Store Report and Product Alerts

by Cristina

I went into my local store today to grab a pair of the Do It All Shorts which was sort of a dumb idea since it was so hard getting the shorts on and off because my legs are so sore from yesterday. But I am glad I did grab a pair in the coal because I sadly missed out on these last year and could not find for the life of me a pair of shorts by lulu or any other brand that had the same look to them. I tried on the Blurred Grey which are a lighter, creamier looking grey then Coal is. I really liked the Blurred Grey on the hanger but once it was on it was a little too light for my pale legs so I opted with the darker coal ones. I passed on black because having such white legs I stay away from black shorts as a rule, and the Wren I love but I have the crops in Wren and wanted something different in the shorts and that would match everything. I chose the size 10 in these even though my Dance Studio Crops/Pants are size 8’s. The fit is pretty much the same but the shorts have strait legs as apposed to a slight flare so the fitted look wasn’t working well for my muscular thighs. I’m sort of a size 9 anyways in Dance Studio Crops and Pants so the 10’s aren’t baggy on me, they just have a more relaxed look then the 8’s did. 

I also saw the long sleeve swiftly’s in Pink Mist and the Mind over Matter Tanks  in Tango Red and Grapeseed. I liked the red Mind Over Matter but I’ve wishlisted it for another day since I don’t need another run tank right now. New Power Dance Tanks were in as well in Pink Mist and Surge, In Stride Jacket in Pink Mist and the Blurred Grey Inspire Crops. The Inspire Crops are really pretty but if you shy away from Coal luxtreme bottoms then you likely will take a pass on these ones as well. The color, like I said above, is quite a bit lighter then Coal and it’s sort of a pastel grey. I imagine it will show every imperfection and I’m just not inclined to be brave enough to try them on. I don’t notice my Coal luxtreme bottoms showing much sweat so that wouldn’t be an issue for me but I haven’t really paid attention to that since I work out alone. Very pretty color combinations though. 

**To see the product descriptions, click on the link above the photos**

Run Swiftly Tech LS “PIMI”

Run Swiftly Tech SS “PIMI”

Power Dance Tank “PSPApimi”

Do It All Shorts II

Run Swiftly Tech LS “SRGE”

Power Dance Tank “SRGE”

Run Inspire Crops “blrgTSEAtoth”

In Stride Jacket PIMI 

Do It All Shorts 

Run Swiftly Tech LS in Pink Mist

Mind Over Matter SL Tech Tango Red and Grapeseed

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