ThredUP Review

by Cristina

I’ve been hearing about a new consignment website called ThredUp in the Lululemon groups, mostly people inquiring wether or not it’s a good place to sell Lululemon. I haven’t researched the consigning end of a transaction on Thredup yet but I believe they send you a box where you can ship them your items, and you can also check online to see what similar items are being consigned for and what you can expect. I think this method works really well for those lululemon items that are valued at under $20 in the resale market and are not really worth your time listing individually on eBay.

This past summer, a rep from Thredup contacted me and asked me if I’d like to get a credit of $30 with them in order to make a purchase, and then if I’m happy with my purchase I could tell you guys about it. The reach out to me was because they have a pretty nice selection of Lululemon items as well as other activewear brands which they where wanting to promote to our community so it was a good fit. Instead of purchasing activewear though I was naughty and decided to make a game of consignment hunting and knock something off my fashion bucket list. I was also naughty for taking my time with this post and spending several months looking for something special. I’ve been needing to replace a pair of nude patent pumps that I damaged so every few days I would look on thredup for a luxury brand version of what I needed, since I’d never normally spend full price on a luxury brand. Valentino, LK Bennet, Manolo Blahnic, Jimmy Choo. I found lots of shoes I really loved for steals but I limited myself to getting something I needed – versatile nude court shoes.

These LK Bennet Sledge pumps I found retail for $345 USD. Guess how much I purchased them for!!….. well, as I mentioned above I had a $30 credit, and there was a summer promotion of 40% off your first $50. They where listed for a very reasonable $71.99 and truth be told, I would have happily paid that price for these shoes. With my $30 credit and 40% off discount my total was $19.18!!!

I picked them up yesterday a bit worried about the sizing and condition. They are a size 40EU and I’m a size 9, (so that would be sizing up to 9.5). The condition was perfect and it appears that they where only tried on once and maybe the person walked around the house. They are incredibly comfortable and the perfect size.

Now, if you want to browse around and do a bit of shopping,  [[Sign Up Here]] and get a $10 credit to your account. I will also get a $10 credit for your sign up. Be patient and take your time shopping for exactly the perfect item. They upload products almost daily. I also have a coupon code to extend to you if you make a shoe purchase – SHOESS50, and this code gives you 50% off up to $50.

Right now I’m hunting for an Alo Yoga Moto Track Jacket in red that seems to be sold out everywhere. I’m hoping it will eventually make its way onto thredup where I can snatch it up.


*another thing to note is that ThredUP currently only ships to the US so I had to use my US shipping address and I needed customer service help to override my  IP address location.




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Anonymous October 6, 2016 - 10:10 pm

They are not new -I've know about them for three years. The concept is great but you don't get a lot of bang for your buck. Honestly you are better off selling on apps or eBay.

Anonymous October 6, 2016 - 10:51 pm

I think ThreadUP is much better for buyers than sellers. I've heard horror stories of people sending in bags of stuff and only getting like $10 back. Also, if you send items in take special care to request that the items ThreadUP doesn't purchase get sent back to you (there is a fee for this) otherwise they get donated.

Anonymous October 6, 2016 - 11:06 pm

I was a big user of both Like Twice (RIP) and Thred Up last year when I did a MAJOR purge. Like Twice was so much better. Thred Up gave me a pittance for full bags (I'm talking like ten dollars) – and then I would see my exact dresses online for way more than they had offered to me. I would use them only for things you were already planning to donate / if you don't have a good consignment store in your city.

Michelle Lu October 7, 2016 - 2:52 am

ThredUp is absolutely terrible for sellers. I sent in a bag with barely worn and some brand new, tags on items, mostly from Banana Republic, J.Crew and Anthropologie. For 11 items, they offered $25 and change. They resold a single one of those items for that price. It's not worth it at all as a seller. A tiny bit of effort on Craigslist of eBay will net you way more.

Lulumum October 6, 2016 - 11:26 pm

Yes I'm not a big fan of consigning in this way anything of value but I do love to purchase.

Courtney October 7, 2016 - 8:52 pm

I agree with what everyone else has said-Thred Up is awesome as a buyer, but I've heard not so great things as a seller. I sell a lot on Tradesy and Poshmark, but I do have a bag of stuff ready to send off to Thred Up that I dont't think will sell on Tradesy or Poshmark (I've found that, like myself, people are either looking for deals, or they are looking for something special, so a GAP polo shirt isn't going to interest them). I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm not going to get much for the items.

LK Bennett makes the best shoes! I have that same pair and they are ridiculously comfortable for being 4" heels.


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