I’m still curious to try on the Florence Print NULUX Speed Wunder Tights, but I’m losing interest by the day on chasing them down and waiting for them to ‘land’ in stores. I’m also not loving the sheen on the NULUX. I’m loving really matte prints in the new nylon based Full-on luxtreme prints. The Shibori print on the left intrigues me.
Lululemon is totally coming across as try hard and wannabe, and all this ridiculous hype just tops it all off. What a turn off.
I'm probably in the minority, but Dotti Tribe didn't do anything to me. So I most likely will pass on Florence ones since they are very similar. But I'm getting the tie dye ones
Me too!
Me too! All the prints are tiring but give me tie dye/ombré any day :-)!
No FOMO, that is for certain!
I think my final separation and severance from LLL is nearing completion.
P.S. plus, I have "ink blot white deep indigo" Wunder Unders from around 2013 and they are nicer, imo, than those ones feature above.
hmmm now that i'm looking again, I'm not crazy about the crotch seam on the florence tights. I liked the marbled mix nulux but they did not pass the bend test, otherwise I would have bought them.
OMGosh, now that you pointed that out I don't like that! I've been waiting for these too but that kind of detail bugs me. I have the marble, still have the tags on, passed the bend test for me (with nude undies) so that's not an issue. But the crotch stripe is…Thanks!
Anytime. Crotch seams are always a no for me. ? I guess I need more nude undies? ?
I've also been waiting on the florence WU speeds but I have the Dottie Tribe WU and I'm afraid they are quite similar. However now that Petite Impact mentioned the crotch seam I'm much less interested and may take the tag off my marble WU speed tights. As much negativity they got, I still love the feel and comfort of them. They are the only run pants where the top seam doesn't dig on me, so that is worth it for me.
Oh and not loving the other prints! Someone earlier said they look like curtains and I agree.
I definitely like the dottie tribe WU more than the Florence WU. I wore my dottie tribe WU yesterday and got sooo many compliments. Non-addicts were asking me if they could still find them in stores.
I have the Florence speed shorts and that's enough for me in this print.
I'm skipping the event today due to lack of interest. I like the tie dye but not sure I want it in pants. I didn't like Dottie tribe or care for Florence print. I'm thinking manipulating your customers is coming back on them.the scarcity model worked for awhile but overall it's taught me to let go. I can live without cute lulu!
Yes! I totally agree with you janine57!
All of this overly hyped "fall fashion" event stuff reeks of desperation, imo. There was a time when Lulu didn't have to try so hard. The stuff didn't have to be hyped up like this back then. They really need to go back to being what made Lululemon Lululemon, and stop with all this being copycats trying to be all "haute couture" or super high fashion and trendy or whatever you want to call all this crap.
I'm sorry (not sorry?), but these prints are fugly. I'm so disinterested in Lululemon right now that I've even forgot about the upload for about a month straight. And then when I do remember about it, I don't even go to the Lulu website, I just come here, skim through the post, see nothing of interest, and move on.
Whatever happened to classic, functional non sheer black tights!!!!!!!
I often wonder when the designers look for inspiration why they don't check out ebay and do a retro-favorites with a new twist line. Quiet stripe comes to mind. These still regularly re-sell for $3-400. If I ran Lulu I'd be doing a whole stripes line in different color combos. On the plus side I've been "shopping my closet" lately and falling in love with my collection all over again.
That's a great idea. Anthropologie did something similar a few years back, and we Anthro-addicts went crazy!
I love Anthropology. Yesterday I went to Lululemon and found nothing that interested me. Then went to Anthropology and bought a really cute top. The regular price was $78. but it was on sale and further discounted so including tax I only paid $29. Now that's what I call a markdown.
Just get the athleta stripes crop
If you want a version of quiet stripe https://glyderapparel.com/collections/bottoms/products/mantra-crop
If you want strips, done right, you go to k-deer http://www.k-deer.com/
Athleta already tried to copy the copy k-deer's Signature Stripes and bowed to pressure and pulled them. k-deer has a lot of appealing patterns coming out all the time. Not junk like LLL of the past 2 years. Plus k-deer quality is fabulous and made in USA.
Imho, stripe heavy product has limited use (and I'm petite). It would NOT be good if a collection was released and it was stripe heavy. Some items yes, but not a ton.
Oh, K-Deer looks amazing! I'd vaguely heard of them and forgot to look 'em up. Thanks for posting the link! So nice to see color again!
