New! Menthol Swiftly Tech SS and Porcelain xlong CRB

by Cristina

Both of these items were listed in a US product alert. I love them both but I’m not sure I can justify the CRB in Porcelain since I have one in Rocksteady, even if it is x long. Menthol in swiftly is so gorgeous. If it comes in a v neck I’ll be very happy. A long sleeve would be nice as well but I don’t need a LS. I guess there is a chance we’ll see these uploaded tonight but I think were more likely to just see the new crops, Liberty and Hold Me Close, The Flash NLT, Flashback Pullover, the Daily Tanks. My only item I’m going to jump on if uploaded is the heathered menthol CRB.

Porcelain Cool Racerback x long

Menthol Run: Swiftly Tech SS

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