Tadasana Jacket

by Cristina

Not a big fan of this one because I liked the shape of the Get It Started better. This one to me fit’s quite large and felt bagged out a bit at the waist. Also, the power mesh on this jacket is not quite as soft. Here is my fit review from last week. I do like the lolo version of this jacket though.

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Anonymous September 26, 2010 - 5:44 am

Ugh, I'm not a fan either. Don't like how you can see the pink back from the front like that.

Shaz September 26, 2010 - 1:26 pm

I've tried this on because and it's the same fit as the no rain no gain jacket- fine in the front and a poufy turtle shell in the back!!!! Maybe lulu should move on from this design because most people have some shape to their body..I'm not happy, I like the "different" designs but maybe it's time to move on from this mesh back/poufy back look!


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