
by Cristina

Early upload this week! I think this means no upload tomorrow but I bet we will see one on Friday morning which will include new items on the What’s New landing page as well as We Made To Much items for Boxing Day. There has always been a Christmas Day upload for boxing day but the times have varied from early morning to around 9pm. I can’t guarantee I’ll have an upload post up in a timely manner that day but I will get to it as soon as I can. 

From this upload, the Scuba Hoodie III was the winner. I picked it up in store this morning though so I didn’t have to order it online. It’s soft like my Heathered Bark Berry and it’s gorgeous in person and fits the same as Bark Berry. The Raspberry Cool Racerback is also quite pretty but I don’t wear a lot of dark pink. I am really tempted by the Aquamarine Herringbone Runderful 1/2 Zip but I am talking myself out of it. As pretty as aquamarine is, it washes me out and I don’t need a pullover. 

I’m super curious about that Cashmere sweater the US got but I want to know quality details. $228 is a hefty price tag when you can get really good quality Cashmere for $100 or less. $228 should buy you very, very good cashmere. 

Did you order anything? 

Scuba Hoodie III (CAN)

Runderful 1/2 Zip (CAN

Cool Racerback (CAN)

Cashmere Bliss Pullover (US) 

$228 and no indication of it being 1-ply or 2-ply

&Go Where To Dress Long Sleeve (US)

Cool Racerback (US)

Runderful LS (US)

Tight Stuff Tight (US)

Hustle Your Bustle Jacket (CAN)

Free Flow Crop (CAN)

Inspire Tight (CAN)

Interval Bra (US)

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Anonymous December 21, 2015 - 9:58 pm

I like the green runderful but I have 2 all ready. Nothing for me this week, good thing too since I bought the dawn dresses ! – Alyssa

stylistadiva1 December 21, 2015 - 9:59 pm

Ugh! Why is Canada STILL not getting the same colors in the Runderful LS that the US has?! I DON'T WANT OR NEED ANOTHER BLACK OR SHADE OF GREY TOP!!!

Michele December 22, 2015 - 3:47 am

I totally agree with you, I'm waiting for them too!

Anonymous December 21, 2015 - 10:01 pm

I cannot believe the US never got the Think Fast in peacock!!! How is this possible?!

Anonymous December 21, 2015 - 10:10 pm

Still no blue runderful pants. I bought a pair of blackgrape base runners a month ago and I would have bought a set of runderfuls but I just can't justify 2 cold weather running bottoms of the same color. The discrepancies between countries continues to disappoint! They could make so much money if they gave a crap about what is going where.

I would also like the half zips Canada continues to get! I do like the runderful teal forage top, but at this point I'm kind of purposefully not buying things because I'm annoyed. :p

Anonymous December 21, 2015 - 10:11 pm

Pretty lackluster. Again. I should stop being surprised.

Anonymous December 21, 2015 - 10:13 pm

What happened to the Pace Queen tights from What We Love? I was interested to check those out.

Anonymous December 21, 2015 - 11:25 pm

I'm crossing my fingers for some good deals on the X'mas/Boxing Day WMTM upload, it's been a while since I bought lulu full price as I don't think it's worth it anymore. Their quality and service is declining but I still can't help but continue to shop there 🙁

Sarah December 22, 2015 - 12:46 am

I'm hoping for the same. There has been very little to tempt me in paying full price this season. Too bad as I am a sweater and jacket girl and this is when I usually spend the bulk…

Anonymous December 22, 2015 - 1:22 am

Agree anon 3:25, am exactly like you right now. Not even too eager for wmtm – maybe some bras and CRBs, if available. That's all I have bought recently, apart from the black sapphire LS at full price.

Anonymous December 22, 2015 - 2:01 am

I've actually gotten more full price this season than I have in a while. I got the space dye camo caspian blue Runderful LS, Down for a Run vest and jacket, Toasty Tech Tights and Runderful pants. I'm afraid I am limited now for the rest of the year at least! I found all of these to definitely be worth the price. I also got a unicorn I've been looking for a while for on Tradesy, the Harmonious Hoodie. It's been a good lululemon year for me. One of my favorites actually!

Anonymous December 21, 2015 - 11:25 pm

Bought the Apex Stripe FTBW, it will make a perfect swim top too!

Michelle Lu December 22, 2015 - 1:23 am

I also use FTBW as swim tops! They're absolutely adorable!

Anonymous December 21, 2015 - 11:27 pm Reply
Anonymous December 21, 2015 - 11:34 pm

I actually went on eBay and got a hustle jacket a the Fluffin awesome jacket in plum for a few years ago. I'm so disappointed in this years collection.

Anonymous December 21, 2015 - 11:35 pm

sorry too many typos – LOL

I actually went on eBay and got a hustle jacket and the Fluffin awesome jacket in plum that was released a few years ago. I'm so disappointed in this years collection.

Anonymous December 22, 2015 - 12:47 am

So this wraps up the worst fall & holiday season product lineup I've ever seen. I honestly never thought I'd be cured from my LLL addiction, but this year has really done it for me.

kellidotca December 22, 2015 - 2:22 am

Really? I got a beautiful peace of mind sweater wrap I get so many compliments on, runderful pants i love, an aqua think fast hoodie i never want to take off, a thick, soft runderful long sleeve I'm wearing now that also performs on a chilly run, amazing herringbone WU pants, a rest less hoodie and a couple of tanks.. i think that's pretty good. *shrug*

Deb December 22, 2015 - 2:39 pm

I love my Peace of Mind wrap too; I got Heathered Black and have worn it non-stop. It's warm, the arms aren' t too tight. Just perfect. I did need to size down twice, but once the fit is right it's a great wrap.

