WMTM (Warehouse Sale?)

by Cristina

Is this the Warehouse Sale? Well at least Canada finally got some Cool Racerback love. I’m slightly disappointed because I want the solid colors that the US got. Most of these have never ever been released in store so this is really surprising to see uploaded.


Cool Racerback Tank (CAD)


Cool Racerback *Luxtreme


105F Singlet (US)

Super jelly that the US got these new colors. 


City Bound Wrap (CAD)


Get Lost Duffel (CAD)


Lots of Speed Shorts for Canada too!



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LuluMama007 January 12, 2017 - 7:21 am

@lulumum are heathered CRBs made with
thinner material than the normal/original ones?

LuluMama007 January 12, 2017 - 7:39 am

@lulumum thank you so much for the quick reply! I hope this isn't the warehouse sale ?

LuluMama007 January 12, 2017 - 7:41 am

I hope so!!! You're amazing staying on top of this stuff ? Thank you for all that you do!

Lulumum January 12, 2017 - 7:22 am

I'm not sure but I'm guessing it is. I believe I have heathered cranberry and it was thinnish.

Lulumum January 12, 2017 - 7:40 am

I'm curious if there will be more uploaded tomorrow.

lulubell January 12, 2017 - 7:54 am

I bought the heathered pinkish luxtreme one at the Gilroy outlet a few days ago. I think it is heathered bumble berry? The color code is HABB. Also, it should be noted that the heathered luxtreme ones I saw, HABB and the silvery grey, had thin threads of what I'm guessing is silverescent running through them. Not as noticeable in grey, but I can see them in the HABB one. I bought it anyway, the color was pretty! I did think they ran a tad small, but not enough to size up.

Anon January 12, 2017 - 7:59 am

Love the poppy petals crb! Australia always miss out 🙁

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 8:13 am

Thanks for the update, Lulumum.

I controlled myself and only purchased five…for now, haha. I already have a large CRB collection. I am really looking forward to heathered iris flower and solid rosewood.

I was sort of tempted by the bags but don't really need. I'm not tempted by anything else. Not even the Speed Shorts. I'm a Speeds woman but I went through a purge of them a bit ago so have ceased any impulse buying on them.

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 8:15 am

Even Canada has bras, shorts and crbs on wmtm for $29 yet Australia's dollar almost matches it and doesn't. Would've bought like 4 items at least if Aus had some of them for $29

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 8:45 am

Most of the CRBs are actually $34. Shows price range $29-$34 but all the better ones are $34.

Their "strategy" in different countries does suck.

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 1:56 pm

That's true, ah well maybe I can keep to my new years resolution of not buying anything haha

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 4:19 pm

Only one of the CRBs is $29 – the Flash Light one. I have that one from this past summer and it is pretty – really love Flash Light though, one of my fav lulu colours. The rest are all $34, a measly $8 off the regular price.

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 9:42 am

If 2 colors of a 105 singlet constitutes a warehouse sale in the US then I'm feeling better about blowing my wad on other brands this week. Glad u guys got some nice colors of crbs in CAN, lulumum.

LuluMama007 January 12, 2017 - 10:24 am

Totally with you on that!!! And it's not even marked down much!!!! What a joke?

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 1:04 pm

Are 105F singlets tts? I'm a 6 in crb and most bras. I migh get one if price reduces more…hoping this isnt everything

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 1:18 pm

The 105F singlets on WMTM don't have the scalloped edges, fyi. @anon 5:04 AM I always sized down for these. I'm a 6 in CRB, 4 in 105F.

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 7:14 pm

My 105f singlets with the scalloped edges have actually worn way worse than those without. The ones without are way softer. I take a 2 in the original CRB and 4 in most other tops and take a 2 in the 105f.

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 10:30 am

Why couldn't Canada get those 105f singlets??! 🙁

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 11:05 am

This is a pretty lame warehouse sale…
Or maybe I missed all the good stuff 😉

LuluMama007 January 12, 2017 - 12:58 pm

You didn't miss anything

Anonymous January 13, 2017 - 1:25 am

Because it wasn't a Warehouse Sale.

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 12:15 pm

Ebates went from 2% (yesterday) to 4% (at 2 am central) and now 6% (6 am central). I think they might add more.

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 12:51 pm

The prices are anything but warehouse sale. Not as much merch as last time, plus no separate link.

