Upload Thursday

by Cristina

Big upload today with a few items a lot of you have been patiently waiting for (Royalty Method Wrap and Modern Racer). I’m feeling tempted by the Silver Bullet LS in Raspberry and the Short Sleeve Silver Bullet but I think I’m going to be strong today and hold out for the cooler weather long sleeves. Hmmm, and how bout those Camel Cargo Pants.

What did you buy today?

**Run Speed Skirt Ghost Snowy Owl Dip Dye Magnum**

I surprised myself and decided to order this skirt today since it was available in Tall length. I only ever wear luxtreme bottoms for running and it’s just been too hot so I was browsing the shorts and decided this may be more flattering for athletic quads then any of the shorts currently offered. 

Camel Cargo Pants

Method Wrap Royalty

Modern Racer Tank Royalty

Run Silver Bullet Short Sleeve

Run Silver Bullet Tech Long Sleeve

So pretty! 



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