Intel + Black Grape Split Hoodie

by Cristina

The Split Hoodie was uploaded in gorgeous Black Grape at some point over night. Speaking of gorgeous color, I have some verified intel for you. Due to the awesome comment participation in this blog with all of the honest feedback you guys provide daily, a lead designer at lululemon has contacted me for further discussion on what we’ve been upset about. The subdued neutral colors we’ve seen over the past several uploads. I’ve reiterated that although neutrals are appreciated, we really miss seeing vibrant colors and patterns. When they where doing colors we where seeing repeats of Grapefruit, Very Light Flare, Flash, all extremely similar colors out all at once. I’ve been reassured that in future months, in addition to the neutral prints we will be seeing more variety of color and  ‘future deliveries will come in a more balanced assortment’. I very much look forward to further discussion with the design team to pass on your feedback and comments. I think it’s amazing that they are listening to feedback and reaching out and not just acknowledging it but really considering it. This is also thanks to your very active involvement in the comments section here and your willingness to share your feedback.

Black Grape Split Hoodie

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Anonymous August 26, 2016 - 11:04 pm

Lulumum, that is such great news!! It's great to know our input matters. I have a fit comment on the split hoodie: it runs large. I always wear a size 6 in the scubas, even the 3's which run a little more generous, but I needed a 4 in the split. The material is very soft, but I found the design to be nothing special for $118 USD. Thanks for all you do!

Ljg680 August 26, 2016 - 11:18 pm

Tell them to fix the crb II or bring back the old crbs! 🙁

Unknown August 26, 2016 - 11:59 pm

YES. Call the CRB II something else and leave me the CRB. It's a STAPLE!

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 12:06 am

I agree Unknown. I like the CRB II, and I'd like to see it stay, but with a different name, and along with the original CRB!

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 12:54 am

Agree, leave the CRB1 alone and retain it, make it in nice, non-repeat, non-similar colour releases and GREAT colours. They don't have to crank out a billion of them all the time, but keep it.

Call the CRB2 something else and for those that want it, there it is. And do not make the CRB2 in nicer colours than CRB1, haha.

And finally, stop the insanity with all the mesh obsession and the h00ker look!

Thanks for the update LLM, sounds promising. Only time will tell.

Anonymous August 28, 2016 - 8:11 pm

Yes! Keep the original CRB (those of us with longer torsos prefer the length!) and offer them in more SOLID colors! Like bordeaux drama (I know everyone is sick of BD, but I'd still like a solid BD CRB!), alberta lake, and others darker jewel-tones!

Joanna Bach August 26, 2016 - 11:33 pm

I love this colour!

Anonymous August 26, 2016 - 11:46 pm

This is good news!! I don't mind neutrals either if it is balanced. The all black pant wall does not inspire me to buy, and my 95% of my wardrobe is lululemon. ( I am a full time holistic practitioner hence the percentage on LLL)

Note: they need to keep the CRB and bring it out in the same great colours the CRB II is in. The II doesn't work for everybody. ( myself included) but I am sure it's a great option for some.

The website I don't hate like others. Biggest pet peeve is the name of the colour doesn't pop up when you scroll over a colour. We really need that feature back.

Special details: the ones that make LL Well, lululemon. LOVE everything black grape! But the Split hoodie is just too plain for $128 plus tax. Wish it was a bit more detailed, would have snatched it up even at the price. The Dottie tribe WUP were special so I paid the price. ( still love them!)

That's my two cents for what it is worth, this makes me feel so much better that you actually got a call!! J

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 12:04 am

Agree with you about neutrals, I love black and white but I love a lot of choice in colour to go along with it.

I'm one of the ones who actually likes the new CRB II. I'd like to see it stay, but along with the origianl CRB too! I think there should be room for all the classic iconic Lulu pieces along with newer designs. A lot of my favourite pieces have been discontinued or changed in a way that doesn't work for me, but then there is a small handful that I ended up loving even more! I guess it can be hard to please everyone. But I am sad to see the Scuba II, DSP II, original Groove pants and original Skinny Groove pants go (to name a few).

I don't mind the new website either, but like you, I really miss being able to hover over the colour dot and see the colour name, that too is my biggest pet peeve.

