Fit Review! Monday Try-Ons!

by Cristina

Bell Jacket Size 10 

This is my TTS 10 and it’s a pretty relaxed fit. I like the color Greyvy but it’s pretty bra amidst such a muted product drop. As I mentioned to you a few weeks ago in my tip off, this is what we can expect from lululemon. A lot of black, white, grey and muted tones. I find $138 pretty pricey for a swift jacket that isn’t water proof or water resistant. The styling of the jacket is cute but because it is a bit wide and boxy with the cinched in waist I feel like it needs to be longer. This came in white and black and I may have been warmer to it in a more compelling color. 

Bell LS TTS 10 

This reminded me of the Exhale Pullover with the pleated back which is the cotton version of the Tuck And Flow. I was so excited to try it on despite the drab colors but alas, it was not at all the beauty that was the Exhale Pullover. Not at all. That pullover sold out before I was able to get one and I regretted missing out. I know you OG readers will remember that pullover.  This is a shorter boxier version and it just didn’t do anything for me. TTS 10 for me. 

 Sculpt It Tank TTS 10

Sculpt It Tank was nice and I appreciated that despite the fact that it has a built in bra I could comfortably wear it over my regular bra without too much strap showing. I have a bra that would work better for this. Again though, drab Bordeaux Drama, grey, black and white. $64 is a lot of dough for a tank.  

Interesting sculpted out ventilation gaps in the back with whip stitch detailing. 

Back At It Again Tank TTS 10

I HATED the neckline on this tank. I don’t mind a higher neckline that scoops in like this but the proportions where off. It’s sort of a weird almost boatneck with wide straps, but then the chest carves in. The back scoops down so low that it exposes my bra line by a lot. You’d have to wear a long line bra with this and show most of it. Black, White, Grey, probably Bordeaux as well. 

Sculpt It Singlet TTS 10

I actually liked this Sculpt It Singlet. The Seriously Light Luxtreme is really silky and soft. Unfortunately that means that in a tighter fitting tank you need to really suck it in so as not to show lumps and bumps but in a slightly more relaxed tank like this it’s really nice. I think Greyvy looks best in this material. This has pretty vented seam details in the back as well. It’s $68 so I’m definitely waiting for a deep markdown on this one. I just don’t have fear of missing out with these prices. I know they will get discounted eventually and I also know I really have a lot of time to consider my purchases. 

Yin Time LS TTS 10

I was surprised at how soft and silky this BOOLUX knit top was. Much softer than any other BOOLUX item. I meant to check the tags and compare the fabric composition on it but I forgot to do that. Had this come in a great color like Alberta Lake, Tofino Teal, Bali Breeze/Menthol or just about anything other than Bordeaux, Grey and Black I would have gotten it. $108 seems like the usual price for knit sweaters, right? 

Sculpt It Tight TTS 10

I am not showing you a rear view of these pants. From the front they were nice enough with really pretty seam details but from the back the mesh feels like panty hose material. I was actually afraid I’d put a hole in the mesh with my foot while pulling them on. The mesh on these is so thin and flimsy compared to the usual mesh they use in bottoms. The luxtreme is also really thin and silky which overall makes the pants feel incredibly soft and luxurious but that also means that every single lump and bump is showing. 

I did not get to try on these Fast As Light Crops as they caught my eye on my way out but they where really cute. 

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Anonymous August 15, 2016 - 9:52 pm

Thanks for sharing…well I have enough black and I don't like grey or Bordeaux so nothing for me…that's ok need a break I have crops in nightfall colour that looks like grevvy so I won't need that colour as I think I worn them once. I like jewel tones and bright colours so this is good for a break. I think the one tank looks like the small tank from a year ago ..with built in bra and seaming on sides…I did get new crbs today and liked them but I am now thinking twice about purchases….given prices. When you gonna showcase the seawheeze loot…I can't wait to see it

Lulumum August 15, 2016 - 9:56 pm

I think I posted a brief post of my Seawheeze haul. All I got where the two jackets. I will be posting my seawheeze recap soon though and a post with the clothing from the showcase store.

