Sneak Peek|Australia Upload

by Cristina

Sole Training Tank Illuminight 

Illuminight Swiftly Tech Racerback

Body Con Tank Poseidon

Pace Rival Crop Daisy Dust Illuminight

Sole Training 7/8 Tight

Invigorate Tight Shine Bright ($329 AUD)

Alarming Cool Racerback

Light Lava Sculpt Tank II

Embodiment Tank


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Anonymous February 13, 2017 - 8:38 am

Why do they always have to ruin a cute tank by making the neck line so high in the front 🙁

Shadowy Lady February 13, 2017 - 11:57 pm

TBH this is the one thing I like about newer tanks. I'm a very busty girl and even a relatively modest neckline on others is cleavage city on me lol

Anonymous February 13, 2017 - 1:09 pm

Why do they always have to ruin a cute tank by making it see through???

Anonymous February 13, 2017 - 4:05 pm


Anonymous February 13, 2017 - 5:21 pm

Why do they always have to ruin a good company by making it BORING?!

Anonymous February 13, 2017 - 5:27 pm

So boring. So forgettable.

Anonymous February 13, 2017 - 5:56 pm

I'm happy because this will hopefully wind down my addiction. Thete are so many other things I should invest my money in. Really do I need 80 pairs of tights…lol. 50 crbs…lol I only wear it to workout…I like variety in my wardrobe…jeans and high heels…business attire for office and sexy clothes…lol. I hope my addiction ends with all the drab overpriced stuff

Anonymous February 13, 2017 - 7:11 pm

I completely agree! This makes me happy as we are going to be hip deep in home renos this year and have decided to take the kids (3) to Cuba for a fam vacation. Most of my closet is Lulu as I have been buying for several years, it is my work wear too and that's how I justified it but now I can't anymore. Boring clothes, nothing I have to have, and so many others things that need my attention and money too. I think Ia going to pick up the midnight blue swiftly LS, and maybe one more pair of street to studio pants if they are released in that chrome colour but I thinks that's it for me. Really disappointing to see how a great company has regressed but I also know it's in my best interest to curb Lulu spending. I am grateful they are making it much easier for me!

Lulumum February 13, 2017 - 7:48 pm

Oooh I would love Street To Studios in chrome.

Lucky!! Travel and home renos are way, way better than Lulu purchases. Good for you!!

Anonymous February 13, 2017 - 6:08 pm

I like some of the colors but none of the styles. Alarming CRB I didn't even sell well and now they've brought it back in a CRB II…

Anonymous February 13, 2017 - 8:19 pm

Boring as usual!

Anonymous February 13, 2017 - 11:13 pm

Anyone have a good recommendation for a run skirt? I have some Pace Setters and a Pace Rival, but none of the Lulu skirts in the last few years has worked for me at all. I have little faith that Lee is going to come up with a killer skirt. He's an ass. Moving on… So, for those of you who work out in skirts, any suggestions? I'm on the tall side, so something that's available in a little longer length (15" is great) would be appreciated! Thanks!

Anonymous February 14, 2017 - 3:31 pm

Check out Athleta. They've got tons of new skirts for Spring!

Anonymous February 14, 2017 - 5:59 am

I have to have Chrome tank

StachoLK February 14, 2017 - 5:12 pm

I really like the light lava color! Not loving all these tights with too much see through mesh, especially when its in a different color than the tights! Drives me nuts!


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