Also agree with you about the special details, the ones that made Lululemon stand out amongst all the rest. I miss those. Now things are more and more generic, the kinds of things you can get anywhere for less money.

Anonymous August 26, 2016 - 11:54 pm

To be honest, it doesn't really matter how many gorgeous colours they decide to give us if the overall quality continues to suck. They really need to do something about the stitching and seams quality. or lower the prices to match the quality. It just isn't right to keep jacking up the prices and lowering the quality. And stop cutting costs with generic plain looking designs that can be found anywhere for less money. I'm all for the occasional minimal design but this isn't the occasional minimal design, we've been seeing less and less detail for a long while now. and no, adding a bunch of seams and mesh (and is it just me or is the mesh getting cheaper and cheaper looking) and slits doesn't count as the kind of detail I'd be willing to pay these kinds of prices for.

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 1:02 am

I agree Anon 4:54. The compromised quality + higher prices is a huge issue. It's one of the number one reasons I stopped purchasing so much – severely reduced LLL spending in the last 3 years. The CRB1, FTBW, FTB, and Speed Shorts are the only things I've been buying, although not as frequently either. Don't get me started on the overuse of mesh. Some of it is fine for some people but it is overkill now. Personally I think most of it is trashy. The new "detail" with the peek/slits are also trashy, imho.

Neutral options are great, but not as the standard all the time.

LLL has really lost the details and quality with the global expansion. I won't go on, but this even includes messing with pockets on shorts, running tights and crops – this feature used to set them apart from all their competitors!

Unknown August 27, 2016 - 12:00 am

Love this colour. I saw the hoodie in store today and it is gorgeously soft… But the navy and grey just didn't make me want to spend that much on a hoodie. THIS however…!

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 12:10 am

Love your blog, good for you that they are listening and I love to comment, but if the powers that be didn't get rid of heylululemon then they would be in the loop and would be able to consider everything their LOYAL customers want and need!!!!!!!!! Geesh

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 12:58 am

The funny thing about this is that not long ago (within the past year, maybe around this time last year) on heylululemon they did a survey all about colours and what our favourite colours are and what colours we'd love to see more of. There was a lot of feedback in the comments section under the survey there. So, I'm kind of confused by this. If they were really listening then they would know what we would like to see more of. I'm pretty sure the 'jewel tones' option in the survey was winning.

Anonymous August 28, 2016 - 9:33 pm

haha so true!!! I was thinking the exact same thing! They had the greatest opportunity (with hey lululemon) and they took it away!!

For a 128$ hoodie (CAD) I would expect some reflective details and feminine details. This hoodie still looks good but not for that price. I agree with previous comments that if they want to charge the premium prices, they have to put in the effort and the quality, otherwise, it just feels like they think we're so stupid that we'll buy anything they make.

The reason we pay the high prices (I mean high as they were before the increase, now the prices are just ridiculous) is because they were quality items. Now they are just cutting back on everything (shorter CRB, one sided Vinyasa scarf, thinner material, lack of color) but they increase the prices. That just doesn't make sense to no one!!!!! Once you burn your clients like that, you have to really try hard after to win them back, especially the good customers that felt hurt, unheard and betrayed by their actions. I know it might sound a bit too much but I know that once you establish a great connection with your customers (and they really worked hard on that with hey lululemon), when you let them down after, you have to work twice as hard to win them back. Anyway, this is just my opinion. I could go on and on with what they did and are still are doing wrong but I think it's useless as they proved it time after time that they don't really care, because if they cared, they would have listened and kept hey lululemon.

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 1:37 am

Split hoodie looks like something I could find at target. Not worth the price tag. Come on designers, you can do better than that.

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 1:50 am

Lulumum: I commend you for keeping me informed on the Lululemon happenings! This is why I come back everyday to read what you write. I was on an interesting phone call today with Lululemon. I do not think I can copy & paste but I cannot log on to my account on their website. This is the second time with the new website and I have reiterated how the new website sucks! They are supposed to be calling me back tomorrow on that issue and other issues as well.

