Drinking Enough Water | Your Self Care Hack

by Cristina

Drinking Water Is Self Care

Self care is big in my world this year, and the number one thing I’ve done in the self care department has been commiting to drinking enough water. This new habit of mine has changed my life. At least 2 Lt. of water per day, and that’s in addition to any other beverages. I know that this is so basic to a lot of you but I think many people are like me in the hydration department.

Why I Needed To Up My Hydration

Old me drank water during workouts, or when I felt thirsty. The truth is is I never felt thirsty until it was way too late and by that point I was dehydrated enough to have headaches and dry mouth. Drinking water when you are not especially thirsty or you don’t like water is a chore. Water was bland an boring and I would usually resort to carbonated water, or flavour enhancers just to get an extra cup of water in.

I had no idea the myriad of effects chronic dehydration was having on my body until I started seeing the positive effects of abundant hydration, and that was enough for me to change my ways. I don’t use any enhancements now to drink water, I simply equate that glass of water with feeling really good. Actually, I treat my hydration like it’s the most luxurious $500 La Mer skincare routine, because it’s had that great of an effect on my skin.

How Much Do You Need?

The right amount of water is different for everybody, and there is absoultely a danger of over hydrating. The idea of hypernatremia was enough to help me justify not drinking enough water, or convince myself that since I wasn’t thirsty I was getting the right amount. The truth is, the longer you are chronically dehydrated, the harder it is to actually feel thirst.

Health authorities generally recommend 2 liters or 8 80z glasses per day for the average adult female.

Chronic dehydration puts so much stress on your body that so many bodily functions are compromised. Your body just gets used to being in water scarcity mode and that creates a hyerachy of orders for bodily function. when your body is in stress mode it’s worrying about maintaining basic functions, not growing strong nails and hair.

I started drinking 2 Lt. of water about two months ago simply because I was getting headaches. I purchased a couple of bottles I liked that would fit into my daily routine seamlessly and just decided to make it a habit. My favourite is a Starbucks tumbler I use with a lid and straw and I can fill that up with tons of ice and take it with me everywhere. This big bottle holds my water ration for the day in the fridge so I can see how much I’ve had. If I’m traveling for the day, I take both with me. Frequent bathroom trips are definitely a thing I’ve had to get used to.

Here Are The Benefits I’ve Had By Drinking 2 Ltr. Of Water Everyday

1. Better Complexion

My skin has been glowing and what used to be really transparent skin that showed every discoloration, blood vesel and inflammation under the surface is now even, white and bright. Dark undereye circles are now gone and my undereye area is now less puffy and tired looking. Rosacea that I have on my right cheek is now gone somehow. I’ve read that when your skin cells are dehydrated it allows space in beween cells where damage occurs, and inflammation which is expressed as rosacea in my case.

2. Better Hair

My hair has been falling out significantly less and is much less brittle. My daughter noticed the other day that my hair looked different and shiny. It feels healthier and less greasy.

3. Skin

My skin has always been ashy and dry looking. I always have to slather a ton of moisturizer on my legs and arms after my showers. Occasionally I dry brush and use different exfoliation methods but my skin never looks great, it just looks less dull. I noticed my knees the other day are looking glowy. The skin on my knees…. is glowing.

4. Appetite Suppression

I have not lost any weight from drinking water but I have other complicating factors in that department. What I have noticed is my appetite is way down and so is my snacking.

5. Reduced Bloating

I am someone that retains water extremely easily thanks to my hormonal imbalances. The scale fluctuates so much for me at varying parts of the day. Eat a carb (any carb), up 6lbs instantly. Eat salty foods, up 10lbs overnight. As soon as I started drinking enough water, this kind of bloating really evened out. I’m way less puffy and my stomach area is much flatter. If I’ve had a lot of my water in a shorter amount of time, I sometimes feel really bloated, but I don’t look bloated.

