2011 - 8:49 pm

Is it me or does camo look exactly like wren? I just bought the wren CRB and they look identical. Am I mistaken?

Anonymous September 30, 2011 - 9:53 pm

I agree it really does look like wren in these photos. If you watch a You Tube video by Lululemon called, "(un)confined, (un)limited, (un)mat", I think the woman is wearing a top in Heathered Camo and it also looks a lot like wren. Guess we'll have to wait and see it in the store unless you can help us Lulumum!

Anonymous September 30, 2011 - 9:54 pm

I was going to say the exact same thing- this looks just like wren. lululemon must think that we are stupid.

Anonymous October 1, 2011 - 3:42 am

i wish lulu would stop with the colors muted down by grey and brown shades. give us a nice, true emerald green already.

Anonymous October 2, 2011 - 2:32 am

I agree with above comment…the muting of colors with grey and brown is getting old, and bland.


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