Why can't they find thread that matches the same colour as the pattern/pant colour? I'd buy WU's but am turned off by such a sharp contrast in the seams
Personally, I am also not a fan of the new lulu line-up. I used to visit both my regional stores, well weekly. Last item I bought in store was a CRB in late august. It was on markdown for $29. I check uploads several hours after with no fomo. I used to panic in fear of missing out on something amazing. Now I check out of curiosity to see if they've got it back together. I'm missing their old stuff, but re-shopping my own closet as well and eBay. I am enjoying collecting past good condition items I missed and think I will edit my own collection of things I don't love. I have more than any person needs, time for me to return to reality, lulus lackluster recent items are making it easier and easier to cut the ties :).
I think I'm on the same page as most of you…. no thanks.
OT- Got a new Athleta catalog yesterday in the mail, and the clothes are nice! Has anyone been buying that?
I love Athleta! I run in their Sonar Capri and have bought their dresses. Super comfy and I look for occasions to wear it. Great, great stuff.
I have Lulu too but don't buy nearly enough as I used to. I used to buy speeds, skirt, swiftlies and crbs all to match each other at almost every upload. Now my most recent purchase was the burgandy floral speed shorts and that was it for at least 6 months or more.
This new stuff is just reinforcing how much I like the old stuff.
I wish I could try Athleta. I'm in Canada and it's just not worth it to me, by the time I do conversion, duties, shipping etc. I've even tried with stuff on sale but the price does not seem worth it for items I cannot see in person, whether to try on and to see/feel fabric in person. I've ordered from other American retailers, however, for items I consider more special.
However, when LLM posted on the fall/winter vests, the recent LLL one in silver with black trim versus the Athleta one in plum, the Athleta one was the clear winner based on looks alone.
Anon 5:55PM I wish they had Athleta in Canada too! I keep hearing about them but never been in one of their stores in US. And I agree, with shipping, conversion rate it is just not worth it to buy online. For now at least.
I plan to check out Karma store. LLM had a post on them and I loved their stuff. Plus items are made in Canada! I need to see them in person.
I love Athleta! I'm sorry you don't have any in Canada – that is a bummer! I have always gravitated toward lulu, but the things i do have from Athleta, I love. With the lulu price hikes, style going downhill, and my fall preview experience (I just posted about it below), I am trying to move more towards Athleta. I love their stuff, but the hard part is just changing loyalties after all these years.
Their skirts are the best. I have 2 Swagger Skorts (with a 3rd on the way), which I use for tennis or for being a PTA mom because that's apparently what PTA moms wear. 😛 I also have a Gap Visa, which I use as my backup credit card, and any rewards I earn on it I can use at Athleta. I actually just ordered my 3rd skirt last night, which I was able to take from $54 down to $20ish for my whole order because I used $25 in rewards and a $10 gift certificate from doing a Gap survey. It's just nice that they offer real discounts for loyal customers.
wow, now I really want Athleta! haha
yeah, LLL is taking us for granted. and for a long time it worked. Now with so many other options emerging, I think it is time for them to change strategy. but I think they are too full of themselves and it might be too late by the time they realized their customers are now shopping somewhere else.
Count me in as another who wishes Athleta was in Canada.
Maybe the energy bra in the blue swirl print would be fun. .not sure I want full pant….the florence looks great..similar to dottie tribe…next they will release similar pattern down side of legs but in colour like alo. I have florence speeds and bra. I think I will keep those Eben though I don't like going overboard with same pattern
I miss the days when they didn't have to tell us how awesome their clothes were, we just tried them on and we knew. We got a discount for the event on Sunday morning and I honestly couldn't find anything I liked.
you know this line is a fail when the only thing that caught my eye were the ladies that were having lunch. They look so fit and fabulous!
the products, meh. the 70s print truly looks like curtains.
I went to one of the "fall preview" events yesterday (Sunday) morning. I was trying to do a little shopping spree for my birthday, and I have to say this was my least favorite trip to lulu ever. This one store has always been my favorite out of the 4 local ones, but their staff has completely turned over. The store that used to greet me by name completely ignored me the entire time I was there. It was a total struggle to even approach someone to ask for help.
I was trying to put together an outfit because I feel like my whole lulu wardrobe is so disjunct, but their offerings weren't one bit cohesive. If I found some awesome bottoms, I couldn't find a top to match and vice versa. Practically no color, especially in bras. Definitely none of the new fall lines that I was supposedly there to preview.
I finally decided on what I wanted to buy. Glad I got a 15% discount, but that also made my purchase final sale. Anyway, I felt so down that the snobby girls who've taken over my favorite lulu store made what was supposed to be a fun little birthday adventure no fun whatsoever. I'm about done. 🙁
The store experience is embarrassing. Clueless, rude, condescending employees. In fact, they almost seem put off by people that know and love the brand. Reminds me of working retail when I was in high school – everyone acted like they were too cool for the job, and certainly too cool to actually be polite and helpful.
