Sneak Peek|UK Upload

by Cristina

??Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!??

PSA #1: There is a rumour that the Boxing Day upload will happen tonight at 9pm PST instead of the usual Christmas night upload. If I’m home in time, I will send out an email blast to those that are signed up for my newsletter. I expect it Christmas Day at 9ish as per usual. 

PSA:*Make sure to check out with EBATES online (referral commissions are earned). Don’t forget the holiday return period is now in effect. You’ve got until January 8th to make returns. 

Ebates Coupons and Cash Back

On Track Long Sleeve

On Track Crop

On Track Tank

On Track Tight

On Track Singlet

Wunder Under Crop III|Life Lines Polar Pink Black 

Polar Pink Cool Racerback II

Polar Pink Sculpt Tank II

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Alyssa Van Diest December 24, 2016 - 8:02 pm

How do we sign up for the newsletter? Must have missed this!

Lulumum December 24, 2016 - 8:04 pm

There is a tab at the top of the page right below my heading. I only send out email 'heads up' when the uploads happen (so far).

Anonymous December 24, 2016 - 8:24 pm

Hey LLM, grabbed the cinder lace WUP pants today in store ( they are really great on) and a grey sit in lotus sweater to match. I got the inkwell one when they came out and it's my favorite LL sweater so far! Also my store has the run for cold jackets on in back, white and the plum for $99. The Ed told me they are Boxing Day MDs they put out early. I got the black one and it is nicely tailored and far warmer than it looked. They also had the pullover version on for $79! I imagine they will probably be online for Boxing Day markdowns and wanted to give the heads up. Got my usual tts…. Merry X-mas and thanks for all you do!!

Lottie_Lulu December 24, 2016 - 8:24 pm

I've nearly had a heart attack – firstly at them producing something in that glorious pink my favourite colour and secondly the WMTM on the UK site is HUGE!! Damn it for being Final Sale. I thought they reduced everything on Boxing Day. I've ordered 4 reduced pieces which I had my eye on but couldn't justify. Hurrah!!!

Anita December 25, 2016 - 12:26 pm

Hi Lottie, I have mentioned it here before but I will do it again. There is no such thing as final sale in EU. You have 14 days from the day u receive ur order to send it back. I have spent some time to educate the educators few months ago but in the end they agreed that I'm right and law is on my side. I just think it's pretty sad that they misinform customers by still stating that on their website. I have returned my "final sale" items many times so it holds.

She Who Weaves Words December 26, 2016 - 2:55 am

The UK WMTM drop is amazing! How I wish I could avail myself of it!

Anonymous December 24, 2016 - 8:24 pm

More CRB IIs! Cry. @Alyssa thanks for asking cause I didn't know how to subscribe either and I just did. 🙂 I don't like the cuts of any of these tanks. They're rather boxy in the waist.

Anonymous December 24, 2016 - 8:44 pm

Only thing I like is the pink sculpt tank. I like the new version actually without the hole in the back. I love my sculpt tanks so having this pink beauty in my closet will be nice.

Everything else is really not a nice style or really anything special as far as cut and color.

I realize fashion works a year ahead so even if the CRBII was a fail it would take about a year before they would or could phase the original CRB back in or even phase it out.

Lulumum – feels odd that "Boxing Day" upload would be on Christmas Eve. That's pretty early. Do you feel like they are trying to create the traffic they used to not have to work so hard for and to pad their pre-holiday sales to be able to say that the holiday season was "a success"? It kind of feels like that's what they are doing. I understood Boxing Day upload Christmas night after stores closed and what not but this feels forced to me…just wondering what you think

Anonymous December 25, 2016 - 4:34 am

Its happening everywhere even here in australia. The first year sales have gone live online on Christmas eve rather than boxing day. They are hoping online purchases stop the crowds and the danger. Plus more people are shopping online these days than past years. This whole thing is a teflection on society. As humans get more lazy and less impatient. Our lives are crazy different from 50 years ago (unfortunately) where manners once ruled the world. Enough of technology and impersonal-ness.

Lulumum December 24, 2016 - 8:55 pm

I think retailers in general are really struggling this holiday shopping season. You can see it in in the mall traffic and the early markdowns across all stores. Starbucks had a very, very pared down holiday offering compared to previous years so I'm sure this depressed holiday sales was anticipated. The Bay offered an extension of their 'one day sales' due to customers missing shopping opportunities because of snow.
The early boxing day upload is a bit surprising since they've always done it on Christmas night, but not surprising if you see what other retailers are doing.

Anonymous December 26, 2016 - 5:03 pm

"Enough of technology and impersonal-ness." Nah, I'm good. I don't need to deal with LLL's rude-ass employees, or any other store's, for that matter. I'm not lazy; I can get a better selection online and usually at a better price, regardless of what I'm buying, because I do my research. That's called being smart.

