It’s Lululemon Upload Time!
Why no Tuck & Flow? Sheesh! Nothing for me today but I am liking the Pick Your Path Jacket. I think it’s a really thicker spacer fabric and not the thin stretchy spacer fabric that I prefer. I definitely want to try it on though. The Cadet Dance Studio Jacket is another item I’m really liking. A couple of new shoes this upload too. Check out these Manhattan Sneakers!
Pick Your Path Jacket

Pack It Up Jacket

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Dance Studio Jacket III

Swiftly Tech Long Sleeve

Cypress Kiss Long Sleeve

I want these pants shown here. I love them with these maroon sneakers.

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Fast & Free Tight

Define Jacket

Strength & Sweat Crop

Strength & Sweat Tight

Love Tank Pleated

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On The Fly Skirt

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Scuba Hoodie Shibori

On The Move Pant

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High Lines Pullover

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Rain Seeker Jacket

Unity Drop Back Sweater

On The Fly Pant

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Swiftly Tech SS Breeze

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Wunder Under Hi-Rise 7/8 Tight

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Nan Dress Lululemon Lab

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Swiftly Tech SS

Contour Jacket

Tracker Short V

Speed Up Crop

Shop The Lululemon Upload Right Here
See The Lululemon Athletic Stylists Shoe Picks From The Upload.
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On The Sweat Edit This Week
- Mid-Winter Refresh: Lululemon’s February Product Drops and Web Restocks
- Not Like Other Fitness Influencers: Creative Freedom & Honest Reviews. The Sweat Edit is no longer partnered with lululemon Creative Network
- Fresh February Finds: Lululemon’s Latest Product Drops and Web Restocks
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- January Wellness Essentials: Lululemon’s Newest Product Drops and Web Restocks
Where is the tuck and flow!!
IKR? And you can see it on the photo with the “On the Fly” pants. I called it months ago that they wouldn’t come to North America hoping I was wrong…
OMG I felt that way exactly when I saw the upload!! it’s in many of the pics….
What is IKR? ( hoping I don’t sound really stupid!)
Sorry, I’m clearly tired. Cancel that question!??♀️
I know right?
I actually don’t know either. lol!
IKR means “I know right” lol. Thanks Jenn.
The tuck and flow is out in NZ. I’m hoping you’re wrong about NA, but I’m losing my optimism…
It’s been out in AUS for months now….. which is why everyone is upset. lol
It’s been out so long in NZ my store has them on markdown
Omg if you ever want to purchase and mail to ca let me know
I don’t understand the love for this Tuck and Flow top. Maybe I’m missing the boat completely but it looks like the maternity tops I wore back in the 90’s. If you size down so it’s not so billowy, its way too tight in the shoulders and my tts was fine in the shoulders but looked way to maternity in the body for my taste. Maybe it’s just me but I don’t it.
Wouldn’t be the first time that Aus/NZ gets something that NA does not. Heck, Canada got a few colors of the Run Stuff Your Bra a couple years ago that i’m still mad the U.S. didn’t get. I won’t even mention the gray lotus camo and the stained glass speed shorts they got and we did not. That one still hurts! Lol!
Interested in the On the Move Pant 28″. I like Lulu’s other commuter pants and these look good. Has anyone tried them on in store yet?
I tried them on today. I have recently purchased the woven on the fly pant and wanted to try them to decide which pair I prefer. I found the fabric matte and more dressy looking than the on the fly as they are a more substantial and thicker fabric. I liked the zip pockets. The leg of the pant is looser than on the fly – less taper more straight leg. There are two tabs along the waistband as well as a magnetic snap and not a zipper. I thought they were really nice but felt like my tts 4 was not an ideal fit and the 6 looked too sloppy and not properly fitted. The on the fly are a better fit for me so I will keep them but the on the move are a very nice pant and would definitely be my second choice is I decide to get another pair of pants instead of leggings.
So helpful! Many thanks!!
This was great! Thanks 🙂
Anyone seen the black satin colour in person? Is it more brown, or red/burgundy-brown? I wish Lululemon would come out with some more warm toned neutrals (rather than always grey), but these look too purple-ish/red/brown in the pictures. But the pictures haven’t been overly reliable lately.
I have the black satin aligns. It’s a brown-black color, with a very slight purple hint.
Hmm, I might be interested then! Thanks!
I just received the Antique Bark aligns, and while I like them, I think they almost look too similar to the Mulberry colour to justify keeping. I’m disappointed, because they seem to look much lighter in the picture.
Ohhh I just looked up that Antique Bark color on ebay and I see what you mean, it’s much more dark and purple than I thought.
I really like my black satin aligns.
