Browsed Lucy Activewear…

by Cristina

and I didn’t like it much. The running pants looked very similar in style to Lululemon Luxtreme pants but the Lucy ones were made of a Luon like material that was not as nice and soft as Luon but thicker and slightly scratchy. It had almost the identical Circle Mesh panels in the same design pattern. Lucy had a lot more patterns and prints which I don’t like too much of because  you have to be careful about patterns that can be unflattering on certain body types. I think when Lulu has done patterns they have been well thought out and pretty versatile across the board.  An interesting thing they were selling was the activewear laundry detergent (Win?). I didn’t get any because I think this is just a low residue detergent which I buy at home for a quarter of the price. This was a very, very tiny bottle and it didn’t really say what the difference was between this and regular detergent so I’m not convinced it’s not just a marketing ploy. All in all I didn’t find any temptations at the Lucy store which was a good thing.

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Anonymous July 4, 2010 - 3:15 pm

I'm not a fan of Lucy. Nothing fits well, materials don't feel nice. It seems like anything that looks cute on the hanger looks and feels not great on.

Anonymous July 4, 2010 - 9:08 pm

the Win detergent is actually a really solid product. i think they mark it up too much for individual sale in the stores (its cheaper on the internet). anyway, i use it to wash my super sweaty yogitoes towels and lulu wear and it works nicely. but i agree with you on the lucy wear. lulu is still my preferred activewear.

Anonymous July 5, 2010 - 9:39 pm

i think if youre pleased with your current detergent, Win probably wont wow you. 🙂 i live in the states and havent been able to find a good low residue that gets the stink out of my yoga towels. maybe i ll pick up the one you recommended on my next trip north. love your blog!

Lulumum July 5, 2010 - 4:16 pm

They were also selling sample packs of the WIn detergent so I should have picked those up to try out. I haven't had a problem with my running clothes smelling except for when I was using cotton crops for running when I started out. I'm using a low residue detergent so the wicking hasn't degraded on any of technical aspects so far.

Lulumum July 5, 2010 - 9:54 pm

Ahh, thank you for the love! Yah I'm pretty impressed with the price of the low residue stuff I get. I'm used to these "granola" brands being more expensive.


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