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 1:34 pm

there were only 154 items on the CAD side… underwhelming much?! i was expecting a major drop in wear and prices…. (checked at 745am)

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 2:05 pm

So maybe their plan is to move more product over the next couple of weeks to WMTM at marginally reduced prices, a few with huge markdowns, with a mid-range Ebates discount and see what sells. Whatever is still around closer to the end of January will then be put into an online warehouse sale with actual warehouse sale prices, which you would think would be lower than their WMTM markdowns and give one final push to sell product by January 31st which is their year-end. This Company seems hard pressed to give their customers any major markdown sale product, even though they supposedly have a significant amount of inventory. It's like they nickel and dime us on lousy markdowns and if we are lucky they may give us one big sale before the end of their year-end but that's still yet to be seen. I can't think of any other clothing retailer that doesn't give their customers at least two major sales each year. With Lululemon, however, it's like they don't want to give their loyal customers any type of good discounts unless they absolutely have to and that just sucks. This Canadian Company couldn't even partake in giving their Canadian customers a good sale on Boxing Day.

Even if their holiday season sales were good they should give their loyal customers at least one really good sale once a year. What we get instead are price hikes, ridiculously high priced product that then goes to WMTM at markdowns that reflect what the product should have been priced at to begin with. Product sits in WMTM for months and months without further markdown because this Company refuses to give their customers a good deal. Not only are they stingy in their markdowns but anything bought in WMTM is not returnable which is another diss to their customer.

Come on Lululemon, your job is to not only make your shareholders happy but it's your responsibility to make your customers happy. So let's start seeing some love here for your customers.

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 2:12 pm

It's not a warehouse sales. It would have had a special link to the warehouse sale. Except through a proxy, Canada would not be able to look at USA and vice versa.

I got the mass e-mail from LLL at 8 a.m. ET and it is titled "now's your chance." Content: "Stay Goaled. For the intention setters and goal getters, this if for you. Link: We Made Too Much."

They could always add more as they are known to do. Maybe there will still be a warehouse sale but later in the year?

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 2:43 pm

Not much of a sale but I noticed that they added more. I picked up the cobalt blue heathered CRB. Pretty!

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 2:52 pm

Canada wmtm has gone from 154 items in the middle of the night, to 141. There are 11 CRB luon light and 6 CRB luxtreme; these numbers and colours have not changed.

For anyone wondering if they missed out on unicorns of the past, you didn't. I saw the sale in the middle of the night.

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 5:39 pm

thank you!

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 3:38 pm

When I checked this AM around 8am it was around 130 when I checked back at 9am it was up to 141 so they must be refreshing something as there were a few new items but nothing I liked. Boo (Canada)

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 3:41 pm

Thank you! I've had a cold and went to bed early last night. Then I saw the email and thought "oh no! I missed all the good stuff!!" So thank you :), now I'm not stressed and picked up a couple crbs which is what I really wanted anyways :).

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 3:41 pm

If someone wants to angel me jet set and rosewood CRBs in a 2, I'll pay full retail.

Anonymous January 13, 2017 - 2:59 am

I only see rosewood in luxtreme and luon on the Canada side. Send me an email – [email protected]

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 3:44 pm

$8 off the regular price of $42 for the CRBs… not so much of a deal, but I guess it's better than nothing… also, Canada got the colours that aren't as pretty as the ones the US got, imo… I like a couple of the heathered Luon ones *but* they look different than the heathered ones I already own… I have heathered cranberry, heathered bordeaux, and heathered slate and really like these ones… not sure if the fabric is different (in regards to the feeling and the stretchability of the Luon) than the ones I already own and don't want to take any chances in case I don't like the fabric since WMTM items aren't returnable. Poppy Petals Berry Rumble is pretty but I don't know if it's backed in white and I can't wear the printed ones backed in white (the printed ones backed in matching colour are great though, have Pipe Dream Blue Snake one backed in Pipe Dream Blue and Biggie So Fly Butterfly Fatigue/Black backed in Fatigue). If anyone has seen the Poppy Petals one in person and can comment on if it is backed in white or what colour that would be super helpful! Also, some of those new heathered coloured ones look to have a super wide and low neckline which is another thing that is holding me back… not sure if something has changed with the fit (definitely wouldn't want it any lower, they're already lower than I would prefer). Anyway, I'm not sad if I happen to miss out, don't need any more anyway, but would like to add a couple new ones if I can find out more info first (really hate that WMTM can't be returned, I'm not taking chances, especially for only $8 off)

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 5:54 pm

Agreed it is not a fantastic deal by any means. However, since the CRB original is going the way of the dodo, to me this was more about being able to get some new ones, period. Had they been releasing these at full price all year long in 2016 I would have likely acquired a few of them. I was pleased with the colour choices (but I don't care for printed ones) and ordered four luon light and one luxtreme. They did separate out the materials so the customer was more informed; looks like they learned from the USA side complaints. If they are appalling quality vs. what I already own, I will take them back regardless of wmtm. Hoping that does not happen because I really just love the CRB original!