So happy that this upload has nothing for me. I went back and bought camo on the fly and scuba crew last week and the manifesto wup in red and black the week prior. I need to save up for seawheeze loot. Mind you in 2 weeks i spent 500 plus on those 4 items. I am not sure what the allure is of shibori…is it that popular? It took me a while to warm up to camo.. As i have never liked camo either…but i am glad when shibori is uploaded because it is instant no. I also have so many jackets that have only been worn 2 or 3 times…i dont need anymore high ticket jackets…thank goodness. Thx for the blog.
I wish Shibori came in black and white or navy and white pattern. These colors are drab
Yep… the shibori color combinations are drab and kind of sad looking.
I think the shibori items look like accidents in the laundry ?
Ooohh just noticed the printed tights in pic of yellow love tank…potential..kinda reminds me of entwined but i wasnt a fan of grey and black print. This one has potential
I usually stick with solids, but I like them too! They remind me of Dottie Tribe.
I like the high lines pullover, but where’s the colour? Thanks for mentioning the pack it up came in Camo I totally missed that!!!
The pullover is very nice. I got the light grey one. It’s super cute on and the back pleat is a nice feature.
Thankyou! I might go and give it a try!
I like the Pick Your Path jacket too, I bought a similar one last year on WMTM for my daughter and she loves it, can’t remember the name! I love Cadet Blue and I see she is wearing either DSP or STS with the jacket which I would love to have in that colour but since they changed the fit of their pants I don’t buy them anymore. Same with the Ready to Rulu pants I bought for the first time last year they eat my butt too but maybe these rulu pants shown with the green rulu top will be different, I can only hope… Not buying anything today but am wearing my new camo crew Scuba and love it but would love it more with thumbholes! Other than the Cadet Blue DSJ I am not liking their jackets but it’s nice to see them in more colours. I like the High Lines Pullover but unless it comes out in a colour other than grey or black it’s a no.
Once again North America gets ripped off. We didn’t get the floral energy bra Europe did and now it looks like we won’t get the camo train times Australia did. I detest luon and aligns don’t fit the bill for me for actually working out so looks like I’ll be passing on this camo release!
If you are talking about blue and white floral bra…my store has them in ontario even though not uploaded
No the pink granny couch floral bra. The rest has made it to wmtm so I doubt we will be getting it now 🙁
Speed Up crop was uploaded which is Luxtreme. I dislike Luon as well
I don’t even remember the uploads anymore – probably because the products are all so forgettable. I’m crying with laughter over some of these pictures though. No one asked you to try to replicate (ugly) high end looks, Lulu. I don’t think laughing and shaking my head while I click ‘x’ on my browser tab is what they were going for.
Whoever is finding some of these shoes needs to find a new job…!
Love the green hooded LS swiftly and the return of zing pink!
The shoes… ?
Ha, yeah! In addition to being hideous, the shoes cost about $500 per pair!
I agree with the person who said Lululemon is trying to copy ugly, high end looks.
The shoes. So ugly. They really need a new stylist. Honestly, they need to go back to ATHLETIC wear with actual real running and athletic shoes (no, APL’s don’t count but I’d rather see those than booties with/DSP’s) It’s so bad. They need to stop trying the edgy look and go back to fun, happy workout stuff. I don’t want to buy the clothes when the models look so pissed off and/or uncomfortable in them, hence not having bought anything in a really long time. I’m finding I’m heading more to Athleta for my stuff now.
Athleta does a real good job at showing the athletic clothes actually being worn by women doing the athletic activity they are meant for. They wear athletic shoes. They look happy, fit, and are diverse in ethnicity, age, and body type. I think almost every woman can look at Athleta and see herself.
I still haven’t gotten my Camo scuba crew yet and I ordered it last Tuesday. Today I tried on the black one I store and didn’t care for it. It’s to stiff and the bottom ribbing is to structured. It just not cozy. I was surprised by the pack it down vest. I liked it a lot. The hood actually fits. Does anyone have one? Do you think it’s a good buy? It felt cozy and plush.
I would get the yellow ss but it not on the Canadian side 🙁
Ended up returning scuba crew in Camo and getting high line pullover. Soft and not constricting at all. It looks so much like the alo haze funnel neck. I think I’ll have to order the alo to for comparison. I’ve tried it on before but now have a renewed interest. I also order the pack in down vest. The one I tried on in the store had feathers poking out all over it and most of the reviews online for the jacket say the feathers tumble out of the jacket. I have a few other lulu down pullovers and have never had that problem.
Is that a new top with the strength and sweat crops? I want it!
I personally don’t care what kind of expression models faces have, if they smile or not . That doesn’t give me any info about clothing they model. I think they are told to portrait certain “look” they are going after and that’s all it is and doesn’t mean they hate this stuff. However, I do like when company uses more athletic models like Carbon 38 for instance . Bc most of Lulu models don’t even look like they exercise or even put their foot in the gym , they look skinny fat to me