Journey Jacket Pictures

by Cristina

Here are a few more pictures to show you the fit of the Journey Jacket. It’s also in the lighter color so you can see the details a lot better but my favourite one is the charcoal grey. This one looks to me like a sized up one.

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Anonymous August 16, 2010 - 6:37 pm

OH CRAP….I had talked my self out of this jacket because I have so much black and charcoal…and now this colour is released! My favorite is also the charcoal, but this colour does not look so "young", does that make sense? It appeals to me more because the pockets and zippers don't stand out as much…maybe an old mom like me could pull it off! lol…I'll be 39 this week :o(

Anonymous August 16, 2010 - 9:05 pm

@anon above:
I'll be 47 next month and I plan on rocking the charcoal grey!

Anonymous August 16, 2010 - 11:13 pm

okay, okay….I may have to buy it! lol
I thought I may be getting too old to pull off this look but anon@2:05, if you can do it….I can do it!
You people are such enablers…I was trying so hard to stay on the wagon but I fell off hard this week!
But now I have to decide…do I need the Journey and the Stride? I want them both but fear my husband may kill me….but my birthday is coming up….I think I deserve something nice…or maybe two things….

Lulumum August 16, 2010 - 10:27 pm

What!!! Crazyness!! I don't think this is a "too young" style at all. It's a young style but 39 is young so you can wear that. a "too young" style to me is an Elmo shirt or Hanna Montana or something silly like that.
my mom who is 64 wears lots of lulu and my 74 yr old aunt rocks grooves and remix's all the time and they really look great on her.

Lulumum August 16, 2010 - 11:15 pm

Hehe, common get it. You know you want it! I'm much worse than you because I really wanted to leave the store today with a Stride, Community Jacket, Peace of Mind Vest and the Journey Jacket. I left with the CRB and a headband :C


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