My Best Running Shoes Ever

by Cristina

These are the best pair of running shoes I have ever worn and also the first time I’ve ever had my shoes properly fitted at The Running Room. I used to wear a good pair of Asics for overpronation with good heel support thinking that that’s what I needed. I used to get shin splints really bad and ITB pain so I got some prescription orthotics from my chiropractor and that did help some but that’s a pretty expensive solution at $350 per pair. Luckily my chiropractor was also my boss and so I got mine for free.

So when I went into the Running Room and had my foot and gait assessed this past March I was very surprised to learn that I have a neutral foot. I tried on many a decent pair of shoes but when I tried on the New Balance 1064 I was very happy. the shoe is a little bit wider than what I’ve used before but my ankle and heel felt pretty locked in there without any movement. I also love the laces which I have never seen before. there a sausage link shaped lace so you don’t have to knot it to prevent your laces from becoming undone. I have a funny way of doing up my shoes for a run anyways so it’s never really an issue. I like to tuck in the excess laces under itself so I don’t get floppy laces thwaking my ankles.

This post isn’t so much about these shoes in particular because I don’t think you should pick shoes that work for someone else or that look pretty. This post is a recommendation to have your foot and gait assessed before you choose your running shoe. I had zero clue that I would have been a neutral foot and that wearing overly supportive shoes I was aggravating a shin splint and ITB issue. I still wear my orthotics of course because I like having the arch support, especially after two pregnancies. If you do wear orthotics make sure to take them in to were ever you get fitted for runners as well as your old running shoes so that they can look at the wear on the treads.

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