Happy Birthday! Sounds like a bummer of a birthday Lulu shopping adventure though 🙁 I can't believe (well, sadly, I can, with what is going on with Lulu these days) that the 15% discount made purchases final sale! I'm kind of shocked that they would do this for the special event discount! Shameful!!
15% off made it a final sale?! That just covers the sales tax in BC. How tacky of Lulu.
That the discount made items final sale is laughable! They should really take a lesson from other retailers that offer actual designer gear, have regular sales/discounts, and don't saddle their customers with clothes that don't work. I wouldn't have purchased anything out of principle – I just made my first WMTM purchase in a very long time last week, and I'm nervous enough about getting stuck with some of those items!
I had similar experience at one of the local events last night. Apparently it was not as exclusive as it seemed when I registered online for it. My husband and I stopped by this store earlier in the day to put some items on hold. One of the employees came to me saying that they are having 15% off sale tonight. Then later at the event they didn't even ask us for our tickets, everybody could attend. There weren't that many customers anyways. We were told that we will be poping up balloons to win special prices. After my husband and I paid we asked about balloon deal. The girl at the register said she doesn't know how it works. Then we went to the manager. She said every 4th paying costumer gets to pop the balloon . We asked her if the girl at the register knew about it ( who said she did not) , manager said she did. So the cashier lied to us. Anyways long story short there was way too many balloons for 10-15 costumers , especially if they would only let every 4th pop one. Our thought was that the employees would keep the prices( most likely $25 gift cards). We felt really s**ty about how they held the event, not being clear about the terms and liying to us that they didn't know. We bought dropped almost $800 combined and would have appreciated a gift card.
specifically asked at the register and was told that all the 15% discounted items are returnable
OP here…I think everyone's sales are different as far as what they do. Our store was final sale; others might not have been. She even took out a stamper and stamped my receipt "all sales final." Sorry everyone else's experiences seem to have been as disappointing as mine. 🙁 🙁
Oh yeah, and I didn't know it was final sale until I was running my card and she said "does everything work for you? It is final sale you know." Woulda been nice to know at the outset.
Wow I really dislike all of this to the point where I wouldn't even try on a style I like because the prints are pretty hideous. I agree that Marshalls has better looking active wear.
I asked about the return policy as well on the 15% discount and you are able to make returns.
It's a store level decision. Mine was definitely final sale – so says the "all sales final" stamp on my receipt.
I don't understand why it would be a store decision tho…. I thought all Lulu stores are corporate. So why not apply same rules for all?
No idea. I can only speak to what happened at mine. I assume it was a store decision, then. Or maybe they misunderstood and gave out wrong info. When I originally mentioned it I just figured that was the case across the board, but evidently not.
I'm pretty sure each store can do what it wants. I'm pretty sure they have the power to do markdowns on whatever items they want, and do this for certain things like the last item in a particular colour or a returned item that is no longer being sold in store, etc.
Yes – they've always said the stores are "empowered" to make decisions based on their local markets. I think they all got to handle this event in their own way. I've heard of gift cards and goodie bags and all kinds of other things. All we got was the discount and some food.
OT: Gilroy Outlet Party –> lulubell.
Went to the Gilroy outlet yesterday morning 10AM. Never been, but was curious, as lulubell posted some great prices (thanks lulubell!) …
There was no line. No crowds. Not much inventory. And here's the best part–
They RAISED prices!
I remember it was $19 for bras/tanks/skirts. Those went up to $24. Vests/dresses $49. Crops $59. Jackets $79. Basically WMTM prices.
I asked the cashier what happened. He was so very friendly, and so very regretful when he said, "We did not anticipate how much product would sell. So we had to adjust prices."
Which was secret code for, "We were running low on inventory, so we raised prices!"
I thought you guys would get a kick out of this. I sure did. :o) Lea
I don't know if it was a matter of running low on inventory that they raised the prices… perhaps once they realized things were selling well they raised them back up… they are that greedy… we've seen the lengths they go to to get as much as possible out of us… anyway, just a thought…
Isn't any retailer trying to get as much as possible from the customers as they can? I mean it's not just lululemon , nobody gives their product away
Well yeah, anon 9:40, of course, but within reason and I think a lot of us have seen just how much Lulu marks up their stuff… a lot this stuff isn't worth it, that's the issue here. Plus they never do sales or rewards for frequent purchases, etc. They make this stuff as cheaply as possible in every possible way, from the way the product is designed (lots of cost cutting has taken place in the designs), to the cheaper quality fabrics, to the places the product is manufactured and the craftsmanship of sewing/stitching is poor quality, etc. I mean, come on, did I say others give their product away… not at all what I was saying. Of course if you want to purchase Lulu without any question then keep at it, I don't care, that's your business.