The Lululemon Upload

by Cristina

The Lululemon Upload is live

Good upload today! Of course, the Align Tank in Ancient Copper fell into my shopping cart. What a beautiful color for a tank! Hope that order goes through. I also ordered the Lunar Lengths Wrap. I was tempted by the Soft Ambitions High Rise Crop but I’m worried it will be a little thick and warm for our hot weather right now. I’m not interested in fall shopping right now. This summer feels too short and odd as it is that I’m in no rush to  be mentally preparing for fall. I’m normally just the opposite and really love Fall shopping. 

I’m liking this latest Lab Capsule. What do you think of it? 

What made it to your shopping cart today? 

The Lululemon Upload

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Stacy August 4, 2020 - 2:56 pm

Logo Dot Hottie Hots for me. I got black. I’d never wear the white ones, but they are pretty! I was hoping for carnation red.

Violet August 4, 2020 - 3:04 pm

The thing I was the most interested in was the green swiftly paired with the cassis Hotty Hot Shorts. I recall the colour split pea (I think?) from years ago and I always regretted not getting any of the very few items that were released in that colour. I loved how it paired with purples and magentas. If this swiftly is new and gets released, I may have to pick it up.

Krista August 4, 2020 - 4:23 pm

A lot of The Lab stuff reminds me of Mod Robes from back in the day. I really wanted the crops (paired with the dynamic days tank) to be uploaded. Maybe next week? ?

Violet August 6, 2020 - 5:41 am

I just realized that the yellow-green swiftly is probably not new, and is most likely grape leaf which has been and gone. Meh. Oh well.


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