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Cristina founded The Sweat Edit community in 2010, from her home in Vancouver, BC. She loves working out when she’s not at work managing the website. Her favourite workouts include olympic weightlifting, crossfit, running, and spinning on her Peloton. Favourite Peloton Workouts: Power Zone Training with Denis Morton or Matt Wilpers. Read about The Sweat Edit for more.
Why do they always have to ruin a cute tank by making the neck line so high in the front 🙁
TBH this is the one thing I like about newer tanks. I'm a very busty girl and even a relatively modest neckline on others is cleavage city on me lol
Why do they always have to ruin a cute tank by making it see through???
Why do they always have to ruin a good company by making it BORING?!
So boring. So forgettable.
I'm happy because this will hopefully wind down my addiction. Thete are so many other things I should invest my money in. Really do I need 80 pairs of tights…lol. 50 crbs…lol I only wear it to workout…I like variety in my wardrobe…jeans and high heels…business attire for office and sexy clothes…lol. I hope my addiction ends with all the drab overpriced stuff
I completely agree! This makes me happy as we are going to be hip deep in home renos this year and have decided to take the kids (3) to Cuba for a fam vacation. Most of my closet is Lulu as I have been buying for several years, it is my work wear too and that's how I justified it but now I can't anymore. Boring clothes, nothing I have to have, and so many others things that need my attention and money too. I think Ia going to pick up the midnight blue swiftly LS, and maybe one more pair of street to studio pants if they are released in that chrome colour but I thinks that's it for me. Really disappointing to see how a great company has regressed but I also know it's in my best interest to curb Lulu spending. I am grateful they are making it much easier for me!
Oooh I would love Street To Studios in chrome.
Lucky!! Travel and home renos are way, way better than Lulu purchases. Good for you!!
I like some of the colors but none of the styles. Alarming CRB I didn't even sell well and now they've brought it back in a CRB II…
Boring as usual!
Anyone have a good recommendation for a run skirt? I have some Pace Setters and a Pace Rival, but none of the Lulu skirts in the last few years has worked for me at all. I have little faith that Lee is going to come up with a killer skirt. He's an ass. Moving on… So, for those of you who work out in skirts, any suggestions? I'm on the tall side, so something that's available in a little longer length (15" is great) would be appreciated! Thanks!
Check out Athleta. They've got tons of new skirts for Spring!
I have to have Chrome tank
I really like the light lava color! Not loving all these tights with too much see through mesh, especially when its in a different color than the tights! Drives me nuts!