Shop this weeks lululemon upload

by Cristina

The lululemon upload is here! Some exciting pieces released today. Most exciting is this new Define like jacket, the NULU Fold Zip Jacket. I can’t wait to try it on and see it on a variety of people. It has the potential of being a new iconic lululemon jacket. The Nulu Fold Tight Crop Yoga Tank Top is another great new tank style similar to the Align Tank. It’s a great option for those that need a slightly longer length or higher neckline coverage. I find squared necklines like these really flattering to the shoulders.

I’ll probably order the NULU Fold Zip Jacket in Grape Thistle, and the new Sweet Awakenings Bra. I’ve been waiting for a bra like this in a soft white color to upload to wear under a pretty lacy top I have. It’s only very slightly sheer so it doesn’t need a full tank but I want a pretty ‘sports bra’ style instead of a normal bra to show through. 

What did you guys like from today? How about the new green camo? I actually really like that camo in the cropped sculpt tank, or the sports bras. Not so much in the tights. 

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1 comment

Anonymous April 16, 2021 - 11:57 am

Not a huge fan of this upload but I did notice red (came back or new?) in the Track That shorts – jumped on those ASAP. Love red and LOVE these shorts!


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