I’m guessing yes to an upload tonight but I’m not entirely sure. Stores got some products in prior to the long weekend that did not make it online but my store didn’t get everything that some of your stores got such as the Bordeaux Drama Define Jacket or Tonka Striped CRB. I did stop in at another local store today and there was nothing new since Friday. I’m thinking we will see Bordeaux Drama Define, the Star Runner Short Sleeves and Long Sleeves, Bright at Night Pants and Star Runner Tights, Down Town Puff Jacket. I’ll likely order the Bordeaux Drama Define and if a tank uploads in that color I’ll order that too just to check them out in person. Perhaps the Star Runner LS as well but the short sleeve version I saw in store today was quite fuzzy and worn looking just from being tried on and it really turned me off of it.