lululemon Restocks:

by Cristina

The lululemon Restock Upload is here! Yesterday we had lululemon Shoe Drop (buy the Strongfeel Women’s Training Shoe here).

I didn’t realize yesterday with the shoe drop that we also got early upload. my apologies for not having the post up in time. It was actually an insanely stressful day preparing for our trip, with a major logistics issue pop up for our travels. My entire extended family is going on this trip (different flights throughout the week) and the first to fly out yesterday encountered conflicting covid restriction issues.

Turns out our travel information from the embassy, and government website was completely different from the information the airlines are working from, which are also different from the news articles. Government officials weren’t really sure of anything.  It’s all to do with accepted vaccines + accepted testing requirements etc, and which country requires what. The first traveler of or group was initially not being let on their flight (eventually they where able to).

This person alerted all of us yesterday afternoon of the problem which set off a chain of events.

Traveler group two then had to race out to fulfill this new different test requirement before their flight today and didn’t know until a half hour before their flight if they’d be able to go. You can’t exactly drop in at 6pm just to get this test done here, without appointments. And of course our own requirements had to be adjusted as well, with potentially having to fly into a completely different country. Needless to say we did not sleep last night. 4am this morning we where alerted that all was good on our end.

Mercury retrograde, you a B@tch!

If you are traveling abroad, my advice is to contact the airlines periodically and ask them what instructions ticket agents are currently working with for requirements. It’s constantly changing, and information isn’t flowing efficiently. 

Anyways, onward with the upload!

I am part of the lululemon Creator Network and will receive a commission if you make a purchase through the links below.

Waterproof Hiking Half-Zip Pullover

Turquoise Tide | Psychedelic Toile Peri Purple Multi

Hooded Radiant Jacket

Mulled Wine,. Dark Olive

lululemon Mini Belt Bag

Psychedelic Toile Peri Purple Multi

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