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 2:06 am

Definitely hate when I click on my bag to see what's in there and it takes me to a suggestion page of more ridiculous things that I would never buy and makes me wait it out here.
It seems that online when I click on anything there is a wait to be redirected to that item, so if I have to wait to see something I want to buy I'll just go elsewhere with my money and not wait or waste time!

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 2:39 am

Me again: I have had the same issues as you and discussed them in length with Lululemon. A little while ago I received an e-mail from them saying they were not going to go back to the old website but are making improvements daily. Honestly: I have not seen one improvement at all, and I know that website pretty well. It has a lot of bugs in my opinion. It takes too, too long to see one item among other things. The new website lacks appeal, does not command my attention (like the former one did), and is not inviting which is what I have stated to Lululemon time and time again. The last letter I wrote them was to tell them they are on an ego trip and not wanting to see it from the customers' perspective when we keep them employed and their profits high. Ultimately, they will not change and the days of Chip Wilson are over. Technically, after returning two swiftlys, I have not purchased much except for a tried & true yogini 5 year l/s from last year which recently came on WMTM. Coming from me: this is unheard of!!!

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 5:56 pm

I agree about the suggestion page. I actually feel a little bit angered and offended every time it pops up. If I wanted those things I would buy them. No need to suggest them.

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 4:03 am

finally! Sheesh! Also see if you can get whoever does the pricing to lend an ear! I agree with a previous post of yours Lulumum about price hikes – was in store yesterday and there were a lot of swiftly SS marked down. Now I have been wanting to try a ss swiftly for a long time because I like the tanks and LS. HOWEVER, right next to the "on sale" $59 ss swiftlys was an alberta lake 1/2 zip sun runner long sleeve for $64! $5 more dollars for a long sleeve shirt with much more technical details. I'm sure you don't have to guess which one I took home with me….

Alisha August 27, 2016 - 4:17 am

If the Lulu design team is listening and/or keeping up with this blog, just wanted to add my two cents.
I find that the designs from 2011-2013, the years I started buying lulu, were fantastic. The running tops, such as rulu longsleeves and pullovers were buttery soft and thick. They had special features, such as the Full Tilt LS, which had beautifully patterend lace, ruffles, a pocket, thumbholes, and cuffins, for a reasonable price. Tights lasted for a LONG time, had reflective details, and lots of pockets for no more then $108, if I'm not mistaken. A lot of the product now seems to void of many of these great features that were a signature for Lulu. As well, the colors we had to chose from back then were beautiful jewel toned, saturated colors.

My beef over the design issues is stemming from the fact that prices have been rising expotentially, and are either the same product, or are void of the great features we used to take for granted…

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 6:01 pm

The Full Tilt stuff was fantastic. I bought one long sleeve and two half zips and they're some of my favourites. I'd have bought more if I'd had the money at the time.

Luli Designs August 27, 2016 - 3:45 am

Exciting to hear that a designer contacted you and that they are really interested in customer feedback. I look forward to hearing more info about your contact with the designer.

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 4:21 am

I am wondering if this interest in feedback is happening because the crazy price increases are resulting in decreased sales + alienating their customer base, who aren't biting at the new prices, and Lulu is now realizing that?

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 5:37 pm

Anon 9:21 I'm thinking the same!

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 12:09 pm

Hey LLM I love Black Grape/Black Swan but this Hoodie is plain and as others have said, you could find this in any store for a lot cheaper. In order for me to buy a hoodie it has to cover the neck when zipped up and this does not.

My input for the designers:

1. Bring back the Dance Studio Crop without any changes in style and sizing. All crops brought out to replace them do not compare in comfort, style and detail. I doubt designers have any say in this maybe they could pass it along to the powers that be.
2. The sizing of the Dance Studio Pant has changed recently because I now get a camel toe and wedgie so I can no longer buy the pants I have worn for years. Seriously, we wear these pants for comfort and because they make our bums look good but now they have ruined them in all the ways we loved them.
3. Give us better quality fabrics. This year has seen such thin flimsy see through fabrics like the Pima Cotton. I refuse to spend my money for cheap looking fabric that won't hold up.
4. I would like to see a better choice of tanks that do not have armholes to the waist and cover the bra with some nice subtle detail.
5. Get rid of the cinched waist in jackets and bring back more tailored styles. The Goal Crusher Jacket has a nice style with good detail but the fabric was sheer and sticks to the skin the second you start to sweat. All Jackets need lining. I have spring jackets from years ago that are very lightweight with mesh lining that are not too heavy or warm for spring/summer.

