Raw Blue Studio Pants Comparison to Black

by Cristina

Thanks to a readers pictures we have an accurate comparison of the Raw Blue Studio Pants with the same Black Studio Pants. When you have them next to each other Raw Blue looks very close to black. If you’re in store and looking at the pants wall you wont be able to tell the Raw Blue’s folded in with the Black Studio Pants. I find depending on the color you wear them with though you can bring out a lot of the blue tones. I quite love these in Raw Blue and since I don’t have Black Studio Pants it was a no brainer for me to get them. I’ve worn them with Rubber Ducky, Power Purple, Charcoal, Heathered Wish Blue, Haze and my Plum Hustle Jacket. All those colors make these pants obviously a deep navy blue and less black. The one color I did not like with these was my Heathered Pig Pink Scuba Hoodie, that just really clashed too much for me. I think if these were to come out in another color like a kaki or Sand Dune or Ivy I would be tempted to get them as a casual alternative to jeans, especially since these can be worn as crops or long pants. 

Raw Blue on top of Black Studio Pants

Black, Coal and Raw Blue Studio Pants

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