lululemon upload! happy lunar new year!

by Cristina

Happy Lunar New Year

Happy Lunar New Year! I hope those of you who celebrate have lots of yummy dumplings, noodles and family  time today! Let us know in the comments what your Lunar New Year plans are. I love hearing about it. 

The upload was a little later today and I started to wonder if it was going to happen at all. Luckily it eventually popped up and I was able to order the beautiful Dark Olive Tuck and Flow LS. SO excited for to receive it.

I am now looking at that beautiful Always There Short Trench Coat. I love my regular length Always There Trench but its is a little long for me with certain outfits and I’ve debated hemming it. I love the idea of having a long version for dressier occasions and a short one for day to day wear. It’s really the perfect rain coat for Vancouver weather. 

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Mother Runner February 1, 2022 - 2:05 pm

I love that tuck & flows have made a comeback ❤️

Dayna February 2, 2022 - 10:03 am

Me too! Now if they would bring out even more colours…..I could/will be in trouble! Also, I’m happy to actually see printed floral shirts that are cotton! Now if they would bring out more Love Tees/Tanks in brighter colours it would make my day!

Gymmie February 1, 2022 - 7:25 pm

wow that raspberry cream is gorgeous — not sure what will be like in real life. The define jacket is so pretty. The orange frappe tank is nice colour too! Looking forward to more items in that colour!


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