I think some of the CRBs in luon light are going to be a mix of the soft, thicker ones that I already have and prefer, versus the thinner, slinkier ones (I can tell heathered khaki is a slinky one as is cranberry; latter previously was in Canadian stores. I already have a heathered grey one that is the slinky kind.)

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 8:36 pm

I would have purchased a new CRB every upload had the originals been available – at least one! And I already probably have 50+. All the CRBs I received from the most recent WMTM were good quality, though I did return the two I received that were Luxtreme since the one I bought when they first rolled them out more recently at full price hasn't performed well for me. Had they had the silkiness of the heathered ones, I might have kept them.

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 3:45 pm

Just got the black grape 105f and the Spry CRB. Lame selection!

strawb3rries January 12, 2017 - 3:55 pm

I refules to believe that this WMTM is "THE Warehouse Sale™" 🙁

Anonymous January 13, 2017 - 5:39 pm

It is WMTM.. not a warehouse sale. It would say warehouse sale if it was a warehouse sale.

strawb3rries January 12, 2017 - 3:55 pm

*refuse… lol

Anonymous January 13, 2017 - 3:45 am

Because it wasn't a warehouse sale. It was only ever a rumor. Nothing to actually "refuse to believe" about it. It was a letter wmtm upload. Anytime there's been a warehouse sale, either in person or online, lulu has put it information. They never did that with this.

Anonymous January 13, 2017 - 4:03 am

Also, they uploaded the WMTM items sometime after midnight Eastern time… thinking it was sometime in between 12:15 and 1:15 AM if I remember correctly… sorry if that's not correct, can't remember exactly… I was up past my usual bedtime, lol If it was a normal WMTM upload, wouldn't it have uploaded sometime around 12:00 PM Eastern time like usual instead of in the AM?

Lulumum January 13, 2017 - 3:48 am

What's interesting though is that Lululemon sent out an email alert for the WMTM upload and that is not something they typically do except for boxing day/black friday and warehouse sales. Basically, exceptional uploads. They where fully aware that their was an expectation of a warehouse sale today after they put the rumour out there.

Anonymous January 13, 2017 - 2:05 pm

I agree 100% with you Lulumum and by LLL sending out emails for a regular Thursday WMTM upload which they don't normally do, shows they were trying to bring in as much traffic as possible to their website and to WMTM because they are trying to sell as much stock as possible without having to sell it at warehouse prices, yet. I think they are sitting on a lot of inventory but are playing games as to how they are going about selling it. This is typical LLL and frankly I am getting really sick of it. Product that hasn't been selling at full price gets put on WMTM at a small discount and we are expected to buy it and be thrilled and grateful that LLL gave us a discount. We are expected to buy all the original CRB's put back in circulation and get down on our knees and kiss the ground to be so fortunate at another chance to buy what never should have been taken away in the first place.

This elitist attitude will only take them so far and sooner or later customers will get fed up with the lack of respect and appreciation shown by this company on a continuance basis.

Anonymous January 13, 2017 - 3:49 pm

I've gotten emails for other WMTM uploads though. It seems like something new they started doing a few months back so to me to get an email with a link for WMTM wasn't all that unusual or different.

Anonymous January 13, 2017 - 3:58 pm

Well said anon 6:05 AM. Completely agree with you. I am also getting sick of LLL hype and games . Actually, never cared for the hype or the games, I guess you could say I put up with it, but it's getting old and I no longer feel like putting up with it.

Anonymous January 13, 2017 - 5:00 pm

1000% agree with you anon 6:05AM! they are so full of themselves it makes me mad.

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 3:55 pm

Yep this is it, only more product added to WMTM. As others have said, they will probably keep adding to WMTM as time goes by because we know they have to be siting on a lot of inventory which they will want to move at some point. Let's not forget it was only a couple of months ago they have over 200 items on Canada's WMTM and when that article got published about all the product on WMTM, LLL pulled half of it off. Either they don't mind sitting on inventory at their year-end or we will see more product come to WMTM. Unfortunately LLL does not want to give us an online warehouse sale before they have to, if they ever do. I am not buying anything showing on WMTM right now. I will check from time to time to see if any old product shows up that might interest me to part with my money but LLL sure doesn't give me much incentive to do so.

JillCruz January 12, 2017 - 5:24 pm

I was expecting WAY better prices. Some of the prices are what the regular prices used to be! Was hoping for lots of wraps, hoodies, long sleeves – huge disappointment.

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 5:36 pm

Why does the heathered grey CRB not have the Lulu logo on the back?

