More Lululemon Store Changes

by Cristina

Last week, their was an internal directive to get rid of the pant folding station at the back of the stores. Reason being was that corporate believes that educators standing at the folding table intimidate customers. This gives employees no surfaces within the store to organize and fold pants. I don’t know about how you are as a customer but I find I am more standoffish with the store greeter, and I decline help from the educator at the centre of the store but by the time I get to the pant wall I am usually prepared to ask the educators at the pant table whatever questions I have. This is where I feel comfortable having conversation, once I’ve warmed up to it after browsing the store. 

You may have already picked up on the hint about upcoming product in my last post. If not, read again. 

Photo Credit: Ms. R

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Jenny August 1, 2016 - 9:06 pm

The ONLY places I've ever had any conversation with educators is at the table. My girls have sat there as well. I just ordered sweaty betty pants and I've got a few zohba pieces and a few vimmia (which I love for hot yoga). I'm finding i'm getting away from lulu bottoms.

Anonymous August 1, 2016 - 9:11 pm

Honestly, most of the employees at my local stores are so b!tchy and act so irritated about having to be at work that I'd prefer not to have to interact with them at all, if possible. But sure, get rid of a table instead of overhauling your abysmal customer service.

formerly non 4:41 August 1, 2016 - 10:15 pm


Anonymous August 2, 2016 - 3:23 am

my favorite part is when I walk in in head to toe Lulu and they start describing the *benefits* of their fabrics…which they don't bother to notice I'm wearing…then proceed to tell me how to take care of it. I sometimes think I'm on America's Funniest Videos and they're trying to catch me rolling my eyes at how "uneducated" they are. Years ago when they were the s–t…an educator tried to blame my bad ph for a Paris Pink Cool Racerback bleeding. Yes, your right Lulu…your fabrics are so smart and advanced…my bad ph caused my tank to bleed. Wonder why that never happened with Beyond Yoga, Vimmia, Nike, Zella, Swetty Betty or any other piece of clothing?? You're right your 19 year old working summer break knows a hell of lot more than I do about clothing in my 40 years. And I'm the lunatic that has sporadically continued to shop there. Think I just talked myself into seeing the light!

Anonymous August 1, 2016 - 9:13 pm

Doesn't affect me as I don't go into my local store, too snobby!

Anonymous August 1, 2016 - 9:16 pm

Right? The store experience is really, really awful. I feel like a moron for buying LLL every time I visit one.

formerly non 4:41 August 1, 2016 - 10:16 pm

same here. and often time i find myself knowing more about their product than they do, which only contributes to their snobby attitude.

Anonymous August 2, 2016 - 6:07 pm

that is such a bummer about your store experiences! I actually really like all the educators at my local store and chat each time I go in. I actually feel bad for them bc I know they are not going to be happy with the price hikes and have to take the brunt of in store complaining.

Sf August 1, 2016 - 9:32 pm

This also means that there won't be any seats at a lot of stores anymore because if they remove the table I assume they will totally remove the stools that usually go along with it (and sometimes these stools are the only seats in the entire store). That is bad news because most of the stores lack chairs or anyplace comfortable for a parent, bored spouse, etc to sit on.

Anonymous August 1, 2016 - 10:19 pm

I 100% agree with your post Lulumum! It is only by the time I get to the pants, once I've taken a quick walk through the store that I start (if need be) to ask for help from an educator.

Anonymous August 1, 2016 - 10:46 pm

Ridiculous. I used to work for Lulu-where are the eds supposed to fold pants? On the floor? I agree entirely with the store experience and customer service. A few months ago, I brought in a 3-month old pair of DSPs with a curled waistband so curled that it had rolled over itself if that makes sense. The ed asked me why I would find the waistband a problem! Seriously?? I can go elsewhere for just as decent product if not better, and a better experience all around!

Anonymous August 1, 2016 - 11:28 pm

I just googled "Canadian alternatives to Lululemon"and found a few options. I am going to place an order this week with Karma and try Lole as well….there are a lot out there, other companies who are just finding their way and won't sacrifice quality, customer base, and raise prices to the point of nonsense. Lulu mum, I have loved reading your blog and I will continue to do so and I sincerely hope that you will branch out to these other brands for your kick@ss reviews, etc.

