Early lululemon Drop This Week In Advance of the lululemon Black Friday Drop

by Cristina

In Advanced to the BIG lululemon Black Friday Drop this week, we have an early regular upload! Pink Peony, Green Jasper and Pomegranate are the stars of todays upload. The festive holiday color palette is featured in the lululemon align crops (various lengths and styles) The lululemon Define Jacket, Down For It All Jacket and more! The lululemon Crossbody Fleece Bucket Bag 2.5L is sure to be a hot seller this week. I also think the Brushed Softstreme Ribbed Half Zip will be a very hot seller/sell-out this week. It caught my eye early this evening, but now that I see the description says ‘peach-fuzz soft’… well I need that. 

Definitely stay tuned here for lululemon Black Friday info! 

To stay on top of when the next upload is (including the Black Friday Drop) read this post. You can find details on when to expect the uploads and how to sign up for alerts so you can join us here each week for the restocks.  

This weeks product drop

I’m back to the crossfit gym this week after an embarrassingly long hiatus. I’ve actually had a fair bit of anxiety about rejoining – afraid of being too out of shape, embarrassed about being away so long, worried about changes at the gym over the past three years… despite all that I’ve really missed it. Lately I’ve been feeling pretty down thanks to the dark and dreary season. The best first-step to remedy that is to get out to the gym, and get back to that community. That’s really my main goal for getting back to the gym. Not weight loss, not strength training, just getting back to good mental health habits. 

Needless to say, I’ve given myself a little reward for committing to restarting this week. A few new lulu pieces! I ordered Green Jasper Aligns, considering the pink peony Down For It All Jacket vs. Define Jacketand got the High-Neck Running and Training T-Shirt in a couple of new colors. I also have a new workout\accountability buddy to go with. My 14 year old has decided she wants to join my crossfit gym too, which thrills me. I’m very nervous, but really excited to get back to it in a new way. 

lululemon Align V-Waist Pant 25"

green jasper, pomegranate, black

Always Effortless Insulated Jacket

green jasper, black, roasted brown

Softstreme Turtleneck Pullover

pomegranate, powder blue, black, white opal

lululemon Define Jacket *luon

pomegranate, pink peony

Swiftly Tech Short Sleeve Shirt 2.0

Gradient Block Pomegranate/Pink Peony, powder blue, pink peony

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Dayna Nichol November 21, 2022 - 4:28 pm

Thanks for this, Christina! I do have a question….did Lululemon stop with the “Throwback” releases? We haven’t seen any in awhile and I’m curious! Wouldn’t it be great to see Quiet Stripes in Aligns???

Cristina November 22, 2022 - 11:30 pm

I’m not sure. I know it was only suppose to ge once per month. there was one last month while I was away. I’d love to see quiet stripe back.

Shelley November 24, 2022 - 6:19 am

I find everything is super cropped these days…. I can’t pull those off..

Cristina November 24, 2022 - 1:23 pm

Yes I agree. Most of the time cropped doesn’t work for me but when they do work for me proportionally they are great. The new Brushed Softstreme 1/2 zip (This Post ) is an example. Just slightly cropped, but more waist length and relaxed.


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