Upload Thursday Eve Musings

by Cristina

I think tomorrows upload will include a few loot items as I’m seeing a lot of items being marked down in stores. I asked today if that meant some new products soon and was told that the winter line is expected in two weeks along with new colors. Can’t wait to see what wraps the lab was talking about when they mentioned this clue about whats to come. Perhaps we’ll see some surprises in tomorrows upload. Lulu has been uploading little bits here and there throughout the week of items that were not uploaded on thursday so I don’t think that leaves anything new that is in stores (other than the bras) that hasn’t already been uploaded. Ok wait. there is the Tadasana JacketFlow and Go Tanks and the Tadasana Tank so I think we’ll see those tomorrow. I may bite if I see a Gratitude Wrap or an Ivory Peace of Mind Vest or some new Running Luon something or other. Other than that I think I’m pretty set for the next two weeks. What are you hoping to see tomorrow?

New Lab Item -The Dressage Jacket

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