Sneak Peek|Australia Upload

by Cristina

Wunder Under Pant Hi- Rise Nulux|Flux 50g Multi Black

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**Apple Pay promotion seems to be back on. If you spend $150 and check out on Apple Pay you will get a $25 gift card emailed to you. 

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sb December 19, 2016 - 6:38 pm

Sorry to be OT but I thought I would try one more desperate time to see if any angel in Canada could help me re heathered slate w u pants size 4? Sold out in u.s. On Canada website. Happy to return the favor!! [email protected]

Thanks in advance!
Thank you LLM for all you do for us, lulu and otherwise!

Anonymous December 19, 2016 - 6:42 pm

I can help? [email protected]

Anonymous December 19, 2016 - 6:54 pm

I think I would get bored of this print very quickly. Too much maybe.

Anonymous December 19, 2016 - 7:56 pm

Great blues, boring print. Too "mass produced athleticwear brand" for me.

Anonymous December 19, 2016 - 8:34 pm

I agree. Love the colours used in the print but the print itself screams mass produced to me. It's an ok print, I don't hate it, but it's pretty generic compared to what LLL used to be able to do. Also, I really dislike Nulux fabric.

Anonymous December 19, 2016 - 8:54 pm

lulu IS a mass produced athletic wear brand.

Anonymous December 19, 2016 - 9:04 pm

that's right, of course, but they used to be more special and unique and stand out from the rest… now they're generic and just like everyone else, nothing special to set them apart and make them unique. Honestly, without knowing all this stuff they're making these days is actually Lululemon or seeing the logo I doubt we could tell the difference these days.

Anonymous December 19, 2016 - 10:25 pm

I'd be interested to see it in person, since I've heard that the tulle print is much better in person and this seems like it might be, too, but at first glance it doesn't pass my "if it was made by anyone other than Lulu, would you even look at it?" test.

Anonymous December 20, 2016 - 5:54 am

I agree with everyone else, the blue colors are gorgeous!! the print is giving me a headache tho

Anonymous December 19, 2016 - 8:48 pm

Love the colours…Looks so much like marble print in black and grays from 2 months go….maybe a bra would be enough…then again looks like one I got 2 months ago that's was blues and marble pattern .. so a pass

Anonymous December 19, 2016 - 8:59 pm

20 year olds will love this

Anonymous December 19, 2016 - 10:39 pm

Exactly my point for months now!

Anonymous December 19, 2016 - 9:14 pm

Honestly, I'd really just love to see more choices in nice solid colours. Prints are ok and I like *some*, but my preference is always going to be solid colours. Bright fun colours, gorgeous saturated colours, etc… Solid colours are classic whereas prints tend to be too trendy and get "old" quick. Also hard to pair other items of clothing with prints or wear casually if desired.

Anonymous December 20, 2016 - 5:56 am

agree 100%! or at least give us some classic prints. what was that really great one, silent stripes?

Anonymous December 20, 2016 - 3:02 pm

Quiet Stripe. There's been great prints in the past but now it all looks like everyone else and something I can get elsewhere for 1/4 of the cost. I know the fabrics are different. However, many of the other companies have upped their game and the fabrics have gotten so much better and more technical to compete. I can't stand nulux. When I work out I want compression and nulux doesn't have much, if any, at all. I don't like the plastic like feel of it either. Feels cheap and thin.

Anonymous December 19, 2016 - 9:22 pm

Actually don't want pants in this pattern (too much) but I would love this is in a CRB (old version) or a Sculpt tank!

emily December 19, 2016 - 9:29 pm

I love the pattern, but prefer luxtreme. I like the feel of Nulux, but it isn't compressive enough for workouts (for me).

Anonymous December 19, 2016 - 10:40 pm

Why pay $29 for the exact same print at TJMaxx when you can pay $118 at Lulu.

Anonymous December 19, 2016 - 11:56 pm

OT: just went to my store and got completely out of 25% off 15 items. Turns out it's their friends and family event today. Lucky me because I never get anything.