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 1:16 pm

I don't know. Maybe I'm just a pessimist, but I'm not holding my breath. Customers have been telling LLL what they want for YEARS. The feedback was readily available, robust, and in my opinion, quite consistent. From product reviews on their website, to Hey Lululemon, to these types of blogs, customers are asking for the same things over and over again. So- for a designer to reach out to you to ask "what we're upset about," well, I'm sorry… It doesn't exactly ring true. You want to know what we want? We want you to take a look at what you were doing in 2008, and do that. We want the designs to look like someone really cared about the details, not like it came off a slurry of mass production design. Seriously. We've said it over and over and over, and nothing changes. Talk is cheap. I really hope I'm wrong here, but just my two cents.

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 2:21 pm


Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 3:05 pm

I totally agree as well. This whole thing just seems kind of funny to me when we've been repeating over and over again what we're upset about, like you say, for YEARS.

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 3:49 pm

Agreed. This is either lip service to the concerns of customers or they're really doing as bad financially as everyone seems to think.

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 5:40 pm

Really well said! I'm with you on this.

Vicky August 27, 2016 - 3:41 pm

Black grape is nothing new or special and neither is this hoodie. Lulu wants to increase its prices but decreases its design elements and give us the same colors. They can't get themselves together to get out the great pieces that people love. They can put things like tuck and flows out in aus but we can't get that here in North America. If we had that I might spend some money but nope. 118 for a plain hoodie in an old color is no enticement.

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 3:53 pm

Scuba II and original CRB, please. This would increase my spending from zero to a substantial amount.

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 5:39 pm

Here is my 27 cents.

For me, the problems started with the release of the new website. An overhaul was absolutely needed, but they should have gotten the technical stuff down first before messing with the look. I want basic functionality. I want to hover over an item to get more info. I want to know what color things are. I want to search by color name, not a square that has a color in it that will never bring up CLOP or Blooming Pixie. It's a great start to have the model images back, but there is a lot to be done. There are tons of sites out there where shopping is a breeze. LLL should have someone investigating them and trying to emulate some of their functionality.

So, people were already starting to get alienated, so how did LLL respond? By starting the trend of getting rid of staples people love. Now, I do understand that the vocal minority may or may not have been the only ones upset, but if you're going to rip the band-aid off, you should be there to make sure the wound heals properly. They should have been on their own and other blogs to tell people why they made the decision and show some data to back it up. If the sales of the Studio Pant are slumping, an update is probably in order. Say something like "Our Studio Pant sales were down 50% over last year and we felt it was because people weren't wearing flared pants anymore. We slimmed them down a bit, let us know what you think!" Just randomly changing things leaves people scratching their heads and making up their own reasons. On top of that, prices were raised. OUCH. Please put the band-aid back on.

Blowing smoke up our collective asses – People don't like to be lied to, mislead, mansplained to or patronized. It's like the cheer stations at SeaWheeze. They were awesome and all, but being told halfway through your run that you're almost there and "this is the last hill!" was pretty damn disheartening when you know it's not true. When I post asking for something to return or for a feature I'd like to see, don't freaking tell me to keep watching. I sit there watching like a kid waiting for Santa and he never comes. BE HONEST. I'd rather hear something couldn't be done for whatever reason than to be told that something was a great idea and to keep watching.

When the CEO says the company is pushing innovation and taking risks, I wish he would explain how. I know coming up with new and unique clothing is tough, but a pant wall overhaul isn't something guests would define as innovative or risky. Send some folks out into the world. Truly innovate. Make cool new gear we need to have like you've done in the past. In my opinion, Lululemon got where it is by staying on the bleeding edge of innovation of technical sports gear. We're looking for the next Wunder Under, Scuba, 105 F, Studio Pant, CRB, Swiftly or something else we just can't live without. Most of the women who post here can probably boast about having at least five of each of these. We love LLL clothing. We want something new and different like you've given us in the past.

Totally not important, just some things I've been wishing for from LLL.

