Without fail, August and December are consistently my spendiest months at Lululemon. Thankfully, I always know that the Fall/Winter items are my most favourite and also year round versatile and so I tend to hold back a lot on the spring summer spending in order to buy what I like come August. The last two years though, August has also had the Seawheeze which includes commemorative items at the expo so I definitely went way over budget this August.
The Forme Jacket did not have a lot of love as the Define Jacket replacement, and it had a lot of wonky fit issues in its first version. The Forme II Jacket came out in this angel wing hyper stripe print and I was just mezmorized by it. I ended up buying it on whim and I absolutely fell in love with it and still its my favourite. I actually love the fit of the Forme II Jacket over my old Define Jackets now.
Another favourite buy was the incredibly soft and light Tuck and Flow LS’s. They are just perfect for crossfit warmups, and integrate well into my casual wear as well thanks to its simple and minimally athletic looking design (no mesh armpits!!!) . I got both the Angel Wing Slalom and Plum.
I got a TON of Cool Racerbacks. Seriously, a lot. I love all of them and they all fall into my regular rotation so I don’t feel bad at all. Solid Plum, Plum/Raspberry Hyperstripe, Inkwell/Blue Moon Hyperstripe, Midnight Iris, and my Seawheeze CRB’s
The Dance Studio Jacket III. This jacket got tons of hype since Lululemon decided to discontinue the popular jacket the year prior. Thankfully, after some minor design tweaks they brought it back in a color I love.
Plum In The Flow Crops. Super pretty!
The Tech Mesh Tights were not a design for me but they were extremely popular. It was one of the first Lululemon ‘Fast Turn’ designs which are designs that are created ad hoc outside of the normal design timeline in order to reuse products that didn’t work for one reason or another. In this case, the sheer luon from the recall was used to create these (panelling at the butt to prevent sheerness) and a long luon skirt. Scuba vests, run skirts and more items where created. I know the ‘fast turn’ designs were fodder for some news articles but I really think its such a creative and great way to reuse materials. Some of these fast turn designs sold out within minutes online and so I’d call that a great success!
My Seawheeze 2013 Cool Racerbacks
Hugely popular Sea Check Multi Speed shorts. I so wish these worked for me.