Built In iPod Pockets

by Cristina

One of the features of Lululemon run tanks that I like the best are the tanks with built in iPod pockets. Sadly I’ve never been able to use this feature because they were small and designed for Shuffles or other small MP3’s and all three of the ipods I’ve had have been big. First generation mini ipod was pretty big and then I got an iTouch followed by my iPhone so these pockets always sat unused. I’m excited to see two new items that came out this week with big iPhone sized MP3 pockets.  Now I’m wondering how come my new Run: Silver Bullet Tank doesn’t have one of these handy iPhone pockets. Oops, looks like it does. I’m looking forward to seeing if the fall and winter run pullovers have these pockets, especially the Run For Your Life Pullover that is currently on my wish list.  

Dash II Tank Heathered Magnum

Riding Jacket 

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fabulousinfayetteville July 31, 2011 - 12:21 pm

Is that a take flight skirt? Maybe snowy owl??

Anonymous July 31, 2011 - 2:22 pm

Ugh. hate that ruffle down the middle of her back…Not flattering and overly decorative.

Anonymous August 1, 2011 - 1:25 pm

I found my I Phone too heavy for the pockets. It makes the shirt bounce up when I run. The only place that works for me is in the shorts where the sturdier material keeps the phone stationary.


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