Hair ties!
Side pockets in Wunder Unders
More technical running tops
More reflective trim in other colors
MUCH better socks. They are great for casual wear but they are not good for running
More crew socks
More running gear in general, water bottles, belts, safety vests, etc.
More beachy stuff, especially beach cover-ups that don't look like yoga wraps
More of the details that make Lululemon special, unique zipper pulls and drawstrings, metal logo charms, specialized logos for events, inspirational quotes and all of the thoughtful things that put smiles on our faces and make our lives easier.

I hope our voices are heard. 🙂

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 5:45 pm

Oo! I'd love to see the products you're wishing for. I love what you wrote, I think it's very insightful. (:

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 5:58 pm


Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 7:22 pm

Very well said. With new product coming out every week I can't believe they would all have better sales than the product that have been discontinued. There has to be room for classics even if they are online only. There seems to be more focus on design detail and prints for bottoms but not for jackets, tops and accessories.

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 8:33 pm

Agree with you, 12:22. I don't mind trying new things, but without regular/much-loved products to buy as staple items, I'm not inclined to buy and waste time/money/effort on trying new styles to find replacements for things I already know and love. It can take over a month to get a return processed from an online order – no one has time for that (not to mention I'd rather not have hundreds of dollars on hold for weeks on end). The news products don't meet my needs.

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 10:13 pm

Totally agree with you anon 12:22 PM. There should always be room for the classics, along with all the new items. I don't mind trying new things, but I always have room for more of my favourite classic styles in new colours. Sadly too many of them have been discontinued or changed in a way that doesn't work for me, with only a few exceptions.

Michele August 28, 2016 - 9:44 pm

Very well said!!!!

elise August 29, 2016 - 1:08 am

Excellent ideas! I think some of the things that made Lulu really stand out were the excellent technical innovation and details along with the feminine touches — ruffles, pleats, flattering seams, etc. I've paid more for their stuff because the details are there, it wears well, and it looks great on. I do feel like some of that — details, feminine touches, and quality of fabrics and construction is starting to slip. Add that to boring colors and patterns and LLL is really starting to lose its appeal over other brands. They should realize that I'm willing to spend my money there, but they haven't been giving me many reasons to.

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 5:47 pm

Lulumum, thank you for all the hard work and time you put into your blog! This Split Hoodie looks pretty in that color but for at least $50 less for me to buy it. I do hope LLL takes our feedback into consideration but I am also confused as to why they took down Hey LLL if they wanted feedback. :

Anonymous August 27, 2016 - 7:00 pm

Yes, thank you very much 🙂

lulubell August 28, 2016 - 2:34 am

I love this color!! It reminds me of Concord Grape from several years back. I bought a Mpvement Hoodie in this color and wore it so much, I bought a back up off ebay. Probably one of my top 5 Lulu colors. I hope Black Grape is similar in person, if it is, I will buy more things in this color for sure.

I'm glad to hear they asked for your input. It makes me optimistic for change to the current line-up. Please keep us posted! Thanks for all you do!!

Unknown August 28, 2016 - 4:10 am

So, since Lululemon designers are reading…. Please bring back Quiet Stripe in High Time or WUPs. Pretty please!

Anonymous August 29, 2016 - 12:36 am

Omg I want a pair of those so badly! I've only seen them in blogs but not in person since I wasn't into LLL yet. I look at lulumum's post of them occasionally lol cause I love them that much!

Anonymous August 29, 2016 - 7:23 pm

there is no way that they won't be see through, given the current quality.

Babblingbunny August 29, 2016 - 7:30 pm

@Anon 5:36, me too! Lululemon wasn't on my radar at the time. So sad I missed out. 🙁

@Anon 12:23, it sucks that you're probably right. Possibly lots of pilling, too. 🙁 I'd still like them to bring them back. Maybe they'll be amazing. 🙂

Anonymous August 29, 2016 - 7:33 pm

agree with yo anon 12:23 PM. Why bother getting excited over something that is just going to end up being crappy quality… stripes not lined up, see though, unraveling seams…

Karen Bushell August 28, 2016 - 7:48 am

brilliant result! Thank you Lulumum for all your hard work 🙂 Hope the Australian buyers are listening too!!

