Friday, July 26, 2024

Lululemon Libertarian Flag Flies Once Again: Using US Furlough As Ad Campaign

by Cristina

Remember this stupid Libertarian ad campaign that Lululemon thought would be cute with its radically anti social message? Right on the heels of the Occupy Wall Street movement.  Well, they are at it again using the US Furlough situation for their Product Alert emails in the US. ‘How Furlough Can You Go?‘ they ask. I wonder who they are asking? Their customers? The ones that may currently not have an income, let alone extra spending money to use at Lululemon? The customers that provide them with a comfortable profit? This is not the same as Furlough Freebie ad campaigns that some US companies are publishing, this sends a completely different message. American readers, what are your reactions to Lululemon’s latest politically motivated ad? 

Lululemon ‘Who Is John Galt’

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1 comment

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