Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Lululemon Royal Ballet Principal Dancer Hoodie Try-On & Fit Review

by Cristina

Yesterday I made the decision to return the Corsetry Tights I got last week and figured I wouldn’t be buying any of The Royal Ballet Collection, but I tried this hoodie on and just love it! The Lululemon Royal Ballet Principal Dancer Hoodie is so incredibly soft and cozy. First I have to say that I really did love the Corsetry tights and they were just beautiful on. I particularly loved the color Soot paired with all the feminine seam details. The reason I decided to return them is they were almost too beautiful to wear to Olympic Weightlifting or Crossfit. Not that they aren’t technically suitable but I am most comfortable in crops, and I basically just wear my basic black In Movement Crops every time. I very rarely wear my tights casually and I just don’t have the body type that I would feel confident wearing ‘look at me’ overly pretty tights, especially these days. It’s basic black tights for me because most of the time I want to blend in unless I’m dressed fancy. So, I returned them because I do not want to own museum pieces that just get archived.   

Lululemon Royal Ballet Principal Dancer Hoodie

When I saw that the store had both colors of the Principal Dancer Hoodie in my size I was really excited to try it on. I got super excited when I saw that the entire inside of the jacket is fully sherpa fleece lined and that the gold zipper detail really popped. 

The Style Details

I know that this sweater is proportionally odd and a bit overwhelming on my short, petite and curvy frame but I don’t know…I just really like it. The bell sleeves are long but they look really cute and they don’t bother me at all. You can hide an entire Starbucks coffee in this sleeve! I love the volume of the hood ties and how it plays against the volume of the sleeve. I especially love that with the twinkle of the gold zipper pull and tie ends.  Online the hem of this jacket flares out into an a-line more than it does on me but the online models are never pear-shaped. The length of the jacket is butt-covering which is so great for throwing on over said basic black tights. This is the perfect hoodie to throw on at 6 am school drop off for volleyball practice with my hair up in a top bun or uncombed like I have it here today

The Fit Details

I’m not a huge fan of thicker scubas because they are usually way too warm for me but this is perfect because it’s lightweight, soft, cozy and stretchy. 

The jacket I purchased is my TTS 10, and I think you could easily size down in it if you are less pear-shaped. I didn’t bother trying a size down or a size up in this. 

When I saw this sweater online I initially gravitated to the dark grey one but trying it on in store both my daughter and me preferred the lighter grey. The details of the jacket are much more obvious in the light grey and kind of get lost on the dark grey. 

Lululemon x Royal Ballet, Principal Dancer Hoodie
Lululemon x Royal Ballet, Principal Dancer Hoodie, gold zipper detail
Lululemon x Royal Ballet, Principal Dancer Hoodie, sherpa fleece lining
Lululemon x Royal Ballet, Principal Dancer Hoodie, sherpa fleece
Lululemon x Royal Ballet, Principal Dancer Hoodie
Lululemon x Royal Ballet, Principal Dancer Hoodie
Lululemon x Royal Ballet, Principal Dancer Hoodie
Lululemon x Royal Ballet, Principal Dancer Hoodie
Lululemon x Royal Ballet, Principal Dancer Hoodie
Lululemon x Royal Ballet, Principal Dancer Hoodie

Shop The Lululemon X Royal Ballet Principal Dancer Collection Right Here

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Danielle Shrumm October 17, 2018 - 6:25 pm

Thanks for your review!! You’ve convinced me to order it 🙂

Cristina October 17, 2018 - 8:08 pm

You are so welcome!

Anonymous October 17, 2018 - 6:49 pm

Thanks for posting this! I’m just wondering if my long arms won’t permit me to hide the Starbucks coffee like you can. ?
And I would have chosen the dark gray,but I agree that the lighter gray shows all of the interesting details.
I think I need this.

Cristina October 17, 2018 - 8:09 pm

lol! Hey, sometimes you need to sneak in a starbucks coffee with you when you take your kids to the movies because it’s the only way to avoid having the popcorn.

