It looks to me in this picture of the new version of the Run: Jog Skirt that the fabric is inherently reflective (unfortunately it’s not. checked it out today and it’s just a slight sheen in the fabric) which is what I thought Lululemon was planning with the new run line. I may be wrong about this skirt but that’s what it looks like. The light up tank has reflective strips on the straps but I think the seaming across the front as well as the trim may be reflective but I’ll have to test it out for running. It will really be great for me because I usually head out for my run sometime after 7pm and although I don’t go out in the dark or plan on staying out when it starts to get dark, sometimes I take a longer more scenic route if I’m feeling really good nearing the end of my run and I end up running home in the dark. Or sometimes I run through very thick trails which tend to be darker and want to be visible from far away. Anyways, I hope Lulu goes with inherently reflective fabrics in the run line…or at least greater areas of reflectivity. Too much reflection may distract drivers.
The more I think about the Light it up Jersey the more I think this is meant for running. I haven’t seen it suggested anywhere that this is specifically for cycling (Just got a product notification on it saying it’s a cycling jersey) so I assume it’s just styled that way but is in fact a running specific jersey. I would love to take in one of my Fuel Belt water bottles to see how it fits in that back pocket. I couldn’t run with anything much bigger than that as Luxtreme tends to bounce when you have anything of weight in the fabric and a bigger water bottle would probably be really irritating on a decent run.. My cousin who is an avid cyclist is visiting from Spain next month and I would love to get her opinion on the top. Who knows, maybe she’ll love it and buy it. I did see a girl wearing the white one today out for a run on our way out of Seattle. My god that city has a massive amount of runners and cyclists.
I returned my Stride II Size 10 at the University Village and got a size 8 instead which was the right decision. The educator told me she had a guest desperate for the size 10 which she would now be calling to let know it’s available so I’m glad I was able to make someones day. I was really surprised that the University Village had so much more new inventory than Pacific Place Mall because Pacific Place always posts pictures of the new inventory and UV hardly ever does so I just assumed that Pacific Place would be the spot I’d find everything I wanted. I didn’t see any of the new Circle Mesh CRB’s but I did see the SE CRB White with Angel edging and Savage Green with White edging.
I stopped in at the Burlington Outlet for maybe 10 minutes and although it was huge compared to Burnaby I liked the selection in BC better. Burlington had many more racks of sizes available but maybe less things that I liked. I was specifically looking for Wunder Unders, Do it All Shorts and Seek the Peek Shorts. All of these I’ve seen at stores marked down (not in my size of course) but the only thing I found here was one light grey pair of WU which does nothing for someone with bulky thighs. I saw lots and lots and lots of Remix Hoodies, Lots of very old styled Groove pants (big rack of size 12’s). The Grooves had the color bands that were (i’m guessing) least popular, such as the green plaid pattern with little frilly skirt. Things like that. I saw Savasana Wraps for $99 in Grey and Black and tons of Flashback crops, pants and skirts.
Today was a pretty busy day of travel, returning my Stride and visiting both the Children’s Museum and the Woodlands Zoo. If your travelling with little ones to Seattle I highly recommend doing the Children’s Museum and the Zoo on the day your coming home. We let the toddler run around like mad all day long and she had so much fun seeing new things and having a whole day dedicated to her experience of Seattle that she slept for most of the way home (3 hours!!) even though she had had her usual mid morning nap already.
Seattle has a terrific Zoo!! =)
Where did you see the Do it All shorts marked down? in BC or in WA?
I've been desperately seeking them but they've disappeared from my local store, and I'd love to find them on markdown!!
what prices were they listed at?
good luck on finding your pair, I will try out Metrotown and try to find myself a pair.
I'll msg u if I find the sz10 black anywhere =)
they disappeared so quickly from my local store that I wondered if maybe they had been sent to the outlets overnight?
I saw the Do it All marked down in Seattle Pacific Place, one left in passion size 6 and a coal size 4. I think I saw a small one locally (BC) but it was a small size and again it was Passion…Probably Metrotown. It's my mission to get the Black, Size 10 on markdown and not pay full price.
Not marked down by that much, just $49 but better than full price which I think was $68?
I would really appreciate the message if you did see them:D I don't think there at the outlets yet but maybe soon once the heat wave is over.