Wind Runner Jacket, About That Base Tight, Runderful Long Sleeve, & Go Till Dawn Dress, That’s A Wrap, &Go Cityfarer Anorak, Runderful 1/2 Zip

by Cristina

Wind Runner Jacket, About That Base Tight, Runderful Long Sleeve

Wind Runner Jacket, About That Base Tight, Runderful Long Sleeve

Wind Runner Jacket, About That Base Tight, Runderful Long Sleeve

&Go Till Dawn Dress

&Go Till Dawn Dress





That’s A Wrap


&Go Cityfarer Anorak


Runderful 1/2 Zip


Pace Rival Crop Spacedye Camo



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Unknown December 22, 2015 - 5:37 pm

I love how the model in the #fuelhappiness pics looks like she's about to start crying. WTF?

Anonymous December 22, 2015 - 7:36 pm

OMG – i thought the girl wearing the &Go Till Dawn Dress was Sandra Bullock. I had to do a double take. 😀 LOL

Anonymous December 22, 2015 - 7:44 pm

That pose on the steps…so extra.

Anonymous December 24, 2015 - 3:55 am

Laughing……so extra

Anonymous December 22, 2015 - 8:57 pm

My son thought the dress was Minecraft print.

Anonymous December 23, 2015 - 3:49 am

You are so right! never thought of Minecraft. I have had the dress on my wish list, but I can avoid that color..I wasn't crazy about the digi-print on me anyway.. I've seen it more flattering on others such as the above model than on me.
I like eliminating my never-ending active wear/clothing wish list. Always too many wants on my end and I'm trying to learn to limit myself & be creative with the clothing I already have.

Anonymous December 22, 2015 - 10:23 pm

Is that Raspberry Runderful 1/2 zip from Canada?

Anonymous December 22, 2015 - 11:18 pm

So I saw the wind runner jacket in the store and thought it looked nice so went to try it on. The bib on the inside of the jacket isn't attached to the jacket!! When I went to put it on it was falling into two pieces in my hands. How awkward would that be every time you went to put it on or take it off?? It was such a major design flaw I wouldn't even look at it on md. Too bad because the jacket looked nice on that hanger.

Anonymous December 23, 2015 - 2:41 am

Thanks for your thoughts! 😀 Now I don't have to look twice at it (once now and the next on markdown).

Lululover December 23, 2015 - 2:54 am

I'm really liking Wind runner jacket , but I'm not planning to wear the bib with it . I think it's super cool to and from jacket, but just by itself. Even the ed at my store said its not working the way it's designed.

Anonymous December 24, 2015 - 5:27 am

Anyone try the About That Base pieces? What's the fabric/fabric content?


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