I love the Australian pictures because it’s fun looking for the new items hidden amongst all the items we’ve already seen in stores.
Sunny Lime Stride Jacket looks like the inner logo is a Micro Stripe print (most product notices are calling it Sunny Lime but I just got one that called it Faded Zap)
Scoop Neck Tank in Snorkel Blue/ Microstripe Snorkel Blue and Black and White Happy Heat Tank
Happy Heat Tank I like the tuxedo look of the black and white on this tank.
Looks like a Run: Revitalize Tech (possibly a Personal Best Tech SS) in Passion and light Pink on the upper right.
and in the very top of this picture on the right side you see the Bon Voyage Duffel Bag in a light blue (River Rock?) I remember a product notification in the summer showed the Bon Voyage Duffel in this color but I don’t recall ever seeing it in stores or online.
Push Your Limits Tank Passion/Passion Micro Stripe
Yogi Dance Jacket I like this color combo but prefer the back not to have the contrast shape.