Guest Fit Review: Raise The Barre Tank

by Cristina

Thanks to Mrs. O for submitting a review of the Lululemon Raise The Barre Tank! It looks beautiful on her!

Raise The Barre Tank
Raise The Barre Tank Raise The Barre Tank

Raise The Barre Tank

This was one of the tanks that I wanted to try on because I’ve been really loving my Barre classes and I can see how this tank would be functional for me.  I liked the fact it had a built in bra with pretty straps and a very feminine back.  My TTS for tanks with built in bra is a 6.  Like many of you, I was concerned about the strap that went across the back of the neck.  I don’t like things pulling down on my neck or traps like some of the racer back bras.  Surprisingly, the strap did not bother me at all.  But then again, I didn’t work out in it or wear it for an extended period of time.  The only problem with the size 6 is the front of the tank is looser than I like.  But the size 4 didn’t fit so well in the chest area because of the bra.  The drape wasn’t as low on me as some of the online pictures.  I liked the length of the tank.  I’m trying to cut back on spending so this tank will go on my wish list.  If I happen to get some extra cash, I’ll get it and hopefully by then, it will be on markdown.  Definitely get your TTS bra size.

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1 comment

Del August 27, 2017 - 4:42 pm

Looks cute…a tailored version of wild tank. Thx for fit review…these are helpful


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