Crossfit WOD

by Cristina

This is how I feel in the mornings when my workout bud picks me up. She is a morning person and I am not. She’s the person that when we get to the gym, in the middle of winter at 6am, if the coach isn’t there she gets out of the car and does jumping jacks to warm up and encourages everyone else to do the same. She is awesome and I am a crusty bitch in the morning. Not sure how she stands me but she does. 

Todays warmup was 400 meter row, 2 rounds of 20 super slow goblet squats, then 3×8 Ring Rows with feet up on boxes alternating with 8 pushups. 

WOD: Super Grace (time)

50 Clean and Jerks 115bs/85lbs

I waffled on what weight to use for this workout. I set up heavy, then dropped weight, then my workout buddy reminded me that the heavier weight was appropriate, so I took the weight off the bar and restacked it in a configuration that gave me the option of quickly removing plates if it got too heavy instead of having to take off 15lbs and putting 10lbs on. I ended up doing 65lbs and was able to stick with that weight for the full workout. I was slow at 10:15 but I found that weight for that many reps challenging and I could feel that niggling pain in my wrist again so I didn’t want to hammer out the reps. I don’t think my wrist issue is lack of flexibility, I suspect it’s hyperextension. I have double jointed thumbs and I think what is happening is that they are hyperextending with the heavier weights resting on my thumbs. I did learn some new mobility techniques for hands and wrists using a lacrosse ball. Check out the video myofascial release of the hand, it is gloriously painful and effective. 

Magenta WAFS CRB, Vintage Pink Energy Bra, Black Roll Down WU’s. 

I like this CRB but I don’t think I’m in love with it. The colors photograph much brighter than they are in real life. The Heathered Magenta Swiftly however is vibrant and pretty and I considered exchanging this CRB for the swiftly SL but in the end I didn’t. 

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