Anonymous December 24, 2016 - 9:12 pm

the Polar Pink color is gorgeous!! I am crying that it doesn't come in the original CRB. As much as I love this color I won't buy the CRB ll

She Who Weaves Words December 24, 2016 - 9:29 pm

The On Track long sleeve isn't bad at all, and the crop seems nice. The tank reminds me of the Turbo Tank of 2012, I have 2 I got them which are still going strong! Not loving the singlet, however.

Nice to see the bright pink, even though I wouldn't purchase it. Just something different from all the "muted" recently.

Anonymous December 24, 2016 - 11:13 pm

The On Track l/s is nice but the price probably won't be. As for the Polar Pink, it's a beautiful colour but I agree with you Anon 1:29pm and wouldn't buy it either as it's too bright for me.

Anonymous December 25, 2016 - 1:09 am

AHHHH the polar pink reminds me of the Raspberry Flurry Fighter!

Anonymous December 25, 2016 - 3:46 am

It's a silly time to add a drop.

Anonymous December 25, 2016 - 4:59 am


Anonymous December 25, 2016 - 5:15 am

I would like to think that people would be spending time with family and friends Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and not watching for LLL upload (or any other sales and whatnot)… but alas, as anon 8:34 PM above mentioned, (unfortunately) things these days are quite different than they used to be… Anyway, to each their own if that's what they want to do, not judging anyone.

Anonymous December 25, 2016 - 6:11 am

I've always done something similar to how you do it Lulumum. And not everyone celebrates Christmas… I guess more or less what I mean is that (no matter if someone celebrates it or not), a lot of us get sucked into the trap that is consumerism and the consumption of more and more things we do not even need more than we should be these days… instead of enjoying the little things, or friends, or family, or getting out and enjoying nature and fresh air, some exercise, yoga, etc and the list can go on to many more things to suit different people. There are lots of ways to find some enjoyment and some happiness without having to spend, spend, spend (this is more or less what I mean), even if alone(and this is coming from someone who knows alone, I spend A LOT of time alone). But as said before, to each their own, I am not judging. I am guilty of getting sucked into this sometimes as well (I am here checking out your blog to get the latest LLL news on Christmas Eve after all, haha, but thankfully dont feel any need to buy like I used to).

Lulumum December 25, 2016 - 5:19 am

Not everybody has that. We leave our family Christmas eve celebrations at 8 so that we can tuck the kids in, and get the cookies and carrot out, fill stockings and then we are up wrapping gifts until 1am. I'm very grateful and happy if I can provide some small diversion for people that don't have a happy family filled Christmas.

That all being said, it looks like the upload will happen tomorrow, Christmas night, as per usual.

Anonymous December 25, 2016 - 6:22 pm

I don't think theres anything wrong with anyone who checked their email, saw the upload to take some time to see whats up.Most were probably sitting with their families and made it part of their conversation as well when it happens. i know you say your not judging anon 915 but ya kinda are. Not to mention you were here taking that time away as well. thanks lulumum for the heads up. its appreciated.

Anonymous December 25, 2016 - 6:18 am

I took about 30 minutes out of my Christmas eve day to look out for it and then grab what I wanted, now I'm done for boxing day shopping, so personally I think it was a good way to go, but as above said each to their own 🙂

Anonymous December 25, 2016 - 2:36 pm

Nothing for me. I got that 25% off Friends & Family discount that was good though the 24th, and I didn't even use it. Rewind 3-4 years… I NEVER would have imagined it! LOL. Also- to me the On Track crops & tights look a little old-school Lulu– the seaming made me reminisce about better Lulu times. 🙂

Thanks so much LLM for all your work on this blog. I really enjoy it. Happy Holidays, everyone!

Heather Carmichael / December 25, 2016 - 6:16 pm

How did you get that? Was this something I missed?

Partial to Pink

Anonymous December 25, 2016 - 7:21 pm

It was a R&D promo

emily December 25, 2016 - 9:38 pm

One of my store educators has my email. She sent me one. When I was in the store to redeem it, another educator approached me to let me know. Both of them have worked at this store for several years and know me from my shopping there since the store opened.

They weren't offering it at the register. You had to know about it to get it.

emily December 25, 2016 - 9:41 pm

I wanted to add that it was a Friends and Family promo. They were saying you were "part of (the educator's) crew."

Anonymous December 25, 2016 - 2:57 pm

Thank you LLM for all that you do and Merry Christmas!!

To anyone that takes issue with LLM getting a kickback for ebates and whatnot, just think about where you go to find out stuff like uploads and WMTM updates, etc. This mama was up at midnight waiting for this stuff to upload!!! Please LLM no need to put that little disclaimer in the parentheses, we get it, LOL!

Anonymous December 25, 2016 - 6:28 pm

any thoughts on the run for cold pullover? sizing?

Anonymous December 26, 2016 - 2:43 pm

I have a size 8 Inscuplt vest in light grey that's NWT from WMTM. I should have sized down to a 6 as this item fits big. My TTS is an 8. I be happy to sell it for the price I paid!
Have a great boxing day!

Anonymous December 27, 2016 - 1:32 am

So did anyone else get screwed out of getting their Christmas order on time? Ordered December 18th and it never arrived:(


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