Anonymous August 15, 2016 - 9:53 pm

Meant to say amala tank

janine57 August 15, 2016 - 10:00 pm

Bra is $74? Yikes! I missed your post about the drab fall colors.. Why is that? The latest trend? Just curious. I liked the jacket but I agree it needs to be longer and for that price waterproof!

Anonymous August 16, 2016 - 8:01 pm

Right!?! $74 is so ridiculous for that top!

Anonymous August 15, 2016 - 11:22 pm

I saw your first photo and thought my beloved 2014 Lightened Up Pullover is back, alas… thanks for the hard work LLM. these prices are just outrageous. So far it looks like all new running tights/crops will be over $100. YIKES

btw, I noticed your blog sale has many CRBs. Are your firmly in the CRB II camp now??? I tried on CRB ii last wk in true red and couldn't give back to change room 'educator' fast enough. Hideous on me 🙁

Anonymous August 16, 2016 - 2:16 am

Can you do a post on your updated CRB collection? I love those posts!!

Lulumum August 16, 2016 - 1:30 am

Nope, I love the CRB and that is still my preference for both design and price. A few months ago I went through my collection and weeded out the CRB's I hadn't detagged or haven't worn more than once and I put those in a sell pile. I still have an absurd number of CRB's I'm keeping but thought I'd start moving my 'to go' pile now that the CRB is being phased out in case people wanted them. I think I have about 5 more ti list.

Anonymous August 15, 2016 - 11:47 pm

The only one that looks appealing to me is the singlet, but not at the full price. I am going to the Woodbury Common outlet next weekend. Hopefully I will find some good pieces there, not that I need any more Lulus, lol. How about give us a deep green color in addition to the black, grey, white, and bordeaux?

Anonymous August 16, 2016 - 1:39 am

Talk about all the fugly. So much for an "exciting fall upload"

Anonymous August 16, 2016 - 3:18 pm

I was just thinking this!

Anonymous August 16, 2016 - 1:47 am

What is that gorgeous red tank you have hiding in the change room? CRB II? Is the color all we’ve been hoping for? – Flamesniper

Lulumum August 16, 2016 - 1:48 am

It's the Cool Racerback II. I didn't put it in the post but I'm pretty sure it is in the video I posted above.

Lululover August 16, 2016 - 2:41 am

I might be in the minority, but I'm ok with neutral colors with occasional brights. I find neutrals more wearable , plus they go well with brights and neutrals. Im really liking Grayvyy and would love to have Power Y in it or a pair of pace rivals. Defines will look good in it too( please bring back Formes!) And Dusty Mauvr. So far colors look good IMO . And I'm sure there'll be more. Thank you so much for posting this LLM!! I really miss What we love on Fridays ,,,

Anonymous August 16, 2016 - 10:50 am

I think those Scult it tights look amazing on you! Thanks so much for the try-one, they are super helpful.

Ps. I wish we could zoom in on the pics instead it taking us to the Lululemon site.

Anonymous August 16, 2016 - 12:04 pm

I really appreciate being able to see new product before the drop even if it is by one day especially by way of fit reviews, THANKS. I am not liking the shorter boxier style of pullovers so I won't be buying anything in that style. The Belle Jacket to me is not a jacket at this time of year with no lining it is just a l/s full zipper top. The tag on the jacket didn't mention any features that justifies the price tag of $138.

What is it with the LLL design team, everytime they design a tank that isin't a racerback they screw them up. The Back At It Again Tank is just ridiculous with such a poorly designed front and such a low back, yes Lululemon you designed it so we can show off our cute bras! (that's me being sarcastic here). The only tank that looks half decent is the Sculpt It Tank but at $68. there is no way.

I hope to see more Greyvy this Fall and Winter as well as some other beautiful deep rich colours. I am so not into dropping big bucks for more grey and black cloths especially in tops.

Anonymous August 16, 2016 - 7:24 pm

Thank you for the try on reports! I don't mind the neutrals so much, I find myself often reaching for grey, black, or white anyways….however, I cannot stand to suffer through another season of Bordeaux Drama! I would estimate that 75% of the BD pieces they put out last year ended up at outlets, they are still bursting at the seams with this color and it's the end of summer!

Anonymous August 16, 2016 - 8:16 pm

I don't like most of this for the price! The only thing I like is the maybe singlet. Those tights… that mesh. Bleh.


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