The Lululemon New Product Upload!

by Cristina

The Lululemon New Product upload is live!

Here are this week’s posts: All Town ButtondownThe Lululemon Australia UploadNordstrom Anniversary Sale 2018 Activewear PicksClassic Style Staples, 4th Of July Sales Guide,

Lots of new Lululemon today, and tons of tanks too! I’m impressed that Lululemon has stepped up their game and started designing new tanks again. This makes coordinating looks much easier. I’m tempted to get the City Trek Pant. I love those pants and these are a different material from the ones I have from winter. My winter City Trek Pants are a matte Ponte fabric (soft like thick cotton) and these ones are Urbanite Twill. I’m also looking at the Well Being Sweater in Green Jasper.

What did you order?


City Trek TrouserLululemon - Tighten Up TankLululemon Well Being Sweater

Stash N’ Run Tank

Lululemon Stash N' Run Tank, Lululemon New Product

Well Being Sweater

Lululemon Well Being Sweater

Tighten Up Tank

Lululemon New Product, Lululemon - Tighten Up Tank

Free To BE Serene BraSequoia Camo Print Deep Coal Black - Free To Be Serene Bra - Lululemon

Scuba Hoodie

Sun Dazed Multi Pink/Super Dark Scuba Hoodie

Fast & Free Crop II

Lululemon - Fast & Free Crop II Smoked Mulberry

Ebb To Street Tank II

Ebb To Street Tank II Lilac Stone

Free To Be Tank *Nulu

Free To Be Tank *Nulu Smokey Blush - Lululemon

Train Times Crop
Wee Are From Space Ice Grey Alpine White

Sweat Reps 2 In 1 Tank

Sweat Reps 2 In 1 Tank

Roll Around Tee Expression

Roll Around Tee Expression

Uncaged Bra

Lululemon Uncaged Bra

For The Run Short Sleeve

For The Run Short Sleeve

Define Jacket

Define Jacket, Deep Cove, Lululemon

Create Your Calm Tank

Create your Calm Tank

Cloud Crush Jacket

Cloud Crush Jacket

Reveal Tight InterconnectLululemon - Reveal Tight Interconnect

Reveal Hybrid Bra Interconnect

Reveal Hybrid Bra Interconnect Lululemon

Reveal Crop Interconnect

Reveal Crop Interconnect

City Trek Trouser

City Trek Trouser

Knot Gonna Fly Tank

Knot Gonna Fly Tank - Lululemon

Breeze Through Twist Tank

Breeze Through Twist Tank

Train Times 7/8 Pant

Train Times 7:8 Pant - Figue - Lululemon

Cool Racerback II Race Length

Cool Racerback II Race Length - Lululemon

Gait Keeper Short
Gait Keeper Short

On Pace Short

Lululemon On Pace Short, Sun Dazed Multi Pink

Shop The Lululemon Upload Right Here!
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Shara July 3, 2018 - 3:55 pm

I like the Well Being sweater but after reading reviews that state it shrinks after washing I am reluctant to purchase it.

j July 3, 2018 - 4:03 pm

It’s the first week of July.
Was hoping for some fun bright colors & patterns in shorts or crops.

Anne July 3, 2018 - 4:31 pm

Nothing for me this week. I briefly eyed the Vintage Grape fast and frees, but I’m not sure about the color. In the photos they look like they have a brown tinge to them, which doesn’t appeal to me.

Anni July 3, 2018 - 5:49 pm

searching for the knot gonna fly tank but I can’t find it on us or Canada sites. Where did u see it?

Cristina July 3, 2018 - 6:01 pm

Their website seems to be down again. I had problems with it this weekend and emailed them and they are having some major problems. If you click on the image it should take you directly to the right product page but it’s currently not working for me either. I don’t think it sold out since the page isn’t even loading

Andrea July 4, 2018 - 5:50 am

Interested in the On The Trek Trouser but not sure if the material is matte or sheen, and whether it’s lightweight or on the thick side. It’s an online only item so I won’t be able to check it out in the store.

Any advice would be highly appreciated. Thanks!

Andrea July 4, 2018 - 5:52 am

Sorry it’s the City Trek Trouser.

Anon July 4, 2018 - 6:38 am

Nothing for me this week, I found this drop and last weeks on the boring side except for some nice colours. Like Cristina, I too love my City Trek Ponte Pants (except the waistband could be an inch higher)! Mine are from a couple of years ago and I heard the ones out this past winter were a bit different in fit so I didn’t buy them and I don’t believe they were ponte.

Except for lots of great colours this summer I haven’t been too thrilled with most of the styles. The change in fit to a couple of staple styles has stopped me from buying as well. I may sound like a broken record but good technical running jackets are seriously lacking and have been for a long time.

anonymous July 4, 2018 - 7:00 am

Very meh to me. All of it. The sweater looks sloppy and not unlike anything I can get at some cheap fast fashion store. The tops are too short. I do like the new singlet and glad they are coming out with some new colors in it but I can only see buying 1 or 2 in a color i’m missing in my closet but that’s it.

Looloo July 4, 2018 - 11:53 am

Bought the pink haze define a few weeks ago…not sure if hoody will be as vibrant as nulux is typically more vibrant. Someone mentioned sportchek and onzie…lol i ordered a few tights and bra…how does the fabric compare to luxtreme? I have stella mccartney tights and the fabric doesnt seem as stretchy and whites out…so i had to size up to keep it from whiting out or being too sheer. Hope the onzie is like kdeer or lole fabric…

Estella Morris July 4, 2018 - 12:39 pm

I ended up ordering the Every Moment pant (26”) in green, although it’s not from the new upload. I love French terry by Lululemon, and I’m 5.5, so the length will hit me right under the ankle bone, which is perfect. The repeated Well Being sweater is a strange creature. It just hangs loosely (as my mom used to say: like a pullover on a cow), with an unappetizing ripple in the front. The feedback from last year was not stellar, so I don’t quite understand why this design was repeated. All in all, I find the new sweater designs questionable. Shapeless, undefined, often bulky, made of finicky yarns that shrink or stretch too much, sold for an arm and a leg. I find that I have so much athletic wear that I tend to buy only leisure items from LLL, but only if they don’t design for teenager bodies and tastes. I would pay good money if I knew the clothes are impeccably designed and easy to care for. (Therefore Boolux and Tencel are out. Tencel looks like a dishrag, and Boolux is not exactly wash and wear.)

Joanna July 5, 2018 - 1:36 pm

Looks pretty boring to me : big ol’ pass on this week.

Lindsay July 5, 2018 - 2:54 pm

Knot going to fly tank has disappeared. So odd. I was contemplating ordering that one..

LS July 6, 2018 - 9:28 am

So boring. The styles are really dorky lately. They went way too trendy a couple years ago and have now way over-corrected in the wrong direction. None of this stuff feels very young or fresh – honestly, it’s kind of matronly? The patterns are sooo generic and cheesy. Those terrible white shoes aren’t helping the overall image.

Carbon38 is getting all my money these days.

Cristina July 6, 2018 - 9:30 am

I agree with you on the terrible white shoes.


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