My Sephora VIB Rouge Sale Haul

by Cristina

This is the tiniest Sephora sale haul ever with just two small purchases! I opted to order a few things online and take advantage of the free samples and the points rewards since there where items I liked, and I will go to the store this morning to check out the rest of my wish list items. Did you any of you Rouge members place an order yet? Share in the comments what your haul was. 

Don’t forget to use your Ebates if you order. 

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Anonymous November 4, 2016 - 4:59 pm

Have you used the Clinque taking the day off balm? I purchased it last month, hasn't really met the hype but it should last a while… makes for a semi-ok remover.

lo lml November 4, 2016 - 8:40 pm

In store today:
Makeup by Mario palette (was not going to buy but saw it – loved it and there was only one left so I had to)
Glamglow holiday set
Bite beauty lip agave mask (whole fam uses)
Kvd trooper eyeliner (stock up item)
NARS concealer (stock up)
Verb dry shampoo (trying-don't really like so far tbh)
Asst sheet masks
Also some items weren't in stock so I'm doing an online order for the Sunday Reilly power couple set (repurchase-LOVE) and a ysl perfume set. There was a lot more I was tempted by but I try to limit my spending to only these sale times to get rouge, and this already has me reaching it through next year. Really want the dyson dryer but holding off until next years sales to start the Rouge earnings again. Love this sale!

lo lml November 4, 2016 - 8:43 pm

Also the boscia cleansing oil makeup remover! Tried some others but this is my fave!

Anonymous November 4, 2016 - 9:46 pm

i placed my order before even leaving for work today and SO glad i did as many items are now out online. i always use this rouge sale to stock up on all items i use on the daily AND get in all my expensive items. i lucked out and got the 1.4ml of the sunday riley good genes treatment. im on the last leg of my current one and use the tiiiiiiniest amount in fear of running out lol. wish i could say i just got a few items. it hurts the bank but is worth it in the long run 🙂 ebates helps too (i knew they wouldnt give 8% cashback, theyre like airlines, always going up and down in rebates…. they always go back to default 4% when theyre having their sale or point perk periods)

Anonymous November 5, 2016 - 1:54 pm

Lulumum, do you ever think about "rebranding" yourself under a new blog (or actual, own website) that is not tied to the name or LLL focused? I can imagine how much work it would be and certainly a hassle to maintain two blogs/sites; two, for a time at least 😉 I am only wondering because you do blog about more than LLL. Your knowledge of beauty products and some of their history–not even being a make up person–I find very interesting. And you do have a beauty counter store. Strategically it would be a good move on your part to take away the LLL focus. You could still link back to this blog. I think LLL is going to go the way of the dodo and better to star sooner, rather than later. I know easier said than done, but it seems clear that you have a lot of reader interest in the non-LLL topics and your audience would likely expand. Cheers.

Anonymous November 5, 2016 - 3:04 pm

As you correctly noted in your post, this would require actual work on her part. lol But you're right, it's feeling like LLL will be over sooner rather than later so it would be smart for bloggers that focus on lululemon to start shifting focus and bring their audience with them.

Anonymous November 5, 2016 - 6:02 pm

I was also thinking this recently. It does seem as though LLL is going down the drain and LLM seems to have an interest and is knowledgeable in beauty products, not to mention her interest and experiences in fitness/lifting… would be interesting to see more of this kind of thing…. maybe an all around health/fitness/personal care/beauty type of blog… maybe even some food related/recipes/ideas type of posts…

emily November 6, 2016 - 11:56 am

I spent quite a bit in-store on Friday, buying lipsticks and eyeliners I'd been wanting to try. I also got some stock-up items. I'm considering ordering a new Clarisonic (and will pass mine down to my daughter) and a few more stock-up items online.

lulubell November 6, 2016 - 11:28 pm

I'm not VIB Rouge, but I met a friend for lunch today and we went to Sephora after. She mentioned she had a coupon to use, so I lucked out and got to grab a few items for myself (she was able to use it twice). Thank you Lulumum for posting about this! I enjoyed reading about your picks and purchases. Plus, I never would have known about the 20% off and probably would have just hung out with her while she shopped. I got First Aid Beauty Hydra-Firm Cream, a couple of masks and the deluxe container of Bareminerals powder.


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