Anonymous December 20, 2016 - 12:04 am

So did you get anything? I've been mulling over going to Boxing Day, but I'm trying to think what I would buy. There are some staples I wouldn't mind owning, but nothing I'm really excited about and certainly nothing I need. 25% sounds awesome until you start thinking, hmm, now what would I buy, exactly?

Anonymous December 20, 2016 - 1:28 am

Friends and Family event? Since when haha? Yes, I know, they've been trying it on in certain cities or stores, but all of it is a desperation bid. And it's about right, isn't it? Since they jacked their prices and smart consumers say "nope, I'll wait for a markdown, thank you very much!" As for F&F, it's not like Banana Republic or other stores, who do something like that every year for god knows how many years already. LLL is so behind the times on offering some sort of consistent sales outside of the odd markdowns. Sure before they didn't have to do it. This is not three or more years ago. Now they jack prices because some actuaries are telling them they'll still get the spenders. Incorrect!

Broken record, I know. Retail is suffering. People are oversaturated with clothing (and cell phones).

As for these prints: no thanks. Agree that they are nothing special and you'd have a hard time picking this out as LLL vs Nike vs UA and so on. Agree with the comment that maybe it would be nice in an original CRB, I might be into it.

Anonymous December 20, 2016 - 2:29 am

Unfortunately they didn't have what I was looking for. I wanted to try those new ombre pants. I got 2 shirts for my husband , scout tank Black /Alberta lake print, Rest Less hoodie in black, Heathered Black HT , Like Nothing tight, and 2 CRB , one heathered slate and wee are from space I think. I have been eyeing Like Nothing tight for a while, but price was offputting. I'll look again at all my items when I get home and wait till Christmas Day and then decide what I'm keeping. Overall it was nice of them to offer me this discount

Anonymous December 20, 2016 - 3:13 am

I got the 25% out of the blue today too….

Anonymous December 20, 2016 - 4:29 am

Yes I bought a lot lol Coukdnt resist 25% off. But will keep all tags till Christmas Day to see if there are better deals on md. However I'll most likely keep Like Nothing tights ( I love Nulux), and Heathered Black HT Luxtreme as well as Sculpt tank in Alberta Lake/black. . I also got Rest Less Hoodie in black, but not sure about it. Also grabbed 2 tops for hubby who-hoo!

Anonymous December 20, 2016 - 12:57 am

Honestly, it doesn't seem like the company can "win" either way. From the comments I've read on this blog recently and from years past, buyers are constantly changing their minds as styles evolve and preferences change. I remember reading comments saying how juvenile certain prints and colors were, and now some people want to buy from the children's line because the prints are more colorful than what lululemon currently offers. I have a lot of OG pieces and love them, but I have also found some current offerings that I also enjoy. I may not have the perspective of someone who purchased lululemon when they originated, but every company evolves and they will have lots of hits and many more misses. I used to love reading this blog for the insightful feedback from others about fit, fabric, and performance. And I love getting sneak peeks so I can budget accordingly (thanks for all of that, Lulumum!). But I'm quite tired of all the negativity, which seems to breed even more negativity. If there is such dissatisfaction with the brand, is it worth investing any time or thought? There are so many other brands to explore. My personal favorite for running apparel is Oiselle. Anyway, not to dissuade freedom of speech and expressing your opinions (both great), but maybe it's time to channel that energy into an open letter (with signatures from everyone who is dissatisfied) to lululemon so that your voices and valuable opinions can truly be heard.

Anonymous December 20, 2016 - 2:03 am

love the idea of starting a letter with signatures to bring back the old Lululemon

She Who Weaves Words December 20, 2016 - 2:15 am

So wonderfully put. Grateful to you, Anonymous 4:57 and to LLM too.

I purchase what I like when I can afford it (when I'm from, our currency is tremendously weak against the US or Canadian dollar, so I have to be extra cautious) and I listen to how people discuss the brand's evolution and learn so much.

Anonymous December 20, 2016 - 2:45 am

Anon 4:57, I tried to say the same thing before , but was told that I'm an educstor. I'm not liking everything that they put out, but spend hundreds of dollars each month on the items I like. I would like them to continue to evolve and not to go back to the old styles. Those styles are not popular anymore imo

kellidotca December 20, 2016 - 2:55 am

I book marked this page to remind me how miserable and negative everyone has been for at least 4 years now. I'm guessing they always will. Ignore. Buy what you like. Ignore the noise.

