Fit Review|Everyday Getaway Jacket

by Cristina

Everyday Getaway Jacket

This jacket is pretty pricey at $199, and so I don’t think it’s worth it for that price point but stylistically I don’t completely hate it, and the two colors are great. This is a to-from rain jacket and not meant as a running jacket.  This is a very roomy TTS and if you are petite this jacket is probably not for you due to the cropped width and the wide sleeves. Great for layering over sweaters though!  I think the wide proportions of this jacket really swallow up a more petite shape but if you are tall you will probably pull this off and it will look really cute. I like the profile of this jacket and I’m kind of liking the back design details, but the front is just too wide on me even cinched in. I also really dislike this new hood/colar design that we also saw in the Pick Up The Pace LS. See how the front collar folds into the hood? I think this makes for a really strange neckline zipped up, and it really prevents the lapels of the jacket from laying nicely open if you have the neck zipped down. 

I hate this collar!

There was a new WAFS Cool Racerback II in today and it was very soft. I didn’t try it on though because CRBII’s are not for me and I don’t like the price point of them.


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Anonymous January 23, 2017 - 9:40 pm

What is going on with the sleeves are they too long too wide? I don't get it. I love the colour is it dark olive? Not sure about the front boxiness? Wth

Lulumum January 23, 2017 - 9:42 pm

Dark Olive. I forgot to look at the color code for the taupe one but I liked the color too. Too bad these aren't more streamlined jackets like the Rain Everyday jacket. It's very boxy and the sleeves are wide, but not bell shaped. It could have been cute with a few minor fit tweaks.

Anonymous January 26, 2017 - 1:49 am

Is it only in store? I did not see it online. Thanks 🙂

Anonymous January 23, 2017 - 10:53 pm

That CRB II looks like my original WAFS cashew/black from a few years ago (early 2014?). It's one of my favourite CRBs – I wear it a LOT. The above pic reinforces yet another reason I just don't like the new version: the contrasting direction of the fabric around the neck and arm holes. The original was just a simple classic racerback without any unnecessary seaming. Miss it. 🙁

Anonymous January 23, 2017 - 11:03 pm

Oh I love your shoes lol. I think the jacket is a wee bit boxy and not very flattering…gee I love my sleet sprinter jacket ..glad I bought it. Did you happen to see any Indian Ocean swiftly in short sleeve? I'm waiting for them so I can swap out my long sleeve. The sleeves are snug and I get a phobia from not being able to push up my sleeves when I'm working out. Thx for your blog…love it

Beth January 23, 2017 - 11:48 pm

Completely unrelated to this, but I finished the Strava Lululemon challenge and just got a notice that if I bring my badge to a store I can trade it for goods. The email seemed to indicate that it only applied to NA stores so I can't test it out as I'm nowhere near a NA store.

lulubell January 24, 2017 - 4:02 am

Please report back about what the goods are. I've been curious about this challenge.

Emily January 24, 2017 - 4:09 am

I went and redeemed for hitting the Strava challenge! For hitting the 40k, women got a black short sleeve swiftly and men got a bright blue metal vent tech short sleeve. If colors weren't available, any other color could be subbed. For the 80k, women got the swiftly and black speed shorts (if black wasn't available, then any other color) while men got black surge short 7", substitute is black with gray waves

lulubell January 24, 2017 - 4:13 am

Thanks for the update. I'm glad there were some good offerings!

Good Job on getting it done!!! 🙂

Anonymous January 24, 2017 - 12:05 am

I was wondering if it applied to Canada ad I don't know of anyone that got the email.

tri like mary January 26, 2017 - 12:19 am

I'm in Canada and I got it.

Anonymous January 24, 2017 - 12:25 am

Was there no Australian upload? Or did they just get same things we got last week?

Anonymous January 24, 2017 - 7:34 am

None so far this week, which does happen for us when they dump lots of styles into wmtm (which they did on sunday and sent an email about). There were styles in here that we never previously received … it was just the large sizes. I guess they feel we are the dumping ground 🙁

Anonymous January 24, 2017 - 12:52 am

Wow, that jacket looks odd. Everything is short and wide these days. It's so odd and unflattering. Colors look nice, but again a bit on the boring side. I have a Fo Drizzle in Silver Spoon that I love, but muted colors are not the smartest things to use on raincoats. They should be using Filtered Orange!

Anonymous January 24, 2017 - 1:00 am

LLM have you received your Hot Like Angi crops? Mine are coming tomorrow but so curious!!!

