Product Alerts: Upload Thursday Eve Refresher

by Cristina

I’m so sorry I’ve been a very bad blogger lately but during the summer, with the poor weather we’ve been having, it’s hard not to take advantage of every sunny day we get. It’s sauna like 16*c today (note the sarcasm) and so I’m sitting out on the deck trying not to shiver under the one patch of cloudless sky. And I’m also really sorry if I’ve missed responding to your email. I try to keep on top of responding to everyone (I do read everything that comes in) but the volume is pretty big and for some reason my iPhone 4 can’t seem to batch delete emails (something about pop-live servers) so my inbox is an exponentially growing disorganized mess that torments me. Anywhoo, lots of goodies this week. I would have liked to have added both the Triumph Tote and the Destiny Duffel in this lineup but all of the product alerts are dead links for these items. So silly! 

Rocksteady Silver Bullet SS

Run Silver Bullet Tech LS

I really love the Silver Bullet LS in Raspberry but it’s just too form fitting for me and too cool for cooler weather running so I passed in favour of the tank version. I may give way to temptation tomorrow and just order it anyways. Just to be in with the cool kids. 

Run Silver Bullet Sleeveless Tech Magnum, Royal, Dewberry and Black (or heathered black?)

I got this one in Magnum and I really, really love the color. It’s not a boring old grey but a very warm, mauvy grey. The Magnum and Royal are the ones with the reflective design on the front and the other ones have no design. There are a few details about the design that may make this a pass for some of you, namely the deep neckline and the big armholes, but I don’t mind that since I pair it with my energy bra. While the top portion of this tank is quite relaxed fitting, sizing down was not possible for me because it would have been too snug around my hips and would have caused the top of the tank to bag out funny. It doesn’t have the cinch cord on the bottom and baggier fit like the Run Energy or I Just Wanna Run Tank but I was in the market for a tank this style and I’m quite happy with it. The reflective detailing makes this such an ingenious running tank. 

Run Dash Tank

Riding Jacket

Some love this jacket, some hate it. Such is the way with most fashion forward items. I personally can’t see myself wearing it but I do like it on others. This is a snugger fitting jacket and I’ve seen a few images where it was too snug across the back so definitely consider trying on the next size up to compare the fit. 

Warrior 1 Hot Tank

The Om Scarf

Massively large scarf. I’m not too interested in the scarf trend but I suspect this will be a sell out fast and markup on ebay item judging by the popularity of past scarves (Vinyasa, Manifesto) I haven’t heard what the lulu pricing on this but I do know that lulu decided to take the opportunity to mark up the second run of Vinyasa scarves based on the first runs popularity and upselling prices on ebay. Great market research I guess. 

Scuba Hoodie Ghost

I am a bit in love with the Royalty Wee Stripe (or is it Rocksteady?) Scuba Hoodie pictured bellow. I’m feeling very tempted by it even though I will not buy the newly priced scubas and I also don’t wear scuba’s a whole lot so I don’t need more then what I have.   

Solid Royalty

Men’s Domain Hoodie

I was talking with one of my store educators the other day and she was telling me how the Pacific Beach Hoodie was replaced with this Domain Hoodie. Lulu has heard the feedback on the men’s line about how ill fitting the items are for more athletic sized men (ironic?) so the newest items are supposed to accommodate broader shoulders and chests. I will definitely reconsider a hoodie for my husband this year. He doesn’t wear lulu because the fit was all wrong for him (and also because there is a stigma locally for men wearing lulu) so he’s given me the go ahead to buy him some things. He has stated though that he will not go into the store himself to try things on of his volition but if I happen to buy him something and it fits he will wear it. Dork!

Run Speed Skirt Ghost Snowy Owl

The bird/feather, nature theme is really big this Fall across all brands. I really like this Ghost Snowy Owl print a lot but haven’t found the right item for me yet. Maybe a Cabin LS would be nice in this or a scarf. 

Wunder Under Crop

Forgive me, but I am so not a fan of these wonder under crops with this print. It’s the sheen of the polyester combined with the print that draws your eyes down and hugs curves which make me feel that this is not a flattering print execution for most people. 

Power Y Black Space Dye

Really pretty print! If I didn’t have Coal Strata Stripe CRB then I would be tempted by this in a CRB.

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