
by Cristina

Darn! This was a terrible time for the upload. I hope this wasn’t a permanent change because I much prefer seeing previews of items in store on Monday and Tuesday mornings, and seeing try-ons trickling out on Facebook and the store photos. It also caught me away from my laptop so I’m grateful that many of you messaged me to let me know. I was able to order the Non-Stop Bomber in my size and a size up since I’m uncertain which would work best for my proportions. I’m also slightly annoyed that the Non Stop Bomber came out at the same time as the Going Places Hooded Jacket – I have been waiting for the Going Places Jacket for 4-5 weeks since we saw it on foreign uploads – but because I had to order two sizes in the bomber I didn’t want to then also order the Going Places Hooded Jacket. If I end up keeping the Bomber, I’ll have to put the hooded jacket onto my WMTM wait list. 

I really like Heathered Illuminight, and Dark Olive, but I noticed in store today that I don’t like Dark Olive in luon items (the CRBII). Canada didn’t get the Swiftly LS, but I have an olive swiftly from December so this one won’t tempt me over Midnight Navy. Dark Chrome is interesting too. I’d like to see it in person because it’s hard to tell online how taupe it is. 

Did you order anything today? I’d love to hear your try on reports if you’ve gotten to try on the Non Stop Bomber. We have a lot of comments from over the weekend of fit reports but I think more of you would have tried it on today as it was more widely available. I’m not 100% sold on it for myself yet but I was intrigued enough to order two sizes to make sure I got a perfect fit if I do love it. 

Non-Stop Bomber

I really like the Dark Olive, but I almost think the black is the more versatile universal choice. 


Going Places Jacket

Dern!!!! I really wanted to order this but the timing is all wrong for me. You will have to tell me how you like it if you’ve ordered it. 


Heathered Illuminight Scuba Hoodie IV

This color really reminds me of Heathered Rocksteady from 2011.


Glide And Stride Tank


Wunder Under Low Rise Tight Deep Olive


Align Pant


Wunder Under Pant Hi Rise


Align Crop


Free To Be Zen Bra


Pace Rival Crop


Speed Tight V


Forward Flow Cape

I forgot to mention above that I’m also tempted by this. I really like the grey. 


Street To Studio Pant II

I have Street To Studio Pants from a  few years ago in Military Green and dark brown and I like them both. If I didn’t have the green already these would be on my list 


Wind Down Pullover


Swiftly Tech Long Sleeve Crew


Swiftly Tech Short Sleeve


Swiftly Tech Racerback Dark Olive


Dark Olive Cool Racerback II


Breathe A Wool Tank


Speed Short

This is a nice neutral for shorts. Although I think you’d need a darker or olive skin tone to not look washed out in this color. This color is very tricky for my skin tone and I need it to be cool toned and slightly darker for it to work. 


Carry The Day Bag


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Anonymous February 6, 2017 - 11:49 pm

Could not resist the bomber jacket in dark chrome. It has a lot of potential to be super cute and price is just right. Hopefully it does not look too fashion forward IRL.

dogrunner February 6, 2017 - 11:55 pm

Fugliest almost spring upload ever minus thre bomber jacket, which the US didn't get

dogrunner February 7, 2017 - 3:11 am

I see it now. Does the chrome look like it has a slightly different tone to it from the bust down on the swift side?? Has anyone seen them irl? Wondering if the chrome is really shiny.

Lulumum February 7, 2017 - 12:04 am

The US does have the bomber jacket, but it's lower down on the page.

Anonymous February 7, 2017 - 1:36 am

I couldn't even imagine those speed shorts on my fair skin. I'm cringing thinking about it. But yes, they would look great on darker-skinned ladies!

Anonymous February 7, 2017 - 2:19 am

This all looks very fall like to me. Not very spring like at all. Also, regardless what season these colours are more suited to, they aren't fun and cheerful which is what I tend to prefer when it comes to fitness/workout wear. Don't get me wrong, I do like these kinds of colours too, just not so much for fitness clothing.

Anonymous February 7, 2017 - 2:40 am

I agree this looks like a fall release. The red and greens? That's basically the holiday season. I do like the green though. Not sure if I'd get anything though.

Anonymous February 7, 2017 - 3:03 am

Dark Chrome Bomber and Speeds for me. Such a pretty color! Btw it appears bright colors are out as far as workout fashion concerned. And lulu doesn't want their stuff to look dated

Anonymous February 7, 2017 - 6:12 am

I don't follow the trends so I don't really care about what is considered in or out, haha, I just wear what I like (I can't think of a single trend I ever liked tbh). Honestly, I think lulu has more to worry about than looking dated, more often than not their stuff just looks like crap these days. I just come back for the staples in colours I like.

Anonymous February 7, 2017 - 4:02 pm

They've always had that struggle. On the one hand, they want to look current, on the other, their best pieces have been ones that were unique – that were neither trendy nor out of style. Look at things like the Pace Setter Skirt. That was iconic and it wasn't a trend, it was totally on its own. It defined a trend, but I don't think they necessarily set out to do that. Many of us think that a lot of Lulu's pieces are classics, not trends, but the powers that be at the company these days doesn't see it that way. They kill off high sellers (CRBs, anyone?) because they think it makes them look old. I see it as making them look distinctive. Hoping for new leadership.

Anonymous February 7, 2017 - 3:12 am

Well at least the capes were good for a laugh.