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 5:42 pm

I noticed that too!

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 8:32 pm

Photoshop victim. You can kind of see where it was if you look closely.

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 7:16 pm

I was excited to see the 105 Singlets and ordered both colors this morning. I just went back to the website and noticed that they are not striped and there is no mention of silverscent. I really hope that they are the same kind that I have and love, otherwise, I will send them back.

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 8:31 pm

I posted this above but my unscalloped/non-silverscent 105f singlets have held up waaaaay better than the scalloped/silverscent. I think I actually prefer them. And I can't imagine they would let you return since they're not misrepresented like the Luxtreme CRBs were.

Anonymous January 12, 2017 - 8:45 pm

Thank you for your replies, LLM and Anon 12:31. I did not there are so many different versions of 105 singlets. I only have the silverscent ones with and without scalloped hems. It is good to know that they wear well.

Lulumum January 12, 2017 - 8:04 pm

I have 105F Singlets that are this same smooth luon light without scalloped edges and without silver lines and I like them as well. I have green bean and I think beaming blue. They have worn really well. I also like my scalloped edged, silverescent ones. Then there are also the heathered and none heathered. I have a black that is heathered black with whisps of white and scalloped and silver scent, and I have a black that looks more solid with gold lines running through it. I think they are all nice and pretty in their own way.

JJ January 13, 2017 - 5:47 am

@lulumum do these 105F fits the same as the scallops edge silverscent ones? Thank you

Anonymous January 13, 2017 - 12:54 am

Interestingly, I just got an email from Strava with a $30 lululemon gift card as a Strava premium bonus. I know they also sent those out before Christmas, but I didn't get one then – probably because I was on a Strava premium trial. Which I forgot to cancel, so I paid for a month.

(FWIW, I also got one of the random $25 gift cards that lulu themselves sent out before Christmas. All I can think is they must really be trying to bring customers back into the fold, because I haven't purchased anything in almost a year.)

Anonymous January 13, 2017 - 1:03 am

Boo, I really hate how lulu is so inconsistent. Do you know what determines who gets the $25 gift card? I barely purchased anything during 2016 as well.

Anonymous January 13, 2017 - 1:06 am

well, I purchased a few things in 2016 and I got nothing. no gift card, no discount, nothing. maybe that's the problem. maybe I should shop less.

Anonymous January 13, 2017 - 4:39 am

I was disappointed too that it wasn't a warehouse sale, but was really happy to see the CRBs. I bought 8 luon and 2 luxtreme! Eeek!! But they are my staple and I have no hope at all that they will realize their blunder with the new version and return to the original. Lulu is stupid that way, and the new leaders even more thick in the head. Didn't get anything else. Still hoping for a warehouse sale but we will see. Glad I could get a final batch as I wear them all time and the new version looks ridiculous on me, won't buy them ever.

Anonymous January 13, 2017 - 4:47 am

Well, I managed to make it through the day without pulling the trigger on the original CRBs I was eyeing and I'm now over them, haha. I'm going to pass. I have plenty of original CRBs (around 40 of them) and I'm happy with the ones I already have.

I know I'm in the minority here but I don't mind the new CRBii version. I like it just as much as the original but in it's own way. imo It's a totally different tank, yes it is a racerback without built in bra, but it is different enough that it shouldn't be considered a replacement for the original. I absolutely love that it has a higher cut neckline than the original. The back center strap part is thinner and not a good thing for when I'd want to hide my bra straps, but it's ok for times I don't mind having them showing (this is coming from someone who prefers as uncluttered as possible or completely hidden look when it comes to bra straps showing). Have purchased a few so far, so I also have those in addition to the original ones and will continue to purchase any new colours I love. Don't love the price at $52 though, would be more fair and reasonable at $42 as the regular price. Anyway, enough rambling, lol! Glad to see that everyone who was hoping to get some original CRBs got the chance to!