Reign October 17, 2018 - 9:33 pm

the sleeves look too long. Makes it look frumpy.

Anonymous October 17, 2018 - 10:54 pm

I agree, looks frumpy. Sleeves are all wrong for you.

Cristina October 17, 2018 - 11:09 pm

I can definitely see that but I still love it. My tolerance for ‘frump’ is higher on hoodies than it is on ‘dress-up’ clothes.

Anonymous October 18, 2018 - 3:53 am

I agree, not flattering at all. Too frumpy looking.

Gail M Kellner October 18, 2018 - 4:04 am

I like it. We may have a different definition of frumpy–I’m 51 and mostly prefer to stay covered up and because I’m usually cold I like things that look warm. But I think the hoodie is cute!

Anonymous October 18, 2018 - 12:26 pm

I bought this in the light grey and am also petite. I folded up the sleeves (similar to how the sleeves are folded up on the Moonwalk colored Principal Dancer funnelneck) and it looks great. The velour lining makes folded sleeves look sleek.

Kate October 20, 2018 - 10:04 pm

Totally agree … roll up the sleeves a bit to expose the cute Sherpa lining … I do that as well

Jane October 19, 2018 - 9:14 am

I literally cannot stop laughing at those sleeves – its like LLM thinks customers WANT to look ugly

anon October 19, 2018 - 5:09 pm

Nailed it. I have often pictured a conference room filled with designers laughing their butts off at how ridiculous we will look. It does look frumpy, but Cris has a point, if no one is going to see me, I don’t care. And it’s not your body type either, it would look dumpy on Nicole Kidman for pete’s sake

Charlotte October 18, 2018 - 2:30 am

I am a size 12 – 5’5″ and hourglass with a small frame but very curvy – and I had to go down to a size 6 to make this work. I just look completely swamped in the bigger sizes, but it fits really well in a 6 so I’m amazed people are wearing their TTS or one down. Maybe I’m just an odd shape? Also because I’ve got short arms I’ve found you can actually turn the bell sleeves up and it works without being annoying.

I’ve actually bought most of the collection (my poor credit card) and am deciding to what send back; I actually do mostly adult ballet and pilates including classes at the Royal Ballet in London as well as the English National Ballet and Royal Academy of Dance, so this collection is my most favourie thing to ever happen at Lulu. No longer when the educators say “what exercise do you do” and I reply “ballet” will they not know what products to sell me!

I’ve got the corsetry tights, principal long sleeve, funnel neck in black (again in a 6 as it’s enormous), dancer jacket, tank in black, the shorts and the bag. I need to send somethings back but I love it all, and aside from the corsetry tights which are too hot to do ballet in I would wear them all to classes.

Anonymous October 18, 2018 - 3:55 am

It’s high price tag and doesn’t do anything for your lovely curves.

Carrie Wagner October 18, 2018 - 5:10 am

Too big- not the right cut for your frame- frumpy

SJ October 18, 2018 - 6:37 am

The hoodie isn’t my personal style, but if you love it you’ll wear it and feel happy and that’s the important thing. I would recommend a sleeker bottom with it (when you’re not trying it on for blog purposes of course) – maybe a skinny jean and boot.

I was wondering if you could give me some info on the Ottoman Tunic. I splurged and ordered it from the Bay during Bay Days and am debating whether to keep the dark pink or black. You mentioned that you use the black a lot more than the pink, and I was wondering if that’s because it’s more practical or if there’s another reason. Also has the black pilled or faded in the past year?

Thanks so much, and thanks for the variety on your blog!

Cristina October 18, 2018 - 7:15 am


No I don’t typically like black or go for it because it’s practical. I think I just like that it’s a very dark textured black and the color matches the style somehow.

Anonymous October 18, 2018 - 6:41 am

I think it looks super cozy and cute 🙂

Klo October 18, 2018 - 7:55 am

I tried it in a size down and didn’t like the way it was tighter around my hips. Maybe a size up would have been better because like you…I think it’d be so cozy to throw on for those early morning g drop offs. I, however, hate big sleeves. If everything were 3/4 length..I’d be happy. Lol. I like it on you and it sounds like you’ll get a lot of use out of it. The lining really is minky soft.

