The Latest: Warehouse Sale 2015 Intel, Wrap It Up Tank, True Self Crops, True Self Bra

by Cristina

I listened to the earnings call (q12015) that happened this morning and one piece of information perked my ears and I think you may be interested too. There is an online lululemon warehouse sale 2015 sale slated for Q2 which to my estimations are July/August and a physical warehouse sale may happen later in the year. I’ll keep you posted with what I hear. 

** Note about this years warehouse sale. Normally the inventory you see at the warehouse sale are pieces we’ve seen in stores already and excess inventory from WMTM but this years warehouse sale will include a lot of the spring product that was delayed at the ports. Some of those items will have hit stores and been integrated into the product drops but some of that inventory is heading straight to the sale. 

Wrap It Up Tank, True Self Crops




lululemon-wrap-it-up-tank, true-self-crop

lululemon-wrap-it-up-tank, true-self-crop

lululemon-wrap-it-up-tank, true-self-crop

lululemon-wrap-it-up-tank, true-self-crop

True Self Bra, Liberty Shorts




True Self Bra, True Self Crops

lululemon-true-self-bra, true-self-crops

lululemon-true-self-bra, true-self-crops

lululemon-true-self-bra, true-self-crops

lululemon-true-self-bra, true-self-crops

lululemon-true-self-bra, true-self-crops

Go Om SS, True Self Bra, True Self Crops

lululemon-true-self-bra, true-self-crops

lululemon-true-self-bra, true-self-crops

lululemon-true-self-bra, true-self-crops;whats-new

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Anonymous June 9, 2015 - 6:05 pm

Love that woman's produce tattoo! Absolutely HATE people pulling their yoga pants over their heels. UGH.

Lulumum June 9, 2015 - 6:25 pm

I know, totally. I don't get the pant/sock thing.

Anonymous June 9, 2015 - 10:19 pm

i am torn between the black white crop or the coloured version – i like them both!

Anonymous June 13, 2015 - 6:18 am

Do you think the gator green palm party WUP will be uploaded to the Canadian site next upload?


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