Anonymous August 1, 2016 - 11:37 pm

I second that! Love the lulu reviews but hope you start to review more affordable Canadian choices!!

Anonymous August 2, 2016 - 3:13 am

Don't kid yourself. Other Canadian companies such as Lole, Titika, to nsme a few are just as expensive as LLL

Lulumum August 2, 2016 - 3:14 am

I love Lole. I love that they are made in Canada. To me that makes them worth the premium price.

Lulumum August 2, 2016 - 3:17 am

I absolutely will. I have in the past done so but will do more. None of them have been sponsored posts so I've had to find the brands organically and spend my own dime on them but I've been very happy with my Lorna Jane bras which are all I wear since I got them and my Varley crops. I have really liked Alo a lot but haven't gotten any as the two styles I liked had detailing on them that didn't work with petite leg proportions. I have a Lole jacket but intend to get more. I'm also very interpreted in Karma which is local (and Canadian made). Of all the brands I've tried Lorna Jane has really impressed me. Unfortunately they way upped their shipping to Canada and they don't have any local stores.

Lulumum August 2, 2016 - 3:18 am

*interested in Karma

Anonymous August 2, 2016 - 11:42 am

Lole is a Canadian company but it is not all made in Canada. I have a dress and it is made in China. Lole full price items are not cheap either. Lole, however, does have regular sales. One Tooth is Canadian made. Not as slick in the design department, but they have some good, solid stuff.

I agree with whoever made the comment that don't fool yourself, other brands are expensive as well. I think the point everyone is trying to make is that LLL price inflation per item in the past and now on multiple items all of the sudden is ridiculous. This is their answer losing loyal business. They do want to get rid of loyal customers because we know too much and they are not going to go back to better quality and more 'reasonable' prices. Also, apparently the new measure is that you have to be able to afford to live in downtown Manhattan and also be able to afford any of the brands in the athleisure brick & mortar stores footprint near 5th Avenue.

Obviously LLL is not the only game in town. LLL is about to find out what customers will not tolerate and it will actually be a good fortune for other brands and retailers.

Anonymous August 2, 2016 - 4:01 pm

For me, it isn't just about the price hikes, it's much more than that. I don't mind paying a bit more for something if I feel that it's worth it overall. I do my research on companies for everything (everything!) that I purchase and I won't purchase from companies that I feel are not worth supporting.

Anonymous August 2, 2016 - 6:01 pm

agree with you anon @9:01AM I also research the companies. I want to support a company that I believe in.

Anonymous August 2, 2016 - 12:04 am

PS, even though I have positive experiences and am comfortable in store, I'll be shopping less. I cannot stomach the ever inflating prices ($10 markup for an item(s) is extreme, although they are known for this). If they continue to carry a few things that I like (unlikely since the CRB and FTB will be going), I'm afraid it's going to be a new level of patience for md or wmtm. I used to have, but long ago got over, FOMO.

Anonymous August 2, 2016 - 1:54 am

If any Canadians are looking for quality, reasonably priced alternatives, I really love One Tooth Yoga. The website is abysmal, but there's a ton more variety in store.

Spidermobile_Girl August 2, 2016 - 2:09 pm

Thanks for the info about One Tooth Yoga, as I will be looking to buy elsewhere now.

Anonymous August 2, 2016 - 3:49 pm

I second that! Thank you anon 6:54 PM!

Anonymous August 2, 2016 - 5:40 am

I feel bad that the staff won't have any place to fold clothing anymore but honestly, in all 3 of my local stores, I found that staff was congregating at that table having personal conversations. To the point where it was very uncomfortable for me to approach or ask questions or ask for sizes, etc. So I'll be the lone dissenter and say that I don't really mind this change. For what it's worth, I'm in Orange County/Southern CA.

Anonymous August 2, 2016 - 7:01 am

you're not alone… I'm respectfully disagreeing with Lulumum on this. In many Toronto stores, I've often been made unwelcome for approaching "Pants wall" area because some "eductors" were having their Frappucianos and socializing in general… Just last week I had to disrupt their chat about Fall course selection and both looked irritated. I really detest the lax attitude in/around the back half of store setup.

With that said, it won't matter to me much now as I just can't stomach spending another cent to this greedy company. I view this price increase as the final nail in coffin and I kind of even welcome these changes since it frees me from a 9yr Lululemon addiction.