Annie October 18, 2018 - 8:24 am

Not only does it look frumpy, the big wide sleeves defeat the purpose of a fleece-lined jacket. Those sleeves will just let a lot of cold air up your arms.

If it were me, I’d take it back.

Danika October 18, 2018 - 8:54 am

I was thinking exactly the same! what’s the point having fleeced sleeves when they are so wide?
I kinda see what they want to do aesthetically but the final rest is odd. I think you need a certain body type and height to pull it off.

Anni October 18, 2018 - 8:50 am

I think you look great in this hoodie. It is a nice change from the same old hoodie style and has some special details. You are so right about the light grey color! I much prefer it over the charcoal after seeing your pics and I also though I would prefer the darker shade. Your daughter has grown up since I first started reading your blog! Nice to have a photographer 🙂 You look really great and should not feel in any way that you can’t wear anything other than dark tights for casual wear but you also have some amazing denim and you always look great in them. I too am a mother denim fan and love the looker style. Thank you for all the time you put into your blog. I have been reading it for years and love to check in every morning while I have a coffee.

Joanna October 18, 2018 - 9:16 am

I don’t like this at all. I haven’t seen it look good on anyone. Pretty shapeless, but I also know it’s a trend right now – I am just not on board with it personally. But if you love it, keep!

Wei October 18, 2018 - 9:22 am

I really like it on you! As a matter of fact, I just ordered a size 2 (typically size 4/6 in tops and size 2/4 in bottoms) in heathered black from a store (sold out online). Hopefully it works for me.

Off topic, Lulu dropped a lot of goodies on WMTM. I bought the red 20Y energy bra for $39! A full size run in black and a lot of sizes left for red.

Anonymous October 18, 2018 - 3:43 pm

I think it looks great on you. I bet you do get a lot of wear out of it and nothing better in the winter than a cozy lining. I am not a fan of the sleeve or I would have checked this out. It doesn’t look frumpy at all one you, I think it fits nicely and even though the sleeves are a tad long and a bell shape opening that does not mean it’s frumpy, it’s just the style IMO.

Yes lot’s of new stuff on WMTM but nothing that is tempting me. I almost pulled the plug on the navy Swiftly 20y but then checked my closet and sure enough I already have a heathered navy/black Swiftly. I bought the Restless 1/2 zip in blue this week but won’t take the tags off for a month to see if it goes on sale as the purple and grey ones landed there today. I also bought the Groove Pants Flare in moonphase last week from WMTM and would have bought the blue ones in the boot cut but wasn’t fast enough and my size sold out.

Anonymous October 18, 2018 - 5:29 pm

Okay not related to your post at all but this has been bugging me – can anyone identify the top that’s worn on the model with the dark chrome On The Fly shorts?

I WANT THAT TOP! I realize it’s WMTM so the top may be long sold out by now. But if I know what it is there’s a chance I can find it resale.

Kimberley Dickie October 22, 2018 - 1:56 pm

It looks like the Tuck and Flow that Lululemon keeps throwing in our face and not releasing in North America ???
It was released a few years back and discontinued and now lulu keeps releasing it in Australia but not here ??

Kathleen October 18, 2018 - 6:29 pm

I had my eye on it but wasn’t sure … got into the store, touched it and it was instantly mine. I love it! I wear it all the time (got the darker gray, I’m so pale the lighter grays don’t look nice). I am fortunately tall and curvy, so I have no problem with the sleeves but definitely understand if shorter folks feel drowned.

