lululemon Restock: lululemon Early-Access Shop, lululemon Lilac Smoke, Kohlrabi Green

by Cristina

When does lululemon restock?

Every week lululemon restocks online their newest products, which I cover here. There are also holiday and special surprise drops. The Sweat Edit has been reliably covering lululemon Restocks since 2010, for free! No need to pay for a subscription. 

Don’t miss out on the lululemon Drops – Get the quickest lululemon Restock alerts here for free!

These are my favourite items from todays upload. I ordered the Lilac Smoke Swiftly SS, and the Hold Tight Scoop Neck Tank Top in Utility Blue. 

lululemon Early-Access Shop goes live in about an hour (2pm PST), so I’ll be back to add those items here shortly. If you aren’t signed up for Early-Access Shop, make sure to download the lululemon app and sign in to your account!

What is lululemon Early-Access? Periodically lululemon drops a special exclusive assortment of new product to anyone signed up to their membership, which is free. You can only access the exclusive drop on the lululemon App. The products become available widely after a few days.

lululemon Early-Access Shop

Define Jacket

twilight rose

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Christine May 1, 2023 - 9:36 pm

Thank you for all your work every week! Do you happen to know why Lululemon stopped offering their app on Android? I used to be able to have it on my phone, but now I can’t, which is super frustrating!

Cristina May 2, 2023 - 9:57 am

Hi Christine, wow I didn’t know they did this. This would be very frustrating during the early access drops. I’ll see if I can find out.


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