Anonymous August 2, 2016 - 11:46 am

Are you shopping at the Queen Street store, lol? Post-workday and on the weekend, that has not been my experience in the Toronto stores (I'm at Queen St. rarely), not even Cumberland in Yorkville. Eaton Centre is too busy for any relaxing/socializing and at Briar Hill they are very pleasant and helpful.

Anonymous August 2, 2016 - 1:19 pm

The Toronto Queen St. store is dead most of the time, no wonder employees feel free to congregate at a cozy spot in the back. I have not observed any socializing in the other downtown stores, and my fave is Briar Hill too (and walking distance from my house). Briar Hill always had the most helpful, cheerful staff. I have never felt intimidated in any Lulu (or other) store. I've got the money and if they've got the attitude, they won't have my money, it's as simple as that. Back to the removal of folding tables, it is a crazy move, as long as staff have to fold.

Anonymous August 2, 2016 - 6:01 am

omg, you guys, Define Jackets are now $128 on Canadian website! Yikes, pretty much $150 for a Define after taxes! All Swiftly tops also up $10 from their previous prices.

Anonymous August 2, 2016 - 6:25 am

What's crazy is that (in Canada at least) there was already a price jump in defines in the past year, from $108 to $118. And I thought THAT was outrageous…

Anonymous August 2, 2016 - 3:45 pm

Agreed! Even after hearing that we should expect to see price hikes this week, I honestly wasn't expecting the Define price to go up another $10 again.

They haven't been selling as well since the price was hiked up to $118. A lot of them have ended up going to WMTM, so I am truly surprised at this decision. Also, the reviews over the past year for Defines haven't been looking good at all (seams/stitching quality and pilling issues)…

I've been waiting for them to make it to WMTM and will continue to do so, that is, *if* I do so at all… I don't need any more Defines anyway.

CatepillarInTraining August 2, 2016 - 2:35 pm

This explains SO MUCH. I was in my store this weekend and my Ed was holding tanks on her arm and putting them on hangers in her hand while she talked to me, which seemed so weird, and I did notice the table was gone but I guess I assumed they were getting a new one or something. I have definitely spent quality time at that table putting outfits together (it was SO NICE to have a place to lay things out) and even just chatting with my ed's while friends finished trying on clothes. I think a better approach for lulu would be to avoid the "what do you do to work out?" line that I always hear them use when someone approaches the pant wall. The first time I went into a lulu store I found that to be really intimidating, and panicked and told them running and felt really boxed in to only trying on the compression pants even though I liked the way the wunder unders and yoga pants looked (and that's ultimately what I ended up with and still what I wear the most of).
I know a lot of girls are really frustrated at lulu at the moment, I am REALLY grateful that I have TWO amazing stores where all of the Ed's know me by name and still make the experience worth while. I think if I didn't have that I would've sought out other brands at this point.

CatepillarInTraining August 2, 2016 - 2:40 pm

This explains SO MUCH. I was in my store this weekend and my Ed was holding tanks on her arm and putting them on hangers in her hand while she talked to me, which seemed so weird, and I did notice the table was gone but I guess I assumed they were getting a new one or something. I have definitely spent quality time at that table putting outfits together (it was SO NICE to have a place to lay things out) and even just chatting with my ed's while friends finished trying on clothes. I think a better approach for lulu would be to avoid the "what do you do to work out?" line that I always hear them use when someone approaches the pant wall. The first time I went into a lulu store I found that to be really intimidating, and panicked and told them running and felt really boxed in to only trying on the compression pants even though I liked the way the wunder unders and yoga pants looked (and that's ultimately what I ended up with and still what I wear the most of).
I know a lot of girls are really frustrated at lulu at the moment, I am REALLY grateful that I have TWO amazing stores where all of the Ed's know me by name and still make the experience worth while. I think if I didn't have that I would've sought out other brands at this point.

Anonymous August 2, 2016 - 3:25 pm

yeah, it isn't the table that's the problem… where are they supposed to fold the clothes… smh

Anonymous August 2, 2016 - 4:34 pm

I can't wait to see if they don't sale a lot tonight for the new items, if that happens tonight, they will learn why.


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