Robson Lululemon

by Cristina

Man I wish I didn’t have errands to run downtown today. I ended up taking a stroll down to the Robson Lululemon with the intention of ONLY buying the new socks I posted about bellow. Well, while I’m there I may as well just try on the Flashback Pullover. “Common, just try it!”  the voice in my head said, “You’ll hate it on anyways”.  Well I did not hate it. And the Wunder Grooves in Wish Blue. Loved them on me.

So Fell in love with all three things. Got the Flashback Pullover even though I wont be wearing it till the fall. Found those cute socks and got those….fell in love with the Wunder’s in Wish which is something I would never normally wear but I loved it so much on the Oakridge Facebook album with the Flashback Pullover and the Modern V Neck. Alas Robson only had the size 8 Wunders which gave me kamel toe so when I got home just a few minutes ago I called GEC. Nope, all sold out. Just size 8 left on the website which I’m having a really hard time not buying. I’m losing weight right? I’m so close to fitting these perfectly…should I get a pair of crops that may fit in September? How long will I get to wear them if I get these? What if I’m always left longing for these Wish Blue Wunder Grooves???

I still remember a tank I saw at Guess 10 years ago when I could wear itty-bitty clubby clothes. It was peach and it had the picture of a big juicy peach on it with the words Georgia Peach, cute as a button summer tank. I didn’t get it and I still think about that top. WOuld I still be wearing it today if I got it? Nope…but I still think about it.

*Update: I purchased the Wunder Grooves online in Wish/Black reversible. Maybe I’ll end up returning them but for now my heart rate has slowed down a bit. I love that hit of color with all the neutrals. 
Light Up Skirt&utm_source=productnotification&utm_medium=email&utm_content=womenproduct&utm_campaign=

Oh, before I forget. Robson had this Light Up Skirt that I had reported last week. I didn’t pick it up or try on but from a distance it looked to be longer than other skirts. It has a chamois in it and comes in sizes 4-10.  I’ve also heard reports that there are Black and White long sleeve Pima T’s available.
Featherweight Sock 3 Pack (womans)Alternate View

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Anonymous July 16, 2010 - 1:55 am

I say splurge and get those wish blue wunder unders!

Anonymous July 16, 2010 - 2:14 am

I too tried on the flashback pullover and loved it. Got the grey stride jacket with the red accents instead, but I am still tempted by the pullover. However, it only came in black in my store. One size down from my usual size fit best.

ellesmommy July 16, 2010 - 4:34 am

They have the wish blue wunder grooves on the US site in sizes 6-12. I bought them myself when they were first uploaded, and I love them even though right now I'm too shy to wear them. If you want me to buy them and ship them to you, it wouldn't be a problem!

trisha July 16, 2010 - 8:20 am

I wanted the flashback pullover when it came out the first time but was practically unavailable in the US (except for online and that was the ONE Thursday when i didn't wake up in time for the upload!). So I missed out on it then and now I want it, but it's just too warm here in Southern California and I decided I needed a pair of heels more…..:(

On another note, I totally know how you feel about the clothes that "got away" LOL! I've got a few that I often think wistfully of myself

Lulumum July 16, 2010 - 2:00 am

oh my your bad! That's all I've been doing for the past few months. I'm so greedy!

Becky July 16, 2010 - 12:56 pm

I really want those striped socks… if I called GEC, what would I ask for? Is there a product code or something?

Anonymous July 16, 2010 - 4:09 pm

I bought (and returned) the flashback pullover the first time it was out. It was SO comfy but I felt it looked bad with jeans because I'm on the shorter side, and I didn't want to solely use it in 'flashback' type outfits (pullover plus leggings). I sized down 2 sizes though and the top was still HUGE.

Lulumum July 16, 2010 - 2:46 pm

@Ellesmommy, thanks so much for your offer. I ended up getting the 8 as I think I need to push myself a bit to get to that size. I may return them because I'm feeling really guilty about them because what if I'm too chicken to wear the Wish Blue…on the other hand they do reverse to Black so it's not like I wouldn't use them.
@Trisha, I was really surprised, the Flashback pullover was a lot thinner than I expected it to be so I can probably handle wearing a t-shirt under it in September/October. I stayed TTS but maybe I should try a size down. I hate being indecisive about sizes.

Lulumum July 16, 2010 - 2:49 pm

@Becky, the socks only came in one variety pack of solid/dots and stripe. I didn't see any that were all stripes.
there were two packs, one had citron solid, pink polka dot and lolo stripe and the other pack was pink solid, lolo dots and citron stripe.

Lulumum July 16, 2010 - 4:20 pm

I was wondering the same thing about the Flashback and Jeans as I'm short with a long torso and short legs. Now that I've discovered Wunder unders though I think I'll find it hard to pull out my jeans in the Fall.


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