Anonymous December 20, 2016 - 6:18 am

agree. i actually waited a few hours to respond to this comment because i was bracing myself for the cyberbullying to ensue. usually when people express something positive (i.e., "dissent") they are bullied into silence very quickly… or, yes, name-called an "educator". i still like LLM (the person… Christina) and what she puts out here on this lovely blog, but the commenters here are so negative, and SO MEAN to people that express positive views, people that dare to like product that the haters hate, models with less than perfect toes/legs/arms/hair, etc.
Christina – like i said, i like the content on your blog, and i am bummed that you (by no fault of your own, imo) have become such a dumping ground for negativity. it sucks!

Anonymous December 20, 2016 - 7:14 am

Anonymous 4:57 pm here. Thank you, all, for the kind and thoughtful replies. I posted anonymously because I was scared of the backlash and potential to be bullied for a differing opinion. I'm grateful for the positive response and encouraged that we can all share our thoughts respectfully. I'll try to filter out the purely negative and cruel comments and focus on the ones that I care to read — fit, fabric, and performance. That information has helped drive a lot of my purchasing decisions. So thank you for that! Keep up the good work, Lulumum. Happy holidays to you and your loved ones!

Lulumum December 20, 2016 - 6:28 am

I appreciate your comments. I think there are a few things at play here. 1. not moderating comments is huge, especially over time. And of course the anonymous feature 2. increased commenting activity. When I moderated and used a different platform (disqus)I would have maybe 5-10 comments per post and now there are posts that are 20-100. 3. A community of shoppers that are very emotionally connected to the brand. This last one is probably the biggest factor but facilitated by the other reason I mentioned.

I am bummed by a lot of the negativity, especially when it is gratuitously snarky, but I really love the level of engagement and communication that has been happening here and so much of the positive community interactions. Tons of helpful fit suggestions and tips on what stores have what items on sale or on the floor. I am not bothered by people ragging on the items themselves, or complaining about the brand. I am 100% bothered by snarky commentary about the models, or educators or fellow commenters.

While I have been pretty disappointed in the overall product lineup of the brand this fall/winter and the overall vision, I have to say that I've made several purchases this season that I'm really loving, and I'm really looking forward to sharing my loves in post very soon.

Lulumum December 20, 2016 - 7:21 am

Happy holidays to you as well!
Please try not to carry the negative comments with you. It's taken me 7 years to become very detached from it so I get that it's easier said than done, but that is the only way you find peace and remove the power those comments hold over you. And don't ever let comments like that (here or anywhere else) make you quiet your own voice or make you feel unwelcome! You and your opinion are a valued part of this community!

Anonymous December 20, 2016 - 7:08 am

Well I love this site, it gives some good advice especially all the try ons and reviews. And personally I'm digging this print, if I can't get something I love on boxing day sales I'm grabbing this! I'm glad I don't love everything lulu makes, I'm more than enough of an addict and I think they're really trying to have a range of models with different colors and some even different sizes and a bit short. So keep on the sharing 🙂

Anonymous December 20, 2016 - 12:39 pm

LLM I actually appreciate that you do not moderate the comments. I like coming to your blog and reading the comments real-time, negative or not I like to read opinions and product info etc… i find it helps me if I am looking to make quick decisions as well. I think if you moderated the comments I would be less likely to comment as often as I do. So Thank you!

Anonymous December 20, 2016 - 4:22 pm

I agree with the above comment. I also like the real-time feedback I get because my comment gets published right away (and I love seeing other people's reactions real-time too). thank you LLM for keeping this site up running!!
I don't mind too much people writing negative comments in here. It's a way for them to vent our their frustrations. it shows that they care about the brand. and since lulu took down their own website for feedback 'hey lululemon', I find that websites like this are the only thing left for us.

Anonymous December 21, 2016 - 2:10 am

I love that too! I like reading complaints and positive feedback. In the end, the buyer should decide for herself if the product works or is appealing! But it's nice to be able to read honest comments.


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