Anonymous February 7, 2017 - 3:17 am

I'm seriously swooning over the heathered illuminanight scuba (never typing that sh*t name again though, had to prevent autocorrect like 7 times) but anyway….I gotta order it, can't resist

Anonymous February 7, 2017 - 3:37 am

I don't understand the huge love for the bomber jacket. It's awful. It's a trend I never want to wear ever again. If I wore it in junior high/high school I'm not wearing it as an adult

Anonymous February 7, 2017 - 4:02 am

I'm totally there with you! I don't like it at all. It bulges out and gives the appearance of pudgy tummy to these models. I think of grease when I see this. Where's the leather pants? haha..
Such a horrible upload.

Anonymous February 8, 2017 - 1:49 am

I concur with you completely Anon 7:37 PM.

I also agree that in general it is simply not a flattering piece.

Anonymous February 7, 2017 - 3:59 am

Going Places Jacket is especially unflattering. If this crap did not have a Lululemon logo, who would buy it?

Anonymous February 7, 2017 - 4:03 am

It looks like a giant sponge! Sponge bob, hahaha!

Anonymous February 9, 2017 - 2:04 am

Yes, I'm baffled too by the enthusiasm for the bomber jacket. The colours are ok, but it would be way too short on me. I'm 5.5, but have a long waist, and I generally don't like pieces that don't cover me adequately. You might argue that LLL is all about layering, but I don't go for layering at the expense of my freezing butt. The jacket does not seem to have a flattering shape either. I have a couple of bomber jackets from Lululemon, and they all look way, way better than this offering.

Anonymous February 7, 2017 - 5:40 am

I'm curious if anybody saw Dark Chrome Bomber in person? It looks shiny on the pictures, but Olive one and Black weren't shiny when I saw them at the store. I mean they weren't matte per say, but were totally wearable

Anonymous February 7, 2017 - 7:57 am

So no more uploads this week? Well wallet is safe again. Wow. Now what are chances wmtm will be decent? Still to early in year end for them to realize that their inventory levels are sky high. Agree there is nothing for me this week again. Wow hubby will over it

Anonymous February 7, 2017 - 11:30 am

That bomber does nothing for the figure, looks super ugly

janine57 February 7, 2017 - 8:55 pm

I agree I like the two colors in the chrome one but really not a fan.

Anonymous February 8, 2017 - 5:24 am

Not every jacket has to be skin-tight. It's like you don't want to wear leggings all the time. There are days when you wear joggers

Anonymous February 7, 2017 - 1:18 pm

So happy to see Street To Studios back and will be ordering both Dark Olive and Hero Blue. I live in these pants during the spring and summer so I am glad to add to my collection. I hope they haven't messed with the fit again unless they went back to the original version which is highly unlikely. They released the Kicking Asphalt Jacket in Deep Navy and I would love a navy jacket so I will try it on in store to see if I like the fit. I wish the hood was stowable or removable. I also like the colour Illuminight and hope to see a spring jacket in this colour. Dark Chrome is a nice neutral but I agree that you need to have the right skin tone to wear that colour and I am too fair skinned to wear it.

Lulumum what time did the upload happen?

Anonymous February 7, 2017 - 2:11 pm

hmmmm I like the looks of the Glide and Stride tank – I love a tank with a built in bra, the cut on that seems nice. BUT it looks like it might be too short for me (I have a long torso, so length is really important!), and none of the three colour choices really scream must have to me. Maybe I'll see if I can try it on in store and then wait for it to go to WMTM.

Anonymous February 7, 2017 - 2:48 pm

That bomber jacket is not great, was hoping it would be nicer but it looks kind of ugly IMO. Nothing for me…..

Nancy February 7, 2017 - 2:56 pm

NYC got the bomber jacket last week and I tried it on. It is very unflattering and much shorter than it appears on the model. It looks heavy but it's as light as a feather. I didn't realize it was reversible so I only tried it with the quilted side in. Nothing special and other brands are coming out with bombers that have lots of nice details.

Anonymous February 8, 2017 - 9:21 pm

i got both colors… tags still on to see if i change my mind. i'm 5'7" size 4 and this jacket is VERY short on me

Anonymous February 7, 2017 - 5:28 pm

I think the new waistline on the wunder unders is really ugly. It looks I will be saving some serious money going forward.

Anonymous February 8, 2017 - 7:25 pm

Do you mean the low rise or the high rise?

Anonymous February 7, 2017 - 6:29 pm

Glad to see street to studios back. Am considering the hero blue but am hoping for these to be released in the dark Crome colour….

Anonymous February 8, 2017 - 7:28 pm

I do like the colors Dark Olive and Heathered Illuminate a lot so hopefully Lulu releases a style I like in these colors.

Anonymous February 8, 2017 - 9:27 pm

I love the Going Places Jacket. I ordered both colors. Perfect weight (I think) for my trips to San Francisco and Seattle in March and NJ spring and fall. I will let you know

Anonymous February 12, 2017 - 10:12 pm

I got both colors and am keeping the black which fits a bit smaller thus better for me. Very sleek, nice and warm, though a bit pricey. I like that it's light and warm. Wore it over a turtleneck jersey knit and under a down jacket yesterday and I felt toasty under 0*c. It looks a bit bland on the website photo but is actually quite flattering and chic. Hope you'll like it.


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