seawheeze 2020 showcase store

by Cristina

No overnight lineups with sleeping bags on the mean sketchy streets of Vancouver for this Seawheeze 2020 Showcase Store! No sir! We’re gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Seawheeze since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Kanye f***ing West. We are all already winning in 2020, aren’t we? Let’s celebrate with some totally unhinged seawheeze 2020 shopping. I like this version very much so far.


the lululemon seawheeze showcase store of years past…

Traditionally, by 6am on Seawheeze Showcase morn’ I am fully dehydrated, exausted from poor sleep, either too hot or too cold (both with clammy armpits), and confused with all the options before me. “Buy it all? Buy nothing? How ’bout a headband……nah lets get the entire pile and think on it later. I shouldn’t be feeling these things the day before a half marathon, right? I should probably take a nap before driving home.”

Guys, trust me. I’ve been shopping seawheeze since the inaugural seawheeze in 2012 pushing a double stroller with two babies holding my pile of ‘maybes’. Don’t get a few extras to flip or angel. Just get one outfit. Don’t buy 4 leggings, three bras, a bag or two, and all the swiftlies. If shopping Seawheeze is financially doable for you this year (lets count our blessings if it is!), just get a pair of tights or shorts (maybe both), get a bra, get a unique top, get one accessory. You’ll be so happy and satisfied with that one outfit. You don’t need more.

Where do you think you’re going? Nobody’s leaving. Nobody’s walking out on this fun, old-fashioned family seawheeze celebration. No, no. We’re all in this together. This is a full-blown, four-alarm lululemon emergency here. We’re gonna press on, and we’re gonna have the hap, hap, happiest seawheeze since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Kanye f***ing West. And when the pace beavers squeeze into those tight, tight, tight reflective run tights on zoom, their gonna find the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse.

135 days until Christmas.

Put your hair up in a pony. Let’s do this!

the lululemon seawheeze showcase store during the pandemic…

The Lululemon Seawheeze Clothing For 2020

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Ath Caraman August 11, 2020 - 11:52 am

FYI: Seawheeze started in 2012, not 2011. The inaugural year was 2012. “I’ve been shopping seawheeze since the inaugural seawheeze in 2011”.

Rebecca August 11, 2020 - 12:44 pm

Does anyone know if the sea wheeze swiftlys are sold out in Canada or just not available yet?

Anonymous August 11, 2020 - 1:22 pm

Nevermind. I was able to buy one. Thanks!

Andie August 11, 2020 - 4:35 pm

Thank you so much for the shopping link!
I wasn’t able to access these items from Lululemon’s own website but could through your link.

There weren’t any “must have” items, but it was nice being early and having the opportunity.

Since I’m working out at home now I don’t feel the need to have as many workout clothing options, but I still appreciate feeling good in the items I already own.

I hope you are enjoying your Peleton bike. I’ve heard SO many good things about Peleton. ? Having the option to work out at home is wonderful. During this pandemic I’ve been so thankful that we have a home gym.

Thanks again for the early heads up!

JP August 11, 2020 - 4:40 pm

(Ath Caraman). Really?? So glad you took the time to correct such an inaccuracy!!

This is a nice capsule, nothing is jumping out at me yet but it mentioned in the page there would be more uploaded this week so I’ll check back☺️

PK August 11, 2020 - 4:44 pm

I love this post. It made me laugh!! Thank you for starting a catalog of all the links so far.

I had a cart full of items, thought about your post and then was more rational with my picks. I couldn’t decide if I loved or hated that colorful swirly print, so I decided that was a sign I didn’t really want it. I got a couple new pairs of shorts, a SS Swiftly to match and some of those funky orange pace rivals. Probably a little more than I needed, but I’m feeling good about my selections.

Kate August 11, 2020 - 9:16 pm

Great blogpost on SW20 upload!!!!

Sam August 12, 2020 - 4:14 am

This post was funny. I ordered the reflective jacket to try but the I realized all of these pieces are final sale so I guess I ordered it to keep no matter what lol I also ordered the Run off Route short sleeve and the matching visor.

Anonymous August 12, 2020 - 10:02 am

Fast and Frees 19″ just uploaded 🙂


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