Saturday, July 20, 2024

Chip Wilson Stepping Down From Lululemon Executive Position

by Cristina

Reuters reported today that Lululemon’s Chip Wilson will be stepping down from his executive postion  as chief innovating and branding officer effective January 29, and staying on as chairman of the board. In a statement, Chip Wilson said:  “I remain deeply committed to the company’s continued success and given the strength we’ve built into the organization over the past three years, I feel comfortable leaving the company with Christine Day at the helm of a world class management team whom I fully believe will continue to elevate our world. I look forward to continuing to contribute in my role as chairman of the board.” Christine Day’s statement to shareholders:  “Chip has created a legacy that has inspired the world and the mantle of leadership and care for the culture, values and mission of lululemon is now in our hands. I am proud to be leading lululemon and excited about our future”

Wether you love the guy or disagree with his ideology he is definitely a force to be reckoned with and I can’t say that I haven’t been inspired by his dynamic quirky leadership. Hopefully he’s got some interesting projects in his back pocket that we will soon hear about because I can never believe that such successful and creative people can ease into retirement without starting something new. 

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