Lulumum January 24, 2017 - 1:03 am

I did! I posted some none blog worthy photos of them in the lululemon reviews group. Click the link above if you'd like to join and I'll approve you within a day.
I like them a lot but I'm torn on them. I find the pattern very flattering. The rise is really great (reminds me of old Inspire Crops), they are soft and very cool and breathable. The sheer portions in the pattern, although subtle in opacity, is over most of the crops so they feel more exposed. The seam around the leg sits higher on me because I have a longer hip/butt area. The mesh is very silky, but I'm afraid it might be really delicate. I'm thinking on them though because they are very flattering, Im just hung up on how much sheer mesh there is.

Anonymous January 24, 2017 - 1:08 am

I just have to say there isin't one thing I like about this jacket. The shape is horrible, no detail other than a cinched back. The neck is not practical for cool wet weather and the sleeve cuffs are too wide allowing cold air to get in. The high price tag is a joke and I would never even consider this jacket on markdown. It is so clear to me that not only are the beautiful jackets of the past staying in the past but their new designs are simply simple, stripped of any interesting and functional design detail. I was not impressed with last years jackets and from the look of this jacket, 2017 isin't going to be any better.

Anonymous January 24, 2017 - 5:53 pm

I completely agree with you. If you live anywhere in PNW (where ironically Lululemon is from) there is no way you can wear this jacket. Rain and cold air will get inside thru the neck and cuffs. SMH…..
I guess this would work in other parts of the country/world. Too bad it is so ugly.

Anonymous January 24, 2017 - 1:22 am

Yes, that neck line would drive me insane! Don't like the rest of the jacket either, LLM I think you are being kind as I highly doubt with the shape and width of this jacket that it would look good on anyone. Both colours are really nice for rain jackets. I bought one last year, a longer one in silver fox that I just love so not in the market anyways.

OT I bought both Indian Ocean swiftlys LS and the tank and am so so pleased with them. The tank passed my workout test nicely, ( wasn't sure with the extra thickness) and the long sleeve I wear for work or hiking and it is great! ( if I used them for running it probably wouldn't work) Love the colour on!!

Anonymous January 24, 2017 - 1:30 am

$200 for that jacket is insane. I'd rather spend another $200 and get a real designer version, or $50 at pretty much any mall store in the last six months for a cheaper, better proportioned version. This just reads like a poorly executed knockoff. LLL needs to learn that with minimalist designs, proportions are key! I'm struggling to think of who would even buy this particular jacket, since it looks entirely non-functional for its intended purpose given the fit.

Anonymous January 24, 2017 - 2:29 am

My two favourite jackets have been the Fo Drizzle and the Rise and Shine. Both are functional and look good! Miss those days.

Anonymous January 24, 2017 - 1:27 pm

The Fo Drizzle, renamed Rain Supreme, is a classic piece. I don't know if we will ever see this kind of style, detail and quality jacket as long as LLL keeps its focus on cheaper to make designs. It's really so sad because I counted on LLL for my everyday casual and technical jackets but I am not buying into what they have been putting out lately.

janine57 January 24, 2017 - 3:45 am

I like the colors on both jackets. The length is awkward and the neckline is lmessy or something. They need to do wafs! But are these spring colors? If they keep doing the 'chanel' thing they may run the brand into the ground.

Anonymous January 24, 2017 - 4:09 am

That jacket is very unfortunate. Can't imagine it looking good on any body type.

lulubell January 24, 2017 - 4:10 am

The jacket is a fail. The colors are pretty though. I think if they had not made the sleeves quite so wide and made it a lot longer (mid-thigh?), the A-line shape could have been cute.

Love the WAFS tank! Wish it was a CRB I.

Thanks for continuing to do the fit reviews and store reports, Lulumum! I really enjoy reading your take on what's there and seeing the try-ons. It's been raining so much in SF, I haven't been to the store in weeks!!

A January 24, 2017 - 4:39 am

hi lulumum, not sure if there are many of these but it's the first one here… Kamloops doesn't have a lululemon but they are putting on a "pop up shop" here on saturday and I assume it's to see if there is a market here. Would love if you could post about it to try and drive more people!
We have been asking for a store here forever!

emily January 24, 2017 - 12:46 pm

I think the Step to It jacket is a much better value. I have worn in during rainstorms and stayed warm and dry. I only wish it were a little longer.

I still have my cashew WAFS WUCs from a few years ago. I loved that colorway.

Anonymous January 24, 2017 - 4:57 pm

My all time favourite is Run Make it Rain jacket in popsicle orange. So many practical details. Covers your bum, nice hood, zipped pits, lined pockets, collar. Get compliments every time I wear it. And I stay completely dry..


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