Anonymous August 29, 2016 - 8:16 pm

Disgusting. Absolutely no need to be using animals fur for clothing in this day and age. So many deceiving companies out there these days. People really need to do their research, but even then, may not be able to dig deep enough to find the real truth. They all have their ways of making everything they do sound so great with the way things are worded etc to their own best interests.

Anonymous August 29, 2016 - 11:50 pm

I would just like to clarify and add that there is no need to be using animals fur of ANY kind in this day and age. They seem to think it is ok to be using raccoon fur… how does that make it any better than raccoon dog fur… Just because they're canine and related to dogs as most people think of them as (pets)… ALL animals should be considered equal… makes no difference if raccoon or raccoon dog or any other animal.

Anonymous August 29, 2016 - 2:39 pm

Hmmn wonder if sales have declined this past month….enough to get their attention ah duh price hikes equals lower volume equals decreased sales for a higher profit margin. If they did one thing at a time day discontinue mailing bags….that would help bottom line….add a modest shipping fee instead of hiking prices that might have helped too…those ordering will put all in one order rather than doing g multiple orders….

Anonymous August 29, 2016 - 3:42 pm

I agree, they should have dome one thing at a time. but instead they hiked the prices, discontinued loved items, changed the color scheme, and changed the website layout too. too many changes (and not good ones), too soon.

Anonymous August 29, 2016 - 7:35 pm

I don't agree. All these changes are still the same whether or not they are all done at once or not, makes no difference in the end, they're all still stupid decisions.

Anonymous August 29, 2016 - 7:36 pm

Like sneaking them in all separate times isn't any better… just sneakier.

Anonymous August 29, 2016 - 11:07 pm

Bad decisions didn't just start happening recently it started over 3 years ago with the discontinuation of the Dance Studio Crop without any warning, POOF they were gone. That was the beginning of the downward spiral of one bad decision after another that continues to this day. Classics started disappearing one after the other and we were finally picking up the clues when the item wasn't getting any attention by the designers regarding colour and print and when they showed up on WMTM we knew they were done for. So I agree with Anon 10:39am that we deserved an explanation that made sense and we also deserved a heads up. So it was during this time that I started losing respect for this company because I felt I was not being respected as a long time loyal customer. Since the DSC demise bad decisions have been piling up one after the other with more regularity in the past year to where so many of us are just turned off, is it any wonder? This anger goes far beyond designs I am not liking, cheap fabrics, lack of details, discontinued classics, axing Hey Lululemon, a poorly redesigned website and price increases, it speaks to the lack of respect I feel this company has for it's loyal lulu following.

Anonymous August 30, 2016 - 3:14 am

I was wondering if maybe this "new" lululemon was told they couldn't use the old designs from previous designers you know the tried and true really amazing ones or the ones from designers that had left ie: Chips wife?

Anonymous August 30, 2016 - 12:53 pm

All designs would be owned by Lululemon. I believe under this new management made a decision to get rid of the classics from the "Chip Era" and move forward with their own vision void of anything that resembled anything BP (before Potdevin). This is where I feel they miscalculated the backlash from loyal followers and are now scratching their heads wondering why are we so mad and so vocal about it. I bet this is the first time any of these new key executives have worked in a company with such a huge built-in loyal following and are not used to planning their business moves with us in mind.

My wish is to have this communication with a lead designer get back to Mr. Potdevin that they need to bring back the classics that were axed, give us the quality,designs and details that we have come to expect and show their loyal followers the respect they deserve.

Anonymous August 30, 2016 - 1:33 pm

I would just like to add to my comment Anon 5:53am that while trying to compete with Nike, Under Armour, etc. they are now producing clothing that is more like their competitors and less like Lululemon. They are losing the essence of what made Lululemon successful and the reason why it was able to build such a loyal following. My hope is they will embrace and nurture what made Lululemon so great while striving to create new and innovative clothing as well.

Anonymous August 30, 2016 - 3:43 pm

Exactly! But I ain't holding my breath. They seem to be heading another direction completely. If we wanted generic Nike and UA, umm we would go there! Duh designers! Stop resembling Nike and go back to being Lulu!


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