I love it! Only downside is the inside of the hems are lined with pima cotton fabric, but aren’t sewn down. There’s an inside layer of fabric that is rolling on the inside, and I almost feel like I should iron press the edges of the sleeves to keep the hem edge nice and the cotton fabric flat and taught.

buggie October 18, 2018 - 7:42 pm

this is darling, comfy, on trend, matches everything, etc., etc., I WANT IT because of your review. yes, bell sleeves can be annoying, but several people mentioned that they can be rolled up and look great that way so that seems like a non issue (roll down to sneak in the starbucks, roll up to dig into the popcorn!). i don’t think it looks frumpy at all – its an interesting shape, fitted in some places and loose/swingy in others. perfect. i like oversized things though and hate the whole ‘tight define over tight CRB over tight leggings’ look when trying to be “comfy.” no thanks.

happy for you!!! now, should i return the vest i just got at sweaty betty and get this instead?? hmmmmmm….. might have to ring my sister (R&D!)

TamHam October 19, 2018 - 3:36 am

I love your full length mirror, I need one! Can you please tell me where I can find one? Thank you!

Cristina October 19, 2018 - 7:55 am

Thanks so much! We love it! We got ours from Moe’s Home Furnishings and it was around $600 but it’s currently available on Wayfair for $900. I would use this listing to find the info you need and see if any furniture stores near you carry it. This is now the third time I’ve found furniture we’ve purchased that is more expensive on Wayfair.

Tamham October 19, 2018 - 9:29 am

Thank you so much!!!

anon October 19, 2018 - 6:03 pm

This may sound weird, but I want your rug!

Cristina October 19, 2018 - 6:12 pm

We have the same one in our living room and two weeks after we got it my daughter spilled black ink on it.?

anon October 19, 2018 - 7:12 pm

beautiful decorating, good taste

Anonymous October 19, 2018 - 6:24 am

Well, I absolutely love the hoodie and I think it looks wonderful and super cozy on you. I ended up buying both colours. I love the luxe quality, the lining, and the A-line, oversized bell shape with the complimentary bell sleeves that I get when I wear it. I’m tall and it floats on my body like an early fall coat and I can layer easily. I adore unexpected proportions. I have dozens of body conscious hoodies, which I also enjoy, but this piece was special – especially when worn correctly as an oversized layering piece. I’ve seen photos of people who sized down considerably to try and get a fitted silhouette and then the sleeves and shape start to look awkward and the design aesthetic is lost. I think if someone prefers fitted shapes, they should just buy slim-cut pieces and scuba hoodies and not force an oversized design to conform because it’ll never look quite right. Of course, it’s all personal style, but that’s always been a pet peeve of mine.

LS October 19, 2018 - 10:31 am

I’m officially past the point where I get who their target market is. Too matronly for me. Bad proportions and oversized aren’t the same thing. Lululemon is absolutely horrible at trends.

anon October 19, 2018 - 5:15 pm

thank you. they either are late to the game or their interpretation and execution of the style will be messed up, and goofy. It’s just the basics they can handle, but even that, barely…

Des October 19, 2018 - 12:56 pm

You make it look cute. But it reminds me of a bathrobe.

Estella Morrison October 19, 2018 - 5:30 pm

Hm. This hoodie fits differently on me, especially the sleeves. On me, the sleeves come a bit lower than my wrists, but if I’m doing something with my hands, I definitely have to roll them up! As for the voluminous design, yes, the cold sneaks up my arms if I don’t wear my very long gloves or Lulu arm warmers. I’m also 5.5, but downsized from my normal 8-10 size in jackets to 4. The hoodie is still not form fitting on me by any means, but I prefer the oversized looks for tall people only. I was swimming in size 6, although the hoodie’s tightness around my hip was less pronounced. I also bought the lighter grey (for the same reasons as Cristina), but had to iron the ribbons, because they were creased. I’m still on the fence about this hoodie. I love it, but I don’t need it, and the fabric crumples slightly when you wear it – I keep pulling the hoodie down to make it smooth looking. (Slight OCD, I know…)

anon October 19, 2018 - 6:01 pm

thanks for the honest review, sometimes I don’t know if it’s a real review here or the “educators” selling the clothes. It’s definitely cozy looking, but something I wouldn’t necessarily wear out in public. Looks a little pj-ish to me

Sara October 20, 2018 - 12:26 am

lulu goggles as per usual.

