Guest Fit Review|Smooth Stride SS

by Cristina

Amazing reader ‘Mrs. O’ has shared with us some fit reviews with the help of her awesome husband taking photos for us. Huge thank you to the both of them!!  

If you’d like to share fit reviews, you can email me at [email protected], or if you’d like to share or read fit reviews on the Lululemon Reviews Group on facebook, click on the link to join.

Mrs. O’s fit review:

The design of this shirt is a miss.  The only thing I liked was the feel of the lightweight fabric.  I would be concerned with snags because of the delicate nature of the fabric.  Overall, it was ill-fitting.  What I noticed about the cropped items is the fact the proportions are wrong.  Generally, I fit into a size 4 shirt.  While the size 4 fit around the torso, waist and arms, the shoulders were too snug and pulled awkwardly.  I would suggest trying on TTS and one size up to determine what fits better.  I didn’t hate the length of this shirt.  It is definitely a pass even if it went on MD.

Smooth Stride SS


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Rise and Shine March 20, 2017 - 8:00 pm

FWIW, it doesn't look bad. Not $68 good, but not bad.

Also, I have the same sneakers. Love them!

Thank you so much for all these fit reviews. Really appreciated!

Anonymous March 20, 2017 - 10:58 pm

I love my Brooks sneakers! Because I walk so much and developed plantar fasciitis, I had to get more supportive shoes. But I still love my Nike running shoes. FYI, Brooks online is having a sale and they're on eBates.

Mrs. O

Anonymous March 20, 2017 - 8:23 pm

I bought that shirt and the tank top version. I love the fabric. I also like that it's not too long. I'm 5'2" sz2 and it fits great. To me that too is TTS. I have broad back and shoulders from being a swimmer my whole life. This top fits great. I did a half marathon in the short sleeve one and it felt great.

Unknown March 20, 2017 - 9:42 pm

It actually looks cute on you. I'm considering buying it now. I have a short torso eventhough I'm 5'5 " tall. My height goes towards my legs. I like the length of this top.

Anonymous March 20, 2017 - 10:06 pm

top looks good on you. but honestly it looks like any other top from any other brand. nothing lululemon about it.

Anonymous March 21, 2017 - 1:06 am

I agree anon 3:06 nothing Lulu about it. Mrs. O I actually thought the shirt looked great on you even around the shoulders. ( you do it better justice than the website) however I personally wouldn't even consider it for the price. Which in my opinion is just ridiculous. There are so many better ways to spend $68 + tax….

Anonymous March 20, 2017 - 11:00 pm

Thanks guys for the compliments. I do like the shorter lengths coming out these days but it's too pricey for a shirt. But the fabric is great!

Mrs. O

Anonymous March 21, 2017 - 1:49 am

Thanks for the fit review Mrs. O and I see how the fabric pulls from the shoulder seams, it did the same to me in my tts and sizing up didn't work, it was way too big. I didn't like the colour options and for a uv protection top I would have liked a bit more chest coverage, not to mention in Canada it's $74. plus tax which too much for this top imo.

Anonymous March 21, 2017 - 6:27 pm

Can you imagine paying more than CAD $80 for this ill-fitting top? And the cheerful, spring colour is so nice on the eyes (that dark grey would look really awful on me). Sure, the fabric is great; I have a few shirts from LLL in this fabric, and I like the lightness of them. Nothing would induce me though to buy this particular model, especially for such a high price.


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