My Lulu shopping is slowing and I didn't particularly care for a lot of what came out for later fall/winter; I returned more than I think I ever have. Having said that, I still liked enough pieces to do some damage:

Peach of Mind Wrap
2 Yogini LS Tees (I like them a lot better than the ratings would reflect but I sized down)
Wind Runner Pant
Yet another In Flux Jacket (I love these in the spring/summer)
Scuba III in Fuel Green (I'll have to try this to see if it's a keeper or not)

I think it's normal for me to be getting saturated with Lulu at this point; I have bought a ton over the last year. I'm branching into other brands and being way more selective than I was a year ago when I only had old athletic wear in my closet. I'm not up for paying the much higher prices for the new pants, but that's ok. I have plenty of Speed Tights and other pants/leggings I bought last year. I'm set. At this point, I'm just cherry picking items that I love. I think there are still good quality items, but there are only so many pairs of running tights I need. I'm barely cycling through half of them as it is.

Unknown December 22, 2015 - 1:43 am

What colour is the CRB in the bordeaux drama high times pics? I think it's the same as today's banners and email? It looks different from heathered slate to me. Thoughts?

lulubell December 22, 2015 - 1:50 am

Nothing for me either. I was hoping the Rest Less might show up in other colors on the US side- the Rumble Berry that Canada got or the Bleached Coral that showed up on one of the international uploads a while back.

I love the Raspberry color, but I have it in an Aria tank from two years ago. I can't decide if I really need it in a CRB or Power Y. I don't think it will sell out, so I'll think on it. I will most likely pass on it all together.

Anonymous December 22, 2015 - 1:57 am

Did not get anything. The cashmere sweater is very pricey and I doubt the quality will be top notch. Probably made in China like the rest of Lululemons products.

Anonymous December 22, 2015 - 2:05 am

Cashmere Bliss is already sold out in two sizes.

Anonymous December 22, 2015 - 2:16 am

Cashmere from LLL? Nope. If I were that interested and willing to coin out I would look at Kit & Ace for this (some of the products I have admired are even pricier than LLL), words LLL does not want to hear.

I'm glad I have better, classic, well made LLL gear from the last few years (and as far back as 7 years) makes it easy not to settle for most of what they are putting out. I can afford to be very selective.

Lululover December 22, 2015 - 4:26 am

Nothing for me,,, I ordered green &go LS last Thursday out of FOMO, but most likely will return bc I'm tired of Heathered colors. Really wanted a solid one. My addiction is getting better too. I'm only buying now what I love and absolutely have to have.

Anonymous December 22, 2015 - 12:11 pm

I'm curious… those of you who thought this was a good year or season for LLL, how long have you been LLL fans? I'm wondering if it's just us longtime buyers who are disappointed, or if that has nothing to do with it. Again, just simply curious. I miss the older feminine styles that set LLL apart from everyone and of course the old quality.

Lizz December 22, 2015 - 4:44 pm

I'm fairly new to lulu, within the last few years, and I've been very disappointed with the last few months. My purchasing has gone way down and I almost only buy when it's marked down now. Very little is must have for me.

Audrey Davis December 22, 2015 - 2:57 pm

Any idea if the US will get the Passage Sweater? I love the longer length!!

Anonymous December 22, 2015 - 8:35 pm

i dont think its a matter of how long people have been buying lulu. it's a matter of how practical and wearable the items are for certain people. i like some of the things lulu has put out so far. but then again, im not an exlusive lulu wearer.

the zone in crops & tights that a lot of people hated, for example, is amazing for me.

everything is relative.

Anonymous December 23, 2015 - 3:01 am

I agree completely! I got the zone in tights as well, sized up and got a black. I love it, fits like a glove and looks slimming, only minor complaint is that it's more like a dark grey than black. Don't know why people hated it!

Anonymous December 23, 2015 - 2:33 am

I guarantee you it does matter how long you have worn and experienced the brand. I have been buying/wearing for 7 years. The design is now lacklustre (few and far between) and consistently great quality is a thing of the past. When you know what was and no longer is, you buy much much less – at least I do. I'm not a sucker. They don't get my money just because it's LLL. They get FAR less now. (I go months without buying now. In the past I spent a fair bit monthly but was not obsessed with the weekly upload.) Again, I keep my eye out for the select few great items they are still capable of, but it sure is mixed in with an overwhelming amount of crap.

Lululover December 23, 2015 - 2:58 am

I'm buying much less than I used to bc I already have tons and have to be wowed . The are also other cool brands available that are tempting. Lululemon is not the only choice anymore

Anonymous December 23, 2015 - 3:51 am

Been buying and wearing for 9 years. In my opinion the past year and a half has been a huge hit and miss. I find these days I kept 1 out of ten things I try. The quality, fabric, style and function over this time period does not hold a candle to their past efforts. Most of my closet has a Lulu logo, and I still keep buying with the hopes that they will turn it around. It makes me sad and I think it's gonna take a miracle to get the company back to where it should be . As a die hard fan even I am spending money at other companies….

vegtasticpants December 24, 2015 - 3:06 am

Ugh. The cashmere is terrible. Design is so plain and boring. And the cashmere is really itchy and rough. Closer to wool. Boo lulu.


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