Loot Upload!!!

by Cristina

I rarely get excited about loot as I never see anything I really love but I must admit this is a pretty smokin’ loot upload with many things tempting me. Top on my list right now is the red Totally Tote Tastic Tote since we’ll be going on a beach vacation soon and I was just thinking last week about getting a beach tote. The Travel Pooch is tempting me a bit and the Oasis Wrap. Other great deals are the Run: Mind Over Matter Pullover, Run: Pace Setter Pullover and the Deep Breath Tank.

Are you pulling the trigger on anything today? I think I’m going to mull over the Tote for a little while before jumping on it. I may miss out but I don’t feel super motivated just yet. 

US/International side Loot Upload

Canada Side Upload

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