Amy October 20, 2018 - 5:32 am

Thank you for the honest review–I usually buy the size 10 in Lulu but I exchanged mine for an 8 in the darker gray. This hoodie feels so cozy, I just fell in love with it. I like the special details like the gold zipper and overall lining. I realize this is not as flattering at 99% of all other Lulu, but it’s an interesting cut and sometimes I dress just for what feels good. If others are looking for a long, warm, more traditional hoodie maybe look at the Athleta Victory Long jacket. It’s not fleece lined and doesn’t have the special detailing, but it’s really nice to throw on for the gym when the weather’s getting chilly (I got black). It’s really warm and cozy–again, not form-fitting but nicely warm.

Amy October 20, 2018 - 2:54 pm

Sorry–correction. Altheta’s Victory Hoodie (Long) does have a short-hair fleece lining in the body. It’s very cozy and depending on the sizing is more close-fitting (but not as close fitting as a define obv)

Anon October 21, 2018 - 7:39 am

I’m 5’8” and bought this in sz4 not my usual sz6. I love it. It drapes nicely since I’m on the tallish side. It’s so warm and soft. I live in San Diego 3 months out of the year (Dec-February) and this is perfect in cool temps

Anon October 20, 2018 - 9:50 am

I don’t like the shape at all. Because the wide sleeves stop at exactly where the hem of the jacket is, it creates the illusion of a very wide middle. Very unflattering.

anonymous October 20, 2018 - 11:40 am

This has got to be one of the frumpiest pieces ever. If this item wasn’t Lulu and was in any other store at this price, it seems most people would walk on buy and see the frumpiness that it is. Much cuter stuff out there at less cost IMO.

Katy October 20, 2018 - 6:36 pm

Lulu goggles as someone earlier said. Without the branding everyone would walk by laughing but some people are really gullible and poorer for being so.

Anonymous October 21, 2018 - 9:44 am

Tried on this hoodie yesterday. I usually wear an 8 in Lulultops and jackets, but the 8 felt way too voluminous for me. (I’m an 8 on top and a 4 on the bottom, so my proportions are off). Tried the 6 and 4, but it just didn’t work for my body type. But I did purchase an In Stride Jacket which will get a lot of use.

anonymous October 21, 2018 - 6:37 pm

The In Stride is awesome. Much better choice!

Kimberley Dickie October 21, 2018 - 11:32 pm

Ok I really didn’t like the look of this hoodie at all online. I went to Lululemon yesterday and tried it on and had my daughter critique it which she said looked terrible on me because of the sleeves but I didn’t care because that hoodie was the nicest hug Lululemon ever gave! Needless to say the hoodie came home with me and I will take it to a seamstress and see if she can shorten the sleeves! I stayed my true to size and love that it is oversized. The hoodie looks better with tights then with bootcut jeans I must say ?if I didn’t have to go to bed I’d still be wearing it? The inside is soooooo soft!

Anonymous October 22, 2018 - 6:17 pm

Lululemon store should be able to send that hoodie out and get it hemmed for you. I took mine in to a Lululemon shop in NYC and they are going to hem 2″ for me. Free!

Kimberley October 22, 2018 - 10:49 pm

Thanks for the info but I unfortunately don’t live by a Lululemon store ??

Anon October 22, 2018 - 6:17 pm

Lululemon store should be able to send that hoodie out and get it hemmed for you. I took mine in to a Lululemon shop in NYC and they are going to hem 2″ for me. Free!

shadowy_lady October 23, 2018 - 7:45 am

I’m so late on this but I did try this hoodie in the store and it was a no-go for me. I’m tall-ish and an hourglass and I just don’t find this shape flattering on me. It was too large in my TTS and still not flattering in my size down. I also don’t see a point of sleeves that are so wide when I live in a cold place and the hoodie wouldn’t keep me warm.

If you like it though, you should keep it. It is very cozy when worn. Can you ask them to shorten the sleeves a bit for you?

Sam October 23, 2018 - 4:40 pm

“I do not want to own museum pieces that just get archived. ” AMEN!


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