6. My Skincare Is More Effective

Skincare products are kind of useless if your body is stressed out nutritionally. Nothing you use externally will remove dark circles or bags under your eyes, puffyness, ashyness or uneven skin tone. Hylaronic Acids only work on your skin if it attaches to moisture.

7. Energy

I’ve been feeling a lot more energetic and clear since I’ve started drinking water. I’m not racing around like an energizer bunny on crack, but I have had better focus and attention, and I don’t feel so tired.

Benefits of drinking 2Lt. of water everyday

Tell me, how much water are you guys drinking per day?

Find Some Water Bottle Inspiration Here

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Pam April 8, 2019 - 6:36 pm

I have two of the exact same bottles…one stays at the office and the other is at home. My goal is the same…at least one full 2.2L per day. Sometimes I get there and sometimes I don’t, but I definitely have more energy and just feel better overall. Plus, the bottles are a fun talking point at work LOL

MK April 8, 2019 - 7:30 pm

It’s actually recommended to drink 1.5 to 2l of fluid a day not just water. All fluids count towards that. Lots of women have issues with urgency and incontinence because they are drinking too much water

Cristina April 8, 2019 - 7:35 pm

For myself and my own health goals I wanted to focus on non caloric beverages without sweateners or artificial colors and flavours, and specifically get into the habit of choosing water over other drinks.I agree that for the purpose of hydration, all fluids count.

Michelle April 9, 2019 - 2:23 am

I went through the same process a few years ago, mostly to lose weight – so I was looking to cut out sweetened drinks. This was particularly hard cos I really disliked the taste of water. What I found helped me was to start by alternating between a flavoured drink and a glass of plain water and then over time reducing the proportion of flavoured drinks as i got more used to drinking plain water. Just wanted to share that in case anyone else might find that useful. I definitely agree that the benefits are worth the effort.

Cristina April 9, 2019 - 9:31 am

Great tips! Thank you.

shirley April 9, 2019 - 7:30 am

I drink 16 oz of water upon waking in the morning. If you think about it, you’ve been fasting all night long, and losing water through respiration and peeing. The morning water replenishes your cells and helps get thing going. If I don’t have my morning water, I feel the effects later on!

Cristina April 9, 2019 - 9:31 am

That’s a really great idea. I don’t start drinking my water till about 10am because I need my coffee first but maybe I will switch the order around.

Andie April 9, 2019 - 9:57 am

You have motivated me to up my water intake! I do drink a room temperature glass of water as soon as I wake up in the morning, but have no idea how much I drink throughout the day. Thanks for the post!

Cin April 9, 2019 - 1:51 pm

You are right Cristina that many people make the mistake of only drinking water when they are thirsty. For many years now I have been drinking water throughout the day, thirsty or not. I don’t do flavoured water, just plain room temperature water. Sometimes I add freshly squeezed lemon. Room temperature water is the key for me being able to drink more water, it’s a lot easier to drink more when it’s not too cold. I try to drink some water in the a.m. before my coffee but I should do it more often. Also, I always take water with me whether out for a run or just a walk. I have a belt I use that holds a water bottle that I bought years ago at the Running Room and don’t know what I would do without it.

Cee April 9, 2019 - 2:31 pm

I learned years ago to drink ½ your weight (in pounds) in OUNCES. So @ 120 lbs, I consume 60 oz of liquids/day (16 oz unsweetened almond milk in the AM & 44 oz water throughout the day).

buggie April 9, 2019 - 10:25 pm

Cristina – try having at least a glass of water pre-coffee. I dated a random pilates/health guru years ago who was also a chemistry nerd and he had some elaborate explanation about how caffeine absorbs much better when you are hydrated, so you actually need much less coffee to feel the same effects. I rolled my eyes at him big time, but then I tried it and was like “oh sh*t, I’m buzzy from this one cup of coffee!” Anyways – kind of a fun game/experiment if nothing else 🙂


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