Anonymous January 13, 2017 - 2:29 pm

"Don't mind it" but the back strap is thinner…but the price…

Good for you your enjoyment of compromising on the CRBii

Anonymous January 13, 2017 - 4:28 pm

I'm not compromising for your information. In case you didn't see, I said I like it just as much as the original but in it's own way. Sorry (honestly not really, I shouldn't have to be sorry for having my own opinions and likes and dislikes etc) if I happen to like it and you are upset because you don't (I am assuming from your comment). I shouldn't have to justify myself but here goes, almost everything I ever liked from LLL has either been discontinued or changed for the worst (as in I personally don't like the changes/doesn't work for me) and I have not been purchasing the replacements for those items (Scuba II, Dance Studio Pants II, original Groove Pants, etc etc). I also don't like all the high rise and Luxtreme fabric Wunder Unders these days so haven't been buying those. I like original WU waistbands and Luon fabric for my Wunder Unders. Do I say to those who are still buying the high rise and luxtreme Wunder Unders at jacked up prices "good for you for your enjoyment on the Wunder Unders"? No, I certainly do not. And no, I don't agree that they jacked up the price on CRBII, imo it should have stayed at $42 and even then we are paying more than it is actually truly worth (same with original CRB too), but what can you do, companies raise the prices on things all the time, sometimes on things you have no choice but to purchase anyway like gas and food etc, when it comes to things like CRBs and other "wants" that is up to each individual to decide if they want it enough to spend the money knowing that it is actually supporting the companies decision. I guess I like and want the CRBII enough to spend the money (full price or markdown depending how much I feel like I want a particular one), sorry if that bothers you.

Anonymous January 13, 2017 - 7:40 am

Wow that's one of the most sensible replies on the crb I've seen. This whole crb thing has been lulu's best marketing strategy for 2016. Create fomo and phase out a beloved lulu staple and then mass produce them and sell them no returns at $8 cheaper

Anonymous January 13, 2017 - 11:59 am

Wish they'd used that strategy on the Pace Setter, Dance Studio Jacket, Studio Pants, etc, etc, etc!

Anonymous January 13, 2017 - 1:37 pm

I can't remember how they went about discontinuing each classic but I do know that all were not a "phase out" strategy. Without any warning some classics just disappeared and to this day it still doesn't sit right with me. I wouldn't be surprised if these original CRB's were made with left over fabrics and they thought what could they cheaply make and be a sure thing to sell and of course that would have to be a classic.

LuluMama007 January 13, 2017 - 3:55 pm

Though this may or may not be a grand plan to cause a FOMO… but personally this is all making me lose my FOMO for LLL items now. Feeling like we are being toyed with and waiting to see our reaction before releasing CRBs to CANADA. Just starting to feel like a lab rat, not a valued and devoted customer.

Anonymous January 13, 2017 - 4:02 pm

Totally agree with you LuluMama007. Same here.

Anonymous January 14, 2017 - 3:55 am

Your source really let us down, would have been better not to say anything until it was confirmed. Thanks for false hopes of a warehouse sale.

Anonymous January 14, 2017 - 2:09 pm

There is no way to confirm an online warehouse sale rumour because Lululemon does not give advance notice of this type of sale. I think LLL put the rumour out there before they knew what their holiday sales numbers were just in case sales did not meet expectations. The likelihood of an online warehouse sale before the end of January could still happen but if LLL doesn't need the numbers from this type of sale to boost their bottom line before year-end they may well put this off until their new fiscal year-end. They have inventory that needs to be moved it's just a matter of what fiscal year-end they want the sale numbers to go to.

If I were a betting woman I would say they won't hold an online warehouse sale until after their Jan. 31, 2017 year-end given that they are happy with their strong holiday sales. Also, you have to take into consideration a huge amount of their holiday sales must be from the sale of gift cards and the best scenario for LLL is to have as many of these cards as possible used on full priced product, not warehouse markdown prices.

Lulumum January 14, 2017 - 6:25 pm

She's had a few really solid intels so I'm not discounting her as a source. Her most recent one was the timing of the boxing day upload. This years BD upload was different from all previous years and I didn't think her intel was correct but it was, as was her information of them having issues . As the poster above correctly stated, there is a lot of hedging on Lululemon's end for markdowns and they may well have been toying with an online warehouse sale (no need to market it, no facilities rental, no additional staffing requirements). The fact that LLL put out the rumour of the warehouse sale indicates to me that they where feeling it out, and not fully committed to doing one but considering it. I took a risk posting it without it being fully panned out, I'm sorry that you where let down.

LuluMama007 January 14, 2017 - 9:15 pm

@lulumum I don't think you need to justify the reasonings behind why you announced intel that you did. We trust that you know what you're doing and that's why we follow you! And LLL hasn't been the most consistent nor rational in their decision making process. So who knows… maybe there was suppose to be one and they changed their minds last minute. Either way, stand your ground because we trust your instinct and we appreciate what you do!

Anonymous January 14, 2017 - 10:29 pm

You shouldn't feel sorry that there was anyone let down, Lulumum. Of course it would have been nice if there was a warehouse sale and if it had some things I would have loved at some nice prices, but I was not feeling let down at all. So what. There wasn't a warehouse sale. It isn't the end of the world, it's only clothes. I'm sure we all probably have way more than we need anyway!

I second what LuluMama007 said, stand your